Chapter 386
That college student was not a good stubble either, he looked honest and innocent, but he was really good at coaxing people, he coaxed Zhu Yuping around, and defrauded Zhu Yuping of a lot of money in half a year.

By the time Zhu Yuping realized that something was wrong, it was too late, and she had nothing to gain in the end.

With no money and no serious business, she called Ju Ying crying and said she wanted to go home. Ju Ying replied at that time: "Everyone in the world knows about you. Come back and we will be proud of our family. Where to put it? Your father and I are fine, your brother and your siblings can't afford to lose this person, you are not very old, let's see if you can find someone else. "

When she spent Zhu Yuping's money, she didn't feel ashamed, but now that Ju Ying can say such a thing to her own daughter, outsiders will feel chilled when they hear it, let alone Zhu Yuping.

Zhu Yuping was disheartened and never called home again. She was used to the extravagant life and couldn't live with it. After all, she still followed the old path.

It's just that she is not treated as well as she was back then, and she is looking for a very old, fat, greasy old man who doesn't have a lot of money.

This time, Zhu Yuping knew that she was planning for herself, so she opened a separate account and deposited a sum of money in it every month, planning to separate from this old man and do something by herself in the future.

Unfortunately, every time she wanted to move forward, someone always held her back.

Her good brother Zhu Yubin also sold some fodder while working as a veterinarian. A cattle farmer listened to his advice and took thousands of yuan of fodder from him to make him fat. As a result, there was something wrong with the feed and dozens of cows ate it out. The problem is that more than a dozen of them died without being rescued.

People from the manufacturer asked him to help sell the feed, and he got a commission. If something happened to the feed, he would definitely go to the manufacturer, but the person in charge of the manufacturer has long since disappeared, and the rest are all here to collect debts, the farmers The loss can only be compensated by Zhu Yubin himself.

This was not a small amount of money, he couldn't make it up by himself, so he wanted Ju Ying and Zhu Yunping to help, but Ju Ying refused to touch his and Zhu Yunping's pension money, so he called Zhu Yuping to ask for money.

If Zhu Yuping didn't want to make trouble with them, she would make trouble with Zhu Yuping if she couldn't make it in the village.

Many people in the village knew what was going on here, and secretly said that Ju Ying was cruel and had to force her own daughter to death.

Zhang Yongmei also felt that what Ju Ying did was very wrong when Ju Lao San was chatting with her family behind closed doors, but compared to Ju Ying, she looked down on Zhu Yunping even more.

"That's his girl too. He just watched Yingzi abuse his girl like this. If you want me to say, he is more ruthless than Yingzi! It is said that if a woman wants to marry, she should marry an honest man. Shit, look at our village There are a few decent honest men here, each worthless." Zhang Yongmei said angrily while folding her clothes.

Ju Wenqi sat on the edge of the kang and soaked his feet obediently without making a sound. Over the years, he had figured out the pattern. If he made a sound at this time, the firepower would definitely be transferred to him, and he would not make fun of himself.

Jing Chengxi immediately answered and said: "Third Aunt is right, you can't find someone who is useless and unintentional when looking for a partner. In our family, my sister Min, Sister Jing, and Xiao Budian have good eyesight, and they are all very good. Third Aunt, you can Do not worry."

"Don't worry, I don't worry, they are better than me one by one, and they can't go wrong with each other," Zhang Yongmei said happily after being coaxed.

Ju Wenqi felt that what his daughter-in-law said was not quite right, and wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

Forget it, old couples have spent most of their lives, even if they despise him, they can still leave.

What Zhang Yongmei said is right, the girls in her family are looking for good partners.

Of course, if one had to rank among the three future sons-in-law, Qiao Jue would definitely be the first one. After all, they could be regarded as the child they grew up with, and they felt at ease in every way.

The most reassuring future son-in-law, Qiao Jue, is very troubled recently, because his girlfriend is obviously in the school next door, but it is very difficult for him to meet him.

After the military training and various activities of the freshmen are over, the freshmen will start to formally attend classes.

Under the abduction of her roommates, Ju Ling also joined several clubs. These clubs are not decorations and often have activities, so Ju Ling usually needs to go to class to complete all homework and write new novels. The rest of the time is almost It's all about community activities.

It is said that going to college will be easy, but it is not the case.

If you don’t want to waste your college life, if you want to constantly enrich and improve yourself in these four years, then you can’t take it easy.

Ju Ling got so busy that she didn't even have time to call Qiao Jue. Before that, Qiao Jue planned to take Ju Ling to live with him during the weekend holidays, but the plan was never implemented!

Seeing that the National Day holiday was about to come, Qiao Jue specially called to ask Ju Ling if she had any arrangements for the National Day. If not, he would come to pick her up and take her out to play.

Ju Ling hurriedly took out her notepad and counted: "I had dinner with Zhou Yan the night before the holiday, and the fellow countrymen will go to climb the mountain the next day, and stay at the farmhouse over there for one night before coming back on the third day, and the fourth day."

Qiao Jue really couldn't listen anymore, so he interrupted bitterly: "Little boy, give me a promise, how many days can I have for the National Day holiday?"

Ju Ling drew a few strokes on the notepad, and said with a smile: "I said that I would consider the fact that my fellow villagers can climb mountains, but later I said that I have something to do. If this is the case, I will have dinner with Zhou Yan on the first night of the holiday. You Want to come? We can eat together."

In this way, Ju Ling can be with him during the seven days of National Day.

Qiao Jue was very happy and said that he must have dinner together. He hadn't seen Zhou Yan for a long time, so he had to treat him to a meal no matter what.

On the night of the dinner appointment, Qiao Jue drove his newly bought car to pick up Ju Ling.It was the first time for Ju Ling to see his new car, and she sat in it and touched it here and there, as if she was happier than Qiao Jue.

"In the future, you can enroll in a driving school and learn to drive. It's more convenient to have a car when you go out," Qiao Jue suggested.

Ju Ling nodded, and replied with a smile: "I think so too. I called my second sister yesterday, and she said that next year she wants to buy a car for appearance. I have a driver's license and can drive for her when I go home. gone."

Qiao Jue: .
My own daughter-in-law insisted on going home to be her second sister's driver, but she didn't dare to say it because she was sour.

The place to eat was chosen by Zhou Yan, not high-end, but the environment is very good, it is very suitable for old friends to catch up.

Zhou Yan was not too surprised to hear that Ju Ling and Qiao Jue were together, and joked that he had already seen that Qiao Jue had ulterior motives for Ju Ling.

Ju Ling was also very concerned about Zhou Yan's affairs, and asked him what he had experienced in these years and how he was doing now.

Zhou Yan always had a smile on his face, even when he told about the bad things that happened to him, the smile never disappeared.

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(End of this chapter)

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