Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 381 The Bottom Line

Chapter 381 The Bottom Line
Qiao Jue met the lover of his current dean of the department, whose surname is Cai, who works in University B. Qiao Jue usually calls her Professor Cai.

Professor Cai really likes Qiao Jue, and every time we meet, he has to chat with him for a long time.

This time with Ju's family, it's not easy to let so many people stand around, so Qiao Jue gave them an introduction.

Ju Ling was standing beside him, and she should be introduced first, but Qiao Jue was having a hard time, should he tell the truth.

Let's be honest, the colleagues and leaders of his school must know about it later, he has nothing to worry about. After all, Ju Ling is not a student of their school, and there is no violation of rules and disciplines, but he is afraid that Ju Ling will not be happy.

Professor Cai's main field of teaching is modern Chinese, and he will teach Ju Ling in the future. If she knows that Ju Ling is his girlfriend, Ju Ling will feel embarrassed.

Moreover, these old professors are quite gossipy when they get together. If one knows about them, it is almost equivalent to knowing about them in their circle. It may be awkward to take many classes in the future.

Many thoughts popped into his mind in an instant, he subconsciously looked at Ju Ling, and Ju Ling blinked at him, silently conveying the message.

When Qiao Jue received it, she immediately calmed down, and generously introduced Ju Ling as his girlfriend to Professor Cai, and everyone around her was Ju's family.

Professor Cai is also a person who has seen the big world. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't show any surprise on his face. He just said: "I didn't expect Xiao Qiao, your girlfriend is only in college. I thought your girlfriend was working. Woolen cloth."

"Professor, I'm only 25, and there's not much difference in age between us." Qiao Jue was very sensitive. He didn't mention his age, so he hurriedly explained.

It's okay if he doesn't explain it, but Professor Cai was a little surprised when he explained it.

"You're only 25? I thought you were over 30. I told you, Professor Zhao, that you looked young. Professor Zhao said that you know you are not young when you don't want to do research all day long. This is not serious. , He never told me that you are only in your 20s." Professor Cai said with a smile.

Qiao Jue: .
Chest tightness, shortness of breath, want to vomit blood.

In fact, Professor Cai really has no other meaning. It is really Qiao Jue who has been in their school for too many years, and has been involved in some experimental research since he was an undergraduate. After so many years, people think he should not be too young. up.

After parting with Professor Cai, Qiao Jue was still a little depressed, but his own petty emotions were not important, and it was serious business to take good care of the old and the young.

The school is very big, and there are several in the cafeteria alone. Ju Wenqi's legs were bad and they couldn't see them all, so they just looked at one of them.

Ju Ling will live in the school dormitory tonight, and the Ju family will leave home tomorrow. At the moment of parting, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei cried.

Ju Ling has been outside since she was in junior high school, and she only goes home during winter and summer vacations all year round. She doesn't spend much time with her parents, but she has an older sister to take care of her, and Ju Ling is also close to home, so Ju Wenqi and his wife are not special. Worry.

The situation is different now, here is too far away from home, and Ju Min or Ju Jing is not by her side, no matter what happens in the future, their little girl will have to face it by herself, how can they rest assured, how can they be willing.

As soon as they cried, Ju Ling didn't hold back, it was as if they were parting from each other.

No matter how worried or reluctant you are, you have to let go. When the child grows up, there is always a sky of his own.The eldest girl and the second girl stayed at home, so they couldn't keep all three daughters by their side.

After they left, Ju Ling returned to the dormitory in a very depressed mood, packed up the things that hadn't been collected yet, changed into fresh clothes and lay on the bed to sort out her thoughts.

The completely unfamiliar environment made her very uncomfortable.She is the only one in the dormitory now, and she will definitely feel even more uncomfortable when the others come back later.

Whoever wanted to come, after a while, roommate Dong Ruyu came back from washing her hair in the bathroom, Ju Ling felt uncomfortable, she was even more uncomfortable than Ju Ling.

Her hair is so long that it is not easy to wipe it, and she accidentally threw the water beads to Ju Ling's side. Before Ju Ling did this, she apologized to Ju Ling in a panic, and even took her own towel to wipe Ju Ling's stains. Beads of water on the bed.

Ju Ling hurriedly stopped her, told her it was okay, and told her not to panic.

Dong Ruyu took two steps back with the towel, stood at the door and continued to wipe her hair, and began to chat with Ju Ling bluntly.

Dong Ruyu heard that Ju Ling had never lived in a school dormitory before, so she told her a lot of tips about getting along with roommates, and asked Ju Ling to pay more attention to save trouble.

Four people with completely different personalities and living habits live under the same roof. There will definitely be friction. How to resolve small conflicts is really a science, so Ju Ling listens very carefully, afraid that she will become someone else A roommate who talks too much about things.

However, what Ju Ling didn't expect was that the friction came so quickly!

In the evening, the four people in the dormitory gathered together and began to organize their things.

Teng Rong's luggage is more than Ju Ling's, and she is not as good at tidying up as Ju Ling, so a lot of it is piled up on the ground in a mess.

She is probably used to throwing her things here and there at home, and she is not in a hurry to clean them up.

Introverted Yangliu doesn't have a lot of things, but she tidies up extraordinarily neatly. Everything on the table has to be corner-to-corner, so she doesn't like Teng Rong's littering.

She told Teng Rong to put away all her things quickly, but Teng Rong didn't take it seriously. She turned around and went to bed with her mobile phone and started calling her friends.

If Teng Rong didn't tidy up, Yang Liu pushed all her things to the side near the bed, so as not to block the way in and out.

Ju Ling and Teng Rong shared the same bed, pushing things here would also affect Ju Ling, but Ju Ling didn't say a word, she didn't want to quarrel.

Teng Rong was about to get out of bed, but when she stepped on the ladder, she realized that her things were all under her feet, and there was no place to stand. She could only climb back into bed and start arguing with Yang Liu.

Ju Ling, who was leaning on the bed and reading a book, was hurt by their quarrel, so she couldn't hold back and stood up and said to the two: "What's the use of arguing, and it can't solve the problem. If there is no accident, we should live together For several years, it has always been like this, and no one will be comfortable living in this way. Let’s all set out our bottom line first, and we will accommodate each other and not touch each other’s bottom line. That’s okay.”

Fortunately, both of them were still able to listen to the words, and each said their bottom line, and Ju Ling also said her own, but Dong Ruyu shook her head and said that it didn't matter what happened to her, so that everyone didn't care about her.

Put the bottom line of the three people together, and when you get along with each other in the future, you will know which mines cannot be stepped on, and you can avoid a lot of troubles.

Yang Liu moved some of the things away to let Teng Rong get out of bed, and Teng Rong piled up his own things on his own territory, instead of encroaching on the public domain of the four of them, the matter was properly resolved.

A little later, Teng Rong went out to eat together again, and everyone had a good chat, and by the way, elected the honorable and great position of dormitory head.

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(End of this chapter)

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