Chapter 382
Because Ju Ling came forward to resolve the conflict in the dormitory, everyone unanimously elected her as the head of the dormitory.

Ju Ling immediately refused, because she has no experience in dormitory life and has no confidence to be a good dormitory head.

She was not happy, so everyone had to re-elect the head of the dormitory.

Yang Liu suggested that they should be arranged according to age, and the oldest one should be the eldest sister in the dormitory, so it would be perfect for the eldest sister to be the head of the dormitory.

Ju Ling is a snake, Mao is [-] years old, the second child among the four in the dormitory, Yang Liu is the third child, the youngest is actually the tallest and most mature Teng Rong, and Dong Ruyu is the oldest, so the position of dormitory leader naturally falls to her shoulder.

After declaring her age, Ju Ling found that the more remote her hometown, the older she would be in college. This rule does not necessarily apply to everyone, at least some people do.

It's like she and Dong Ruyu are both from rural areas in remote areas. Others have attended kindergarten and preschool, and they are in the first grade directly.

When Ju Ling entered the school, the school still recruited students every other year, and a school couldn't even make up six grades.

The conditions in Dong Ruyu's house are more difficult, because there is no school in the village, and it takes more than an hour to walk on the mountain road to get to the school, so their children generally enter the school at an older age, and she only entered the first grade at the age of nine.

Dong Ruyu’s mother was seriously ill when she was in junior high school, so she took a year off from school to take care of her mother and help her with work, which delayed another year, so now Dong Ruyu is 22 years old, and she was 26 when she graduated from university.

Dong Ruyu is also quite like a big sister, anyone in the dormitory can ask her for help, Teng Rong has never washed clothes before, she can even teach Teng Rong to rub socks and wash underwear by hand, seeing her busy in the dormitory After being busy before and after, Ju Ling misses her elder sister and second sister even more.

For so many years, she has been really well protected by the eldest sister and the second sister. If the Ju family's family conditions are naturally good, it is estimated that she will be as good at nothing as Teng Rong.

Unable to bear it anymore, Ju Lingmao called the eldest sister from under the quilt.

Ju Jing and Ju Min squeezed together to answer her call.She misses them, and they miss her too.

"Eldest sister and second sister, I want to see you off at the station tomorrow," Ju Ling said sullenly.

Ju Jing immediately said: "What are you giving us? How can we get lost? Besides, you have already cried today. Do you still want our parents to cry again tomorrow?"

"What are they doing now?" Ju Ling asked depressedly.

Ju Min chuckled lightly and said, "Look at the photos, Qiao Jue's photos from childhood to adulthood, they are very excited to see them."

Ju Ling hasn't seen the photos of Qiao Jue from childhood to adulthood, and she wants to see them too.

The three sisters chatted for a while, it was late, the eldest sister and the second sister urged her to wash up and go to sleep.When she was about to hang up the phone, Ju Min specially told her: "You little one, if you don't have money, just tell your sister, don't wrong yourself."

Ju Jing also added from the side: "If Qiao Jue bullies you, you have to tell us, and we will clean him up for you."

After hanging up the phone and getting out of the quilt, Ju Ling was frightened by the three pairs of eyes staring straight at her.

Teng Rong asked gossipingly: "If I heard correctly just now, you said on the phone that you have a boyfriend, is it true?"

When I sent her here today, the dormitory was too small to accommodate so many people. Qiao Jue, Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi didn't come in, so Teng Rong and the others didn't see Qiao Jue.

Ju Ling didn't hide it either, telling them that she did have a boyfriend and worked in the university next door.

"Wow, I'm not a student, but I'm working there. It's kind of interesting." Teng Rong was especially good at focusing on the key points, sitting directly on Ju Ling's bed and letting her tell her love story.

The other two people also stared at her, making Ju Ling thief feel embarrassed.

She felt that there was nothing to hide about the relationship, but it was unnecessary to talk about the specific details of the relationship. She felt that such a relatively private matter was not suitable for telling a story.

She used the excuse to wash up to avoid gossip from her roommates, and when she returned to the dormitory, the roommates didn't ask her any questions, so she was greatly relieved.

However, it was too early for her to breathe a sigh of relief. The next evening, Qiao Jue suddenly came to look for her and waited for her downstairs.

I didn't call before I came, especially suddenly.

Ju Ling went downstairs and asked Qiao Jue why he came so suddenly.

Qiao Jue looked at her while helping her tidy her messy hair and said helplessly: "Your parents told me countless times before getting in the car to let me take care of you. I was quite at ease with you, but they said I'm getting more and more uncertain, so I'll stop by to see you when I come back. Have you had dinner? If not, I'll take you there to eat. By the way, you can call all your roommates, and I'll treat them to dinner. "

"It's not necessary?" Ju Ling asked uncertainly.

"If you don't want your roommates to know about our relationship, then there's no need for it. If you don't want to hide it, you have to invite us to dinner sooner or later. It just so happens that I have time today, so please invite me as soon as possible," Qiao Jue said.

After thinking about it, Ju Ling felt that what he said was very reasonable, and her brother Xiaojue was also very busy, so it would be better to invite guests if I have time today if I find time later.

She went upstairs again to call her roommate, and made Qiao Jue wait downstairs for more than half an hour before the four of them packed up and came downstairs.

Of course, the boyfriend who met her roommate for the first time couldn't be too shabby, Teng Rong and the others put on the best clothes they could afford, and Teng Rong even put on makeup, making them look pretty.

Qiao Jue was very kind, and invited them to eat at the most high-end restaurant nearby, order whatever they wanted, he didn't search for anything.

Yang Liu and Dong Ruyu had never been to this kind of restaurant, and they were too scared to order when they saw the menu, but Teng Rong was generous, saying that Qiao Jue would definitely be able to invite them if he dared to bring them here, so don't worry about ordering.

Saying don't worry, she didn't have the nerve to order expensive ones, so she ordered two vegetarian dishes and pushed the menu to Ju Ling.

Ju Ling would not be polite to Qiao Jue, she was also a treat for this meal, so naturally she couldn't search for it, so she just ordered two dishes that looked tough.

In the end, Qiao Jue added a few more special dishes from the restaurant, and the order was finally finished.

While eating and chatting, everyone was curious about the love story between Ju Ling and Qiao Jue, and they couldn't find anything from Ju Ling, so they asked Qiao Jue.

Qiao Jue probably also knew what Ju Ling was thinking, so he only gave a general idea without mentioning any details.

Everyone had a good meal, and at Teng Rong's suggestion, everyone even drank a little wine.

When she was about to finish eating, Ju Ling got up to go to the bathroom. When passing by the private room next door, the door just opened, and a waiter pushed the dining cart out of it, almost bumping into Ju Ling.

Both of them hurriedly apologized to each other. After apologizing, Ju Ling looked up at the waiter and immediately froze in place.

"Zhou, Zhou Yan." Ju Ling said incredulously, "Why are you here?"

It's really Zhou Yan.

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, and Zhou Yan has grown taller and stronger, his appearance has basically remained the same, and Ju Ling will never admit his mistake.

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(End of this chapter)

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