Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 353 Buying a House

Chapter 353 Buying a House
It's not too expensive to buy a few cars of firewood, but there are still people who say sour things.

When the young people were unloading their cars, a few people from the village came over and looked from the side with their arms folded, not knowing what to see.

Just looking at it doesn't count, and I have to laugh and say a few words.

One of the aunts said how precious the firewood is now, and they are not allowed to go up the mountain to cut trees, and can only burn beans and corn, especially when smoking is easy to block the chimney.

Someone next to him answered the call, asking her to follow the example of Ju Laosan in spending money to buy firewood.

The aunt, who was able to speak well just now, immediately felt sour, saying that her family has no money to buy firewood, and rural people even have to buy firewood, so only rich people can do this kind of thing.

Ju Jing has a short temper, and it's best to deal with this kind of hateful person.

She stood up with her hands on her hips, and imitated her aunt's tone and said sourly: "Hey, auntie, do you still have bean sprouts and rice dumplings in your house? It's great! We don't farm any land and don't have these things to cook. I can only spend a little money to buy firewood. There is not much money for a car of firewood. If you can’t even afford a few cars of firewood and you know that you envy others, then you really can’t live. Find a root of noodles and just stab yourself to death. .”

The aunt's complexion is not to mention how pretty, and Ju Jing is not used to them, and continued: "We are not playing a monkey show, what's so good about it? If you don't help, just stay where you are cool, and we will charge for it later. Ah, the fee is quite expensive."

Throwing all these people away, Jing Chengxi gave his sister Jing a thumbs up: "I admire, I have never obeyed anything in my life, but I will obey what Sister Jing says."

Ju Jing's mouth is really powerful, not only insulting outsiders, but also her own people.If she is unhappy, she will be angry, and when she is happy, she will be angry. People who are interested will not provoke her or simply coax her to say, hello, hello, hello, everyone.But there is the kind of person who likes to be bullied, and makes Ju Jing bully him even if he has nothing to do, as if he is sick.

Yin Kaixuan is the kind of person who is sick.

After unloading the car, I started splitting firewood, because there was still a lot of firewood, and the work was tiring, and everyone was too busy working to talk.

Only Yin Kaixuan is an exception. He seems to have solar cells installed on him, and he is always full of energy. He chatters around Ju Jing endlessly. annoying.

Thinking of taking a day off, they ended up working all day, and several young people's hands were shaking when they ate at night. Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei said that young people nowadays lack exercise, and they can't work after a while.

No matter what it is, the three words "I can't do it" seem to have magical powers, and they can always arouse people, especially men's desire to fight.

It's a pity, the boys are facing Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, they are elders, no matter how strong their desire to fight is, they can't show it.

It's no wonder that this kind of emotion settled down in my heart, so the boys got together to drink again after dinner.

With a stack of peanuts and a bottle of small beer, a few people floated up after a while, chatting wherever they wanted.

While chatting, the topic turned to buying a house for some reason.

None of them planned to buy a house, and they were talking about housing prices.

Over the past few years, housing prices have shown an overall upward trend, and the rate of increase is not fast, but it cannot be sustained and continues to rise. Some people who claim to be professional say that it will fall soon, but it will never come down.

None of them are professionals, they all rely on intuition.

Qiao Jue believes that housing prices will continue to rise, and this rising trend will last for a long time. If conditions permit, it would be good to buy a few houses as an investment.

Yin Kaixuan and Peng Yan didn't pay much attention to the matter of the house. They thought it was enough to have a place to live in. The important thing was who they lived with.

But Qiao Jue's words reminded them, Qiao Jue said: "It doesn't matter if you are a bachelor and don't have a house. If you get married, you must have your own house, even if you can't live in it. I think it's like this all over here."

Yin Kaixuan and Peng Yan, who had no interest in buying a house at first, suddenly became energetic and began to analyze with Qiao Jue.

The more they analyze, the more they feel that buying a house is an urgent matter, and the sooner they buy it, the better.

Jing Chengxi, who had been listening from the side, suddenly interrupted: "You think buying a house is buying rice and noodles? You just buy it? I heard that it costs a lot of money to buy a decent house in Yunhe. Are you sure you can buy a house after discussing it here?"

Both Yin Kaixuan and Peng Yan fell silent, lowered their heads and silently began to settle accounts.

Peng Yan was the first to figure it out. He said, "With my current savings, it's not a problem to buy a set or two in Yunhe, not to mention Binjiang."

Yin Kaixuan then said: "My dad has already lifted the economic blockade against me. He added one piece to the New Year's money and pocket money he gave me in the early years. I should be able to buy a house at my house. If Fangyunhe You can buy several sets."

Kyung Seung Hee:
Poor Xiaojing wants to quit the group chat.

In fact, Jing Chengxi is not considered poor, he also has a house in Yunhe, although it is an old house, but if he has to catch up with the demolition, he will earn money.

After they finished speaking, they turned their eyes to Qiao Jue at the same time, waiting for him to confess.

Qiao Jue smiled ashamedly: "I don't earn a lot, spend a lot, and don't have much savings, but I really don't have a shortage of houses. My grandfather and my mother each left me a house, and I live in a rented house. I have one set, but I will consider buying another set if conditions permit.”

Not much earned, not much spent, what he said was true and sincere.

He received a salary as a teacher, and a project subsidy for participating in the experimental project, which was actually not much.He has no concept of saving money, he buys whatever he wants, and he also picks up good and expensive ones, so he really doesn't have any savings until now.

Jing Chengxi's heart was sour, but he said: "Brother Qiao, you can't go on like this. You can't just have a house and no savings. In case of an emergency, you don't even have emergency money. Now you are single Let’s talk about it, what should I do if my partner gets married in the future?”

"I can't, I can do it with my partner." Qiao Jue smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, you are the only one of the four of us who has nowhere to go. What do you think?"

Qiao Jue turned the topic wonderfully, and Jing Chengxi suddenly became the focus.

He looked away uncomfortably, leaned back tightly on the back of the chair, took a sip of beer and smiled indifferently: "I'm still young, don't worry."

His behavior was a bit abnormal, and Qiao Jue and the others could see it, but he didn't want to talk, and the others didn't ask much.

Whether you don't ask or don't ask, I don't think much about it.

Among them, Peng Yan was the one who thought the most!

Because he found that Jing Chengxi liked to hang around Ju Min.

She yelled one big sister at a time, and would act coquettishly with Ju Min when she had nothing to do, which didn't match Jing Chengxi's tough image at all.

So, is it possible that Jing Chengxi likes Ju Min in his heart?He and Jing Chengxi are not good brothers at all, but rivals in love?

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(End of this chapter)

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