Chapter 346
In the beginning, a few sporadic outsiders ordered drinks, but as the weather got hotter, more and more people ordered.

The three of them re-divided work, Jing Chengxi was responsible for delivering drinks outside the school, Wang Xiuhong was responsible for delivering drinks inside the school, and Ju Min stayed at the drink shop to make drinks.

To be honest, I was too busy and some orders had to be returned.

Who can understand the psychology of making money but not making money?

Ju Min wished she had four hands and eight legs!

This is just the amount of orders when there are no other activities for sending some worthless gifts. If she organizes another activity, her business designation will be better and she will earn more money.

Hire someone else?
Ju Min calculated carefully, excluding the cost of hiring people, hiring more people didn't actually make much money.

The most important thing is that the beverage store is inside the school after all, and when the other dining areas are quiet, they are busy making a lot of money, which can easily make people feel unbalanced.

In case anyone can't stand it and tell the school's logistics department that there is nothing, it will not be so easy to rent this place again after the lease contract expires.

It's not that they don't rent it to her, it's because they are afraid of raising the price.

It's really uncomfortable to have money and not be able to earn it all, but there is no other way, so it's uncomfortable.

Recently, everyone has been quite tired. Ju Min chose a weekend to treat everyone to dinner, which is considered as a reward for everyone.

Ju Ling is the boss's younger sister, and she is not at all guilty of coming to this meal.

Ruan Xiaofeng was more guilty. He didn't work for the beverage store but came to eat Ju Min's food. No matter how he thought about it, he didn't think it was right.

When Ruan Xiaofeng mentioned this during the meal, Ju Min said indifferently: "Brother Xiaofeng, do you still figure it out so clearly with me? I just don't talk about rewards or rewards. I'll get everyone together for a meal. How about you?" Why don’t you come? Speaking of which, brother Xiaofeng, you and your sister-in-law have been working in the cafeteria for a few months, how do you feel? Do you have any ideas?”

Chatting while eating, talking freely, they are all friends who know everything, so naturally there is nothing to hide.

Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong did have plans.

They don't want to work for others all the time, and they want to do something on their own with some money.

They didn't know what to do before, but now, they also want to rent a place in the cafeteria to sell some food and drink.

I haven't thought about what to sell specifically, so I can think about it slowly. After all, I can't do anything this semester, and I have to do it in the next semester.

Of course Ju Min will support them, if they lack money, they will give money, and if they lack strength, they will support them.

They were chatting vigorously, and Ju Ling, who had been eating sullenly, suddenly asked Ju Min: "Sister, what are your plans after I go to university and leave Yunhe?"

Everyone stopped talking, and their puzzled eyes flicked back and forth between the two sisters.

The business of the beverage store is so good, even if Ju Ling doesn't go to No. [-] Middle School, Ju Min doesn't have any reason to quit.If she doesn't do such a profitable business, what else does she want to do?
Ju Min put down his chopsticks, smiled at the big guy, and said calmly: "I really don't plan to do this for the rest of my life! No matter how prosperous a beverage store's business is, the only money it can make is that. Opening a chain or something else, I’m not very proud of this line of work, so I still have to do other things in the future.”

Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong were shocked by her words.

Not satisfied with such a profitable business, Ju Min is still thinking about more profitable business.

God, what an appetite, if they can have Ju Min's current business, let alone do other things, they are not happy even if they move to another place to open a beverage store.

Guarding such a beverage store, they can live comfortably for the rest of their lives, and they can wake up from their dreams with smiles, what exactly is Ju Min thinking.

So, people are different from each other.

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife just want to live comfortably, but Ju Min is not.She is the boss of the Ju family, and she feels that the burden on her shoulders is heavy, and she must support the entire Ju family.

The second sister invested a lot in the orchard, and she needs money for everything. If she wants to support Ju Jing, she must first have a way to make money.

The third sister's study expenses are not big, but what if she has other plans in the future?Nowadays, it is fashionable for families with conditions to send their children to study abroad. Whether her younger sister wants to go is another matter. If she wants to go home, she must be able to come up with money.

My parents and grandma are getting old, and I don’t know how many years the family restaurant will be able to operate, so they will have to spend money to see a doctor when they get sick!

How expensive it is to see a doctor, and a serious illness may bring down a family.If she is rich enough, not only will she not let such a thing happen, but she will also be able to send her family to a place with better medical conditions for treatment if her family is seriously ill. For these, she must also earn more and more money .

Outsiders don't know about Ju Min's deep thoughts, but both Ju Jing and Ju Ling know, that's why Ju Ling asked her like this.

Ju Min didn't explain that much to outsiders, but said: "I still think it's more reliable to open a factory in the whole Guolinzi like Jingjing to do something real. Anyway, there is still more than a year, I slowly think about it. Save money, don’t worry about it.”

"Sister, if you go to do other things, what should I do?" Jing Chengxi asked sullenly.

Ju Min even thought about his future path, and replied: "You young man, what do you want to do? I will save all your salary for you. If you don't want to work with me, you can use the money to do what you want to do. If you want to study and learn something, it’s fine. If you can’t, you can also go to your sister Jing, she is also short of manpower.”

"Isn't my salary paid off? Big sister, don't be so nice to me." Jing Chengxi lowered his head and poked the rice in the bowl with chopsticks. He couldn't see his expression but could hear his voice trembling.

Ju Min patted his arm with a smile, didn't say much, and ended the topic without saying: "Let's not talk about it, it seems that we are hypocritical. I have to eat and eat today. I will spend a lot of money on this meal, but Don't leave them all."

With Jing Chengxi around, it is guaranteed that there will not be even a leaf of vegetable left.The young man at this age has an amazing appetite, his stomach is like a bottomless pit.

Ju Min brought the topic to the fore, but someone was interested in it.

When she went back to work in the beverage store on the weekend night, Wang Xiuhong said to Ju Min cautiously: "Big girl, if you don't open this store in the future, can you give it to me and your brother Xiaofeng?"

Anyway, they also want to rent a place in the cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School to do something. Instead of fixing those things that don’t know if they can be sold well, they might as well sell drinks. They don’t need to use their brains, just follow the business ideas left by Ju Min Just keep going.

Ju Min naturally wouldn't disagree, she didn't have the domineering idea of ​​"not wanting it myself and not allowing others to want it".

But I have to say something up front, at least she will work until after Ju Ling's college entrance examination, there is still more than a year. If Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife want to take over the beverage store, they will have to wait for more than a year.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you afrashui for your reward, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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