Chapter 364
Compared with the summer vacation, Ju's family in the winter vacation is really deserted.

The affairs of Yin Kaixuan's family have not been dealt with, this winter will definitely not come, and it is not certain when he will be able to come in the future, maybe he will never come again.

Peng Yan was going to the south to connect with his friends, and he would not come back until after the Chinese New Year. He didn't have time to come to the future father-in-law's house to give a gift.

Qiao Jue's work unit is busy, but it's just not sure if he can come over for the time being.

In the end, apart from the three girls from Ju's family, only Jing Chengxi came back with him. He was quite proud, feeling that he suddenly became the most popular person in his family.

The fact is that he thinks too much, he is the only young guy in the family, he can talk about anything when he has no work, but he can't think about leisure when he has work.

On the second day after arriving home, it snowed heavily for a day and a night.Early in the morning, the three sisters were all stuck in bed and refused to get up, so Jing Chengxi could only obediently carry the shovel to shovel the snow.

The front and back yards of the hotel plus the front and back yards of his own house, Jing Chengxi worked for more than a day to shovel the snow to the corners and pile it up.

Before the snow fell, Ju Jing had just made some insulation measures for the fruit trees on the mountain, and she couldn't take it lightly after the snow, she had to take a look.

The snow is so deep that the road to the other side is not easy to walk. Ju Jing set off with several dogs, and they opened the way for her as if they were having fun. Convenience.

Ju Jing went to the hillside, while Ju Min and Jing Chengxi went to the restaurant to help.There are banquets in restaurants these days, and no one can be free.

Ju Ling stayed at home to take care of her grandma and study hard. It seemed that she was the most leisurely, but in fact she was the one under the greatest pressure.

This winter, grandma's physical condition is not very good, she stays listless all day long, eats little food, and looks thinner than before.

Everyone in Mr. Ju's family is busy with serious business, so it's interesting that everyone in Mr. Ju's family is busy.

Huang Zhaodi officially settled down at Ju Changfu's house.

The original layout of Ju Changfu's house was that one house was divided into two courtyards, the east and the west, and the yards were connected. Ju Changfu and his wife lived at one end and Ju Tangcheng and his wife lived at the other. It was a family or two.

After Huang Zhaodi moved in, she asked Ju Tangcheng to seal the door in the middle of the courtyard, and she could only go in and out through the gates of the two courtyards. It was obvious that she wanted to separate the family.

But why?

Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong were not convinced, and neither were Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu. They often scolded Huang Zhaodi for this matter, and Ju Tangcheng was also punished.

But it doesn't work.

Ju Tangcheng, who used to jump up and down and beat his wife, is now like a little rabbit, especially if he listens to Huang Zhaodi, no one can take care of him.

Huang Zhaodi was even more stubborn. She scolded anyone who scolded her, and she dared to fight with all her might. With such a temper, who would really dare to irritate her.

Should I say it or not, her little temper is really similar to the temper of the three sisters of the Ju family, fierce, not easy to provoke, and dare to fight.

In the end, the matter of the door between the two houses was still unresolved, and Ju Wenlin and the others got nothing but anger.

Huang Zhaodi is a really powerful woman. She is not only good at fighting and swearing, but also good at dealing with people.

She will not show good looks to those who look down on her, but she will definitely be good to those who have no ill intentions towards her.

When Huang Zhaodi first came to the village, she brought her son to Ju’s Restaurant for shopping. Ju Wenqi saw that the little boy was staring at the gadgets on his table, so he cheerfully asked the little boy to pick a few and take them home to play. .

It wasn't a big deal in itself, but Huang Zhaodi was very grateful to Ju Wenqi, and sent a plate of dumplings to Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei the next day when they made dumplings at home.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are also the kind of people who treat others well if they treat them well. No matter what enmity Huang Zhaodi has with others, it has nothing to do with them and will not affect their getting along.

Therefore, every time Doudou came to play, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei would bring him some snacks, and they would also want to send a plate to Huang Zhaodi for any delicious food they made at home.

After coming and going, Huang Zhaodi became acquainted with Ju Wenqi and his wife.Knowing that the restaurant had to find someone to work for the banquet, Huang Zhaodi volunteered to work for Ju Wenqi and his wife.

Huang Zhaodi's work is very practical, she can do all the work before and after the banquet, and she can find ways to resolve any conflicts between guests, and she is very pragmatic and meticulous.

Ju Wenlin's family and Ju Laosan's family have deep grievances, and they don't talk to each other if they don't want to make money. Those who are full and have nothing to do but like to be careless can have nothing to say.

They can't talk about Ju Wenqi and his wife, they only watch the jokes of Ju Wenlin's family, and Ju Wenlin's family is full of anger.

When the popularity reaches a certain level, it will definitely explode. Ju Wenlin burst into anger, and called Ju Tangcheng to whip him.

The pumping was so ruthless that neither Ju Changfu nor Bai Guirong could stop him, and the old man was so tired that Ju Tang was injured all over after one meal.

After smoking, Ju Wenlin gritted his teeth and said, "Ju Tangcheng, don't forget that you have a wife, and your wife's surname is Li."

A legitimate daughter-in-law is not the same as an unknown woman brought back from outside. Ju Wenlin hopes that Ju Tangcheng will recognize the reality.

Ju Tangcheng doesn't care about these.Li Fengjiao took the money and ran away, and he would not want a woman who made him lose his boss. Even if she came back, he would not want this kind of woman. Now he just wants to live a good life with Huang Zhaodi, and nothing else is important.

Soft and hard are not easy to use, and Ju Wenlin has no choice but to sever ties with Ju Tangcheng.Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong are just such a precious son, it is impossible to sever the relationship.

Later, it was Li Qiuju who gave them an idea.

If they can't be separated, then they won't be allowed to separate, and it depends on how they can live their lives.

Don't let Ju Tangcheng go out to work for a while, and let him stay at home first.

If you stay at home, you have to live by farming and raising livestock. You need money to buy livestock. Does Ju Tangcheng have money?No, so this way doesn't work.

What about that kind of place?It doesn't work either.The guys who farm the land are all at Ju Changfu's house. There is nothing at Ju Tangcheng's house. If you want to farm the land, you have to buy it yourself. It's all money.

They can't raise livestock and can't farm land. What do they live on?Life can't go on, let alone whether Huang Zhaodi is willing to follow Ju Tangcheng, even if she is willing, Ju Tangcheng himself may not be able to bear that kind of tight life.

At that time, Ju Changfu will have a good chat with Ju Tangcheng. The relationship between father and son for so many years is stronger than the relationship between men and women who have not been together for a year.

Once the big guys put it all together, this idea seems to be working, anyway, there is no other way, so let's do it first.

After returning home from the meeting, Ju Changlong asked Li Qiuju puzzled, "Didn't you say that you don't want to get involved in their family's affairs, why do you still give them advice?"

Li Qiuju snorted and said with a disdainful smile: "Brothers and sisters-in-law have often tripped us up all these years, now I have the opportunity to trip them back, can I spare them?!"

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(End of this chapter)

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