Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 388 Changes

Chapter 388 Changes
There must be some preparations, but it is best not to take medicine, most of the medicines have side effects on the body.

At this time, girls must have their own persistence, and can't be fooled by boys' few words, and it's difficult to get pregnant without any measures.

What should I do if I accidentally become pregnant?
You should deal with it as soon as possible according to your own situation and solve it as soon as possible. Don't hide and procrastinate because of fear. In the end, you will be the one who suffers the most.

Ju Ling talked about this issue all the way, and she hadn't finished talking when she arrived at Qiao Jue's residence.

"Your female minister is quite responsible, and you have a comprehensive explanation, you have to keep it in mind." Qiao Jue smiled and took out a pair of slippers for her from the shoe cabinet.

It was a new pair of slippers, tender green, which was Ju Ling's favorite color, and even the style was Ju Ling's favorite one, without any special decoration, very plain.

Ju Ling's attention was completely attracted by the slippers, and instead of talking about the previous topic, she asked Qiao Jue, "Brother Xiao Jue, are these your new ones?"

"Of course it's a new one." Qiao Jue smiled dotingly, pulled Ju Ling's suitcase in, and said, "I've prepared quite a few things, go and have a look."

Ju Ling was not polite to him either, and looked around the room.

Ju Ling lived here for several days before school started, and in just one month, great changes have taken place here.

The living room has a new wallpaper, light green. In order to match the wallpaper of this color, many decorations in the room have been changed in color, giving people a sense of vitality as soon as they enter.

The cabinets in the kitchen are pasted with apple green oil-proof stickers, which look fresh.

The toilet can be replaced with something green, and I feel good just looking at it.

Ju Ling thought that she wanted a guest bedroom, so she pushed open the door of the guest bedroom full of expectations, and found that there were basically no changes inside, and there were very few green elements.

"You sleep in the master bedroom, I'll tidy up for you, and I'll sleep in the guest bedroom." Qiao Jue seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and came over to explain.

Ju Ling went to see the master bedroom, and indeed changed a lot of things.

There are many green things, but they are not eye-catching, and Ju Ling likes them very much.

Among them, the green sheets, quilt covers and pillowcases are the most favorite. They are different from green to green. Sleeping in them must have a feeling of replenishing energy.

Ju Ling threw herself on the bed to feel it, the mattress was not soft, it was just the kind of hard feeling that Ju Ling liked, and there was a smell of sunshine on the bedding, Qiao Jue must have taken it out to dry it today.

Qiao Jue leaned on the door frame with folded arms and looked at Ju Ling, smiling even more dotingly.

"Like it?" he asked softly.

"I like it." Ju Ling buried her face in the quilt and said sullenly: "Brother Xiaojue, you still understand me. You tidy up the house so much to my liking, I don't even want to leave."

After saying this, she thought of another thing, sat up suddenly and looked at Qiao Jue and said jokingly: "Brother Xiao Jue, you have a lot of thoughts. You came back in July and said you wanted to clean up the house, but my dad When Mom sent me here, you didn’t have many green things in your house, but you’ve changed so many in just one month. Tell me, why don’t you want my family to know that you have prepared so many things for me?”

Qiao Jue thought for a while before answering: "I do have a little thought. If your parents and elder sister see that I have prepared so many things for you, they will definitely be very worried about you living with me."

What does it mean?
After drinking alcohol, my brain didn't turn as fast as usual, and I didn't react until I was done.

Fortunately, the parents said that if the elder sister and the second sister saw him making the house like this to make her happy, they would definitely think that Qiao Jue was not at ease, and would turn around and tell Ju Ling to live in the school dormitory on holidays and not to come to him here!

Ju Ling started to laugh foolishly, and after she finished, she gave Qiao Jue a look: "You also said that you have a sense of proportion, but in fact, you have evil intentions."

Qiao Jue is a normal man, can he not have such thoughts in his mind?Just because of love and respect, he will restrain himself.

"Go take a shower and go to bed early, and I'll take you out to play tomorrow." Qiao Jue was afraid that it would not end well if he continued, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

Ju Ling brought a set of pajamas by herself, and Qiao Jue also prepared a set of pajamas for her. The white pajamas with the green apple pattern hit Ju Ling's heart again, and she immediately changed into new ones after taking a shower.

Wearing the pajamas that Qiao Jue bought for her, lying in the green room that Qiao Jue specially prepared for her, Ju Ling slept very soundly this night, and didn't even have a dream at night.

Qiao Jue said to take her to play, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The laboratory urgently needed a new set of data, and he had to go back and calculate the data, so he couldn't accompany Ju Ling.

The experiment is a very serious matter, Ju Ling can't go to the laboratory to accompany him, but she can accompany him in other places in the school.

When Qiao Jue was busy in the laboratory, she would take a leisurely walk around the school with her schoolbag on her back, and sit down to take a good look at any place where she thought the scenery was good, and the time passed very quickly.

The two of them each hold their own rhythm, they will not affect each other and delay each other, they are very comfortable and comfortable.

However, this National Day is not everyone is very comfortable and comfortable.

At the other end of the house, Ju's Restaurant canceled all the banquets for the National Day because the grandma who lives in San Fatzi Village was ill.

As you get older, you can't be careless even if it's just a minor ailment with headaches and brain fever. If you don't feel well, you have to go to the hospital for treatment in time. It is really troublesome to drag it into a serious illness.

Grandparents and grandparents are very reasonable old people. They never want to affect the lives of their children. It is really not easy to farm land at such an old age. Grandpa also raises several sheep.

However, this time, my grandma's illness was so severe that I didn't want to trouble my children.

No, it's not quite right to say that. When grandparents are sick, only their daughter and son-in-law are really worried. There is no hope for the son and daughter-in-law.

My grandma was sent to the hospital with the help of neighbors. When I got to the hospital, my grandpa couldn’t handle it alone, so he called Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli and asked them to go and see if they had time. It’s okay if they don’t have time.

My mother is hospitalized, so I have to let go even if I have something big to do.

Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan also followed. They were busy with paying bills and buying food before and after the run, and the main task of the others was to accompany grandma.

It doesn't matter how much money is spent, as long as people are fine.

Neither Zhang Yongmei nor Zhang Yongli cared about money, but grandma and grandpa felt very sorry.

They live with their son and daughter-in-law, and they usually help their son with work, but they haven't helped their daughters for so many years. How dare they keep them busy and spend money when they are sick.

The old couple has also saved some money over the years, which is intended to be used for the elderly. This time the hospital spent a lot of money on medical treatment, and the grandfather plans to return all the money to the girl after he is discharged from the hospital.

The more reasonable the elderly are, the more filial they must be as children and juniors. Sister Zhang Yongmei only thinks about how to treat her parents better, but Ju Jing thinks about how to deal with her uncle and aunt so that they do not work hard. Paying money, filial piety can't just talk about it.

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(End of this chapter)

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