Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 387 Learning

Chapter 387 Learning
Zhou Yan was still young when he ran away from home, and it was inconvenient to do anything outside the house, so he used the little money he had to find a way to get some documents, and worked part-time wherever he went to earn living expenses.

Still the same sentence-hardworking people will not starve to death.

Even if you don't know anything, you can earn enough money to eat by picking up bottles next to a trash can and selling them for a day. If you have the strength, you can distribute leaflets and so on, and you can earn more.

There is no unparalleled road, as long as you still want to move forward, there is always a way.

He heard people say that there are many opportunities in big cities and it is easier to get ahead, so he came to Kyoto.

When I first came here, I really suffered a lot.

He had no money to rent a house and live in a hotel, so he just found a place to nest in places such as the train station under the overpass like many homeless people.Once he accidentally occupied the place of an old homeless man, was severely beaten by a group of people, and lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

With no money to go to the hospital, he endured that period of time, and his health improved a little. He started looking for work around again, busy to fill his stomach.

He went to the construction site to move bricks, hang in the air to wipe the glass, clean the public toilets, and wash the dishes in the back kitchen of the restaurant.
Step by step, he saved some work experience and money, and rented a basement in a remote place.

The environment in the basement is not good either, and he is already very content with being able to shelter from the wind and rain.

He did not give up studying while working around. Knowing that the Olympic Games will be held in Kyoto in 08, there must be many foreigners coming.

At that time, he was working as a waiter in a small restaurant on the side of the street. Three foreigners who did not understand the language came in, and they couldn’t communicate with the boss. Zhou Yan stood up and communicated with the foreigners at a critical moment to understand them. the goal of.

The restaurant owner felt that he was so good at foreign languages ​​that it was a waste of talent to work in his small restaurant, so he recommended him to work in a restaurant in his hometown that was definitely high-end, not to mention high-end.

He worked in that restaurant for more than a year, and switched to the high-end restaurant where he is now working. He specializes in serving guests in private rooms, and his salary is not low.

"I am very satisfied now. I share a rent with a few college students, and the rent is not too high. Besides working in a restaurant, I have two part-time jobs, and I can save a sum of money every month." I can’t go on like this forever, so after the National Day, I will quit the two part-time jobs. I will only do the restaurant job and study in my spare time. Knowledge can change my destiny. I can have what I have today because of knowledge. If you want to be better, you can You have to have more things in your head."

He has a clear mind, knows his current situation, and knows what he wants.

Ju Ling picked up the wine glass and touched his, and said sincerely: "Zhou Yan, I always believe that you can get what you want, if you need my help, just say, we are good friends, you must not talk to me. I'm polite."

"Of course I won't be polite to you!" Zhou Yan raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, looked at Ju Ling and said, "I can have today thanks to the money you lent me, and I will return the money to you later."

Ju Ling didn't say no, just said: "You can figure it out, pay it back if you have a lot of money, and wait if you don't have a lot of money. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

After Zhou Yan finished talking about his situation, he asked about Ju Ling's studies. Although he worked at the university, he often came into contact with college students, and his shared roommates were also college students, but he was still curious about the lives of college students and wanted to hear about it. Ju Ling told him about it.

Ju Ling could see that he was very yearning for college life.But between life and ideals, he can only run for life, at least at this stage.

Even if he doesn't want to do a part-time job in the future and wants to learn something, he can only slowly figure it out on his own. After all, he can't sit in the classroom and study in peace like Ju Ling.

Qiao Jue had been listening to them quietly, and he interrupted when the two of them were almost finished talking: "If you want to study, there is a better atmosphere in the university. If you are interested, you can find a job in the school and attend lectures in your spare time. You can kill two birds with one stone." .”

He said it lightly, and Zhou Yan had planned to do so before, but how could it be so easy to find a job in school.It's like the work in the cafeteria, which is basically all contracted by individuals, and is done by relatives and acquaintances of the family. It is difficult for outsiders to find a job here.

As soon as Qiao Jue said it, he didn't know if he could find a job.

However, seeing that Zhou Yan also wanted to work in the school, he said, "I'll help you pay attention later. Where there is a job recruitment notice, I'm quite well informed about my school."

Notifications require contact information, so the two exchanged mobile phone numbers.

After a very happy meal, both Ju Ling and Zhou Yan drank some wine, and Qiao Jue could only use fruit juice instead of wine if he wanted to drive.

After nine o'clock, the meal was almost finished, Qiao Jue and Ju Ling sent Zhou Yan home first, and then went to Qiao Jue's residence together.

On the way back, Ju Ling, who had been sitting on the back of the chair with her eyes closed, suddenly sat up straight like a twitch, and looked sideways at Qiao Jue.

"Brother Xiaojue, are we the two tonight?" Ju Ling asked.

Qiao Jue didn't understand, so he said, "Who else can we have?"

Ju Ling's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned his head and said a little uncomfortably: "It's just the two of us, it's weird."

"What's awkward?" Qiao Jue understood what she meant before she finished.

With a helpless smile, he stretched out his hand and poked Ju Ling's head: "What are you thinking about? Is your little brother the kind of person who doesn't know how to measure? I have been waiting for so many years, what can't wait, you just Stop thinking about it."

Seeing that Ju Ling was still tilting her head and not speaking, Qiao Jue asked her again: "You used to be quite slow in this area, why did you become more thoughtful when you entered university?"

"Brother Xiao Jue, didn't the Boys Department give you a meeting when you first entered college?" Qiao Jue asked without answering.

Qiao Jue: .
Of course it will.

Many universities seem to have this kind of tradition. At the beginning of the meeting, there will be a meeting for the boys and girls of the student union, mainly to talk about some issues that boys and girls should pay attention to in that regard.

But Qiao Jue wasn't there during the meeting, because he was still young when he was in college, so he was kicked out by his seniors for free activities!
"What did the seniors from the girls department tell you?" Qiao Jue asked with great interest.

This topic is a bit awkward, but the two of them are too familiar, and Qiao Jue has already said that he has a sense of proportion, so Ju Ling is not shy, and told Qiao Jue the key points that the senior sister said during the meeting.

A girl's self-esteem and self-love does not mean being rigid and conservative. It is normal for a girl to develop further when the love is strong, and girls don't need to feel ashamed.

The key question is how girls should protect themselves when they develop to this stage.

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(End of this chapter)

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