Chapter 365

Ju Changlong still didn't understand what Li Qiuju meant, and only got the answer after repeated questioning.

Li Qiuju was pretty good at seeing people. The first time she saw Huang Zhaodi, she felt that this woman was not easy to mess with. She couldn't overwhelm her without land and livestock. She had other ways to deal with it.

In the end, all her attention was accepted because Ju Wenlin and the others underestimated Huang Zhaodi and didn't regard her as a particularly difficult person to deal with.

"Stay at home and have no land to grow and no livestock to raise. What else is there to do? Life will only get worse and worse." Ju Changlong actually had the same idea as Ju Wenlin and the others.

Li Qiuju gave him a slanted look, and said in distaste: "Think about it carefully, do all of our village live by farming and raising livestock?"

Of course not, Ju's restaurant relies on restaurants and selling things, Zhao Fen relies on selling dry food and pastries.

"I haven't heard what Huang Zhaodi can do, what can she do?" Ju Changlong still didn't figure it out.

"You said there are so many people in our village, why doesn't she lick the third uncle and the third aunt instead of other people?" Li Qiuju asked back.

Ju Changlong suddenly realized.

He gave his daughter-in-law a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "It's still that you have too many ideas, I didn't think of this. She is close to the third uncle and the third uncle. The eldest brother, sister-in-law and our parents will definitely not like it. In the future There must be some trouble, maybe it can even reach the third uncle and three aunts, we don't care about anything and just watch the excitement."

Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju are also very vengeful people.

Li Qiuju has always had a problem with her in-laws' family because when Ju Changlong was arrested, the whole family didn't stretch out their hands and wanted to hide. At that time, she saw clearly the true face of the family, and whoever was sincere was really stupid.

Ju Changlong doesn't have much opinion on his parents, brother and sister-in-law, but the object of his grudge is Ju Wenqi's family.

Wasn't he arrested back then because of his own livestock and Ju Wenqi's Linzi? He didn't find fault with himself, he just blamed others.

The couple are quite clear about their calculations, but people’s hearts are not so calculating, and they are wrong about one thing—Huang Zhaodi’s politeness to Ju Wenqi and his wife really didn’t mean that she wanted to rely on them to live in Xiaofuqiangtun, she was really just giving back to her right She's a nice person.

Don't expect people who are not grateful to understand what gratitude is, but Li Qiuju is right about one thing, Huang Zhaodi will not be easily defeated by reality.

Ju Wenlin's family stood still for the time being, and Huang Zhaodi got a respite and began to think about what to do with the money he saved from part-time jobs.

What she wants to do has nothing to do with Ju Laosan's family. The happiest thing for Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei now is that Qiao Jue is here.

There is another young man in the family, and there is an extra bowl and a pair of chopsticks for eating. The couple like it when they see it.

Ju Ling was also very happy in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it, for fear that the eldest sister and the second sister would have ideas.

In fact, she didn't need to show anything, as soon as they saw Qiao Jue, Ju Min and Ju Jing had already started gnashing their teeth.

When Mr. Zhuo was away, Ju Min and Ju Jing started to clean up Qiao Jue.

It's not enough to do it manually, it's mainly a verbal attack.

The previous non-compliance with the agreement must be brought up and talked about, followed by a warning, telling Qiao Jue to behave himself and not to touch his hands.

Ju Jing even asked Qiao Jue not to be alone with her younger sister, no matter what she was doing, there must be a third person by her side, and this third person could not be grandma.

Qiao Jue didn't dare to be angry or speak out, no matter what the eldest sister and the second sister said, he obediently responded.

After they finished speaking, he smiled slightly and called "big sister and second sister", and immediately provoked Ju Min and Ju Jing.

What is it called sister? I don’t know how old I am?He is the oldest and still calls someone else's sister, even though he is an old bird, he still pretends to be tender, so as not to bother him.

Anyway, it's not right to say anything about Qiao Jue, the wisest choice is to say nothing, it's not bad.

In fact, Ju Min and Ju Jing are not the kind of people who love to find trouble, they just can't get angry.

Qiao Jue's domination of their good little sister made them feel that Qiao Jue had ulterior motives for Ju Linghao all these years.

This feeling is of course wrong, and they know it, but they just can't help thinking so.

The rule is that Qiao Jue is not allowed to be alone with Ju Ling, but who has time to watch them when they are really busy, so they have to be alone together.

It is not quite accurate to say that she is alone, grandma is still at home, but grandma has her own small world, so she can be completely ignored.

Qiao Jue attaches great importance to this winter vacation. He wants to teach Ju Ling more things so that she can perform better in the college entrance examination.

Qiao Jue made a winter vacation study plan for Ju Ling, and wrote very clearly what time to get up every day and what to do every hour.Although it was a plan for Ju Ling, it was actually the two of them who were restrained, because Qiao Jue would accompany her to study and guide her throughout the process.

After studying Ju Ling, he can rest and go to bed early. Qiao Jue will also summarize Ju Ling's study for the day, what he has learned, which aspects need to be strengthened, and which knowledge points he has not mastered well. He also needs to adjust the next day according to these problems. study plan.

Sometimes when she sees Qiao Jue frowning and staring at her study, Ju Ling will feel that Qiao Jue is more nervous and hardworking than her.

During the break, Ju Ling asked Qiao Jue: "Brother Xiao Jue, didn't you work so hard when you were in high school?"

Qiao Jue shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly: "Tit for tat, what I didn't understand at that time is now understood. I hope our children can be smarter, and don't let us both worry about studies, it's too difficult."

Ju Ling couldn't help laughing, after laughing, she grabbed Qiao Jue's hand and kissed it on the back, tilted her head and said, "Do you still find it difficult now?"

Qiao Jue shook his head: "It's not difficult, it's a very happy thing to study with you."

It only takes a kiss on the back of the hand to make Qiao Jue go from suffering and hatred to happiness, it's that simple.

In fact, for many people, happiness is really a very simple thing. You don't need to remember it deeply or share life and death, even if you just look at it more and hold hands, you will be extremely happy.

Those who have this realization are Zhao Fen and Uncle Hu.

Uncle Hu's daughter and son-in-law refused to let Uncle Hu go to Daji to find Zhao Fen on the grounds that it was cold and slippery in winter, and it was very difficult for the two of them to meet each other.

Your uncle will always be your uncle, and Uncle Hu did not give in. If he is not allowed to go to the big fair or take the main road, he will take a long way to Xiaofuqiang to find Zhao Fen.

His long detour happened to pass through the hillside of Ju Jing. Zhao Laohan and Dachun saw him as an old man walking around in the wind and snow, so they let him go into the small room to rest for a while. Uncle Hu and Zhao Laohan The two became acquainted.

Later, the small house under the hillside became a meeting place for Uncle Hu and Zhao Fen.

The two of them agreed on a time to meet, and they just came here to meet, just like a joint.

As the relationship between the two deepened, they were no longer satisfied with the status quo, and it was Zhao Fen who decided to take a step forward regardless of everything!
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(End of this chapter)

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