Chapter 352
Is it because she is thinking too much or what Yin Kaixuan said is wrong, why does she think that what he said is weird.

"What happened to my second sister?" Ju Ling asked.

Yin Kaixuan yawned big, and said vaguely: "We drank some wine after you went back to sleep. She drank too much and chased the dog around the yard for several laps. The dog was exhausted. I let the dog go after two o'clock in the middle of the night, went to sleep and vomited twice in the tent, all of which I cleaned up."

Ju Ling: .
How badly did she sleep last night? She didn't even hear the sound of the second sister chasing the dog.

Having said that, why can't a dog be seen in the yard now?
Just wondering, a hood was pulled open, and four hula dogs sprang out from inside.

Ju Ling: .
Immediately afterwards, Ju Min poked his head out from the tent, and asked Ju Ling in a low voice in a daze: "little boy, what time is it now? My mobile phone is out of battery, so don't be too late. Our parents are coming to see what's going on in the yard." It’s time to blame us for the mess.”

Before Ju Ling could answer, Jing Chengxi and Peng Yan walked out of the restaurant together. Both of them looked unhappy, obviously they didn't sleep well last night.

"It's early in summer, it's only after five o'clock, it's still early, why don't you sleep a little longer," Peng Yan replied for Ju Ling.

The eldest sister of the Ju family, who has always been hardworking and rarely sleeps in, is obedient, and really pulls up the tent again to catch up on sleep.

Ju Ling's head was a little dazed, and she couldn't figure out what was going on now.

"Did you two sleep together?" Ju Ling asked with doubts in her heart.

Jing Chengxi drooped his eyelids and answered without energy: "Why are you talking so strangely? What do you mean sleeping together? It's just sleeping on a big kang. What's more, it's all your fault. You and Jing were clearly agreed last night. Elder Sister and Elder Sister slept in a tent, but the three of you got into a tent by yourself, so we had to go into the house and sleep on the kang.”

How many things happened last night, Ju Ling felt that she went to bed early and missed the whole world.

The early birds had work to do, and together Ju Ling and Jing Chengxi cleaned up the yard, washed up briefly and helped Brother Long make breakfast.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, Ju Ling woke up all the eldest and second sisters.

I played too crazy last night, and the result is that during the day, everyone was sluggish. One by one, Ju Ling finished a set of math papers for nearly three hours. .

Qiao Jue looked at the head of the paper and felt more pain, rubbed the center of his brows and said, "Forget it, you are not in good shape today, I will give you a day off, let's take a day off."

Ju Ling, who was still languid just now, suddenly had no headache and no blurred vision, and felt comfortable everywhere, so she slid out to play with her second sister.

However, her second sister was accompanied by Yin Kaixuan, and she moved closer like a big light bulb, getting in the way.

If you can't play with the second sister, then go to the eldest sister, but her elder sister has more people around her than the second sister.Both Jing Chengxi and Peng Yan were with Ju Min. The three of them didn't have enough fighting against the landlord last night, so they set up a game in broad daylight.

After going around in a circle, she still returned to Qiao Jue's side. She had a headache from doing the questions, so she went online.

As soon as the computer was turned on, it automatically logged into Ju Jing's QQ account, and Ju Ling finally knew how busy her second sister was online, and the small profile picture flashed and flashed without stopping.

Ju Ling didn't look at her second sister's QQ, but only logged into her own account to check Ju Jing's space and her updated diary.

Ju Jing has been very busy in the past few months, but the frequency of diary updates is quite high, with three to four articles a week.

The quantity is great and the quality is also high.

It is still pictures with text, the pictures are vivid and interesting, the text is simple and simple, and the overall life is full of flavor. To be honest, it is really attractive.

"My second sister is really amazing," Ju Ling and Qiao Jue said with emotion.

As soon as she turned her head, her ear just brushed Qiao Jue's face, which gave her a shock.

"When did you come here?" Ju Ling stepped back a little, putting distance from Qiao Jue.

Qiao Jue sat beside her, and said helplessly: "I'm not a scourge, why are you hiding? I saw you staring at the screen for a long time, and I was curious about what you were looking at. Besides, your second sister's photo is really good. Not bad, the writing is not bad, no wonder the publishing house is willing to publish a book for her."

When it comes to publishing books, Ju Ling is especially proud of her second sister.

At the beginning of July, Ju Jing's book was officially launched. Ju Jing thought that it would not sell much, but unexpectedly, it was out of stock, and the publisher printed another edition.

Why is it selling so well?Because there are many rich people among her netizens.

There are a lot of pictures of Linzi in the book, and there are quite a few pictures of the small fruit trees with small signs engraved with the names of netizens. They are all fruit trees claimed by netizens. Because of their online names and small fruit trees, they are not allowed to buy this book. book?

The fact is that quite a few people bought more than one copy. One netizen who had known Yin Wanrou longer than Yin Wanrou bought [-] copies at once, saying that they would distribute them as employee benefits.

The reason is as simple as that. Many people who use the Internet to spend money in games before they have even seen a computer, dare not say everyone, at least most of the economic conditions are not bad.

Peng Yan has the best friends in real life, and Ju Jing has the best friends in the online world. The most important thing is that these two people can still keep the friends they make, and they are very interesting at critical moments.

Speaking of her second sister, Ju Ling couldn't hide her admiration.The eldest sister and the second sister are her role models, independent and self-improving, it is really very rare to be able to be independent at such a young age.

Qiao Jue also thought that she felt inferior to her elder sister and second sister, and comforted her: "You are not inferior to your elder sister and second sister. You have good grades, you can be admitted to a good university, and if you take every step in the future solidly, you will be fine." It will do something."

Ju Ling turned off the webpage and looked at Qiao Jue, and said with a smile, "Of course I'm not worse than the eldest sister and the second sister, but I'm their younger sister. With two such good sisters, how could I be inferior."

As soon as the words were finished, her two good sisters entered the room together, and Ju Jing rolled her eyes at Qiao Jue.

"Why are you so close to my little sister? Are you talking bad about me and my eldest sister?" Ju Jing snorted coldly.

The latter sentence is not important, what is important is the first sentence, which warns Qiao Jue to stay away from her little sister.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue glanced at each other lightly, thinking in their hearts that it's fortunate that the eldest sister and second sister didn't know about their sleeping in a tent, otherwise Qiao Jue might lose one of his legs.

Qiao Jue, who saved his leg, has work to do today.

There was a shortage of firewood at home, so Ju Wenqi contacted a wood processing factory and bought a few truckloads of unused leftovers to use as firewood.They delivered the goods to the door, and it was estimated that the car would come over in a while.

It just so happens that there are many young people in the family, and they are all out to exercise vigorously. Let's unload the car and chop firewood.

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(End of this chapter)

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