Chapter 389
The facts are even more cruel. Zhang Yongcai and Zhao Limei's husband and wife are not even filial in their mouths.

The couple were at home when the grandma fell ill and needed to be sent to the doctor, and the grandpa went to them for help first. However, the couple didn't move and even scolded the grandpa, so the grandpa had to ask the neighbor for help.

Grandpa didn't tell anyone about these things, but the neighbors told Zhang Yongmei and sister very angrily when they came to visit grandma.

Grandpa left in a hurry without locking the door of his own house. Zhang Yongcai and his wife came in and took a lot of things. The neighbors couldn't stand it and went to stop them.

After all, the neighbors are just outsiders, and they have no position to take care of their son and daughter-in-law for grandparents, so there is nothing they can do about it.

Grandpa squatted at the base of the wall and could only moan and sigh. Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli were so angry that they didn't know what to do.

No matter how bad Zhang Yongcai and his wife are, as long as they live in the same yard with their grandparents, Zhang Yongmei and his sister can't do things too badly, because they are afraid of turning back and making trouble for Zhang Yongcai and his wife.

When Ju Jing was chatting with sisters Zhang Yongmei, she asked them if they wanted to take their grandparents over.

Zhang Yongmei sighed with red eyes, and said helplessly: "A few years ago, when our family's life was a little better, I told your grandma and grandpa about this, and they didn't want to."

Zhang Yongli also said: "I also told them that they are reluctant to part with this and that, and they refuse to leave no matter what."

Grandma and grandpa have lived in Sanpangzi Village for decades, and everyone in the village knows everyone. They must be reluctant to move to other places when they are older. This is understandable.

Ju Jing also sighed. The matter cannot be solved from the side of grandma and grandpa, so she can only find a way to solve it from her uncle and aunt.

How to solve it?
At the beginning, Ju Jing didn't impulsively go to the door with a kitchen knife, but contacted Zhang Liyang and Zhang Lichun by phone, and asked them both to come back. It's more powerful for children to put pressure on Zhang Yongcai and his wife than Ju Jing to put pressure on them. .

Seeing Zhang Liyang brothers and sisters, Ju Jing went straight to the point and stated the purpose. She also said: "My grandparents are also your grandparents. You know how much they doted on you since you were young. Now I don't expect you to get much money every month. Giving them living expenses, I want you to take good care of your parents so that they will not bully the elderly."

Zhang Liyang brothers and sisters are different from their parents, they are very sensible and sensible, knowing what happened these days, they feel guilty, Zhang Liyang even said that he paid for all the medical expenses of grandma.

Ju Jing doesn't care about the money, she just wants things to be resolved.

Later, Zhang Liyang, brother and sister went home to talk with Zhang Yongcai and his wife. Ju Jing didn't know the details of the conversation, but she received a call from Zhang Liyang the next day.

Zhang Liyang said to Ju Jing guiltily: "They don't listen to me. I've been outside these years, and they have great opinions on me. They don't listen to me at all. I'm sorry."

Sorry what's the use!

I can't care that my parents can't take good care of my grandparents and stay at home to be a door-to-door son-in-law. Zhang Liyang's reputation in Sanpangzi Village is not very good. Zhang Yongcai and his wife are very resentful towards their son. When they see Zhang Liyang, don't listen to him carefully. It would have been nice not to beat him up.

Zhang Liyang and Zhang Lichun couldn't do it, so Ju Jing had to make the move in the end.

Yin Kaixuan didn't dare to let her go to San Fatty Village alone, it was his territory after all, what if something happened.

Ju Jing is not afraid of anyone, and she is not stupid enough to rush into someone's house without making any preparations.

She was driving a farm vehicle, and Yin Kaixuan and six dogs were squatting in the back of the vehicle.After arriving at Zhang's house, Ju Jing got out of the car with a sickle in her hand, and Yin Kaixuan led six dogs and followed her behind.

When Zhang Yongcai and Zhao Limei saw her coming in from their windows, they were too scared to open the door.

Ju Jing knocked on the door for a while and saw no response and lost patience, picked up a big rock from the yard and threw it directly at the window.

"If you don't open the door again, I'll knock all the windows in your house!" Ju Jing threatened.

When her temper came up, she was so thuggish and frightening, let alone knocking on the glass, people would believe that she dared to cut people with a sickle.

Zhang Yongcai and Zhao Limei opened the door, but Ju Jing didn't enter the house, just stood at the door, and said to the couple in a voice that could be heard by neighbors who came out to watch the excitement: "My grandma is sick, you don't care, you can go to their place to get things , my son and daughter-in-law treat me like you, but there is no second home in the village. I will not talk nonsense with you today, and you will give me a good word, when will you move out?"

Everyone who heard her say this was dumbfounded.

If you don't want money, it doesn't count, and if you ask someone to drive someone away, that's too extreme.

Absolutely, but in the eyes of many people, she might as well ask for some money for her grandparents.After all, the money might be available, so it is unlikely for Zhang Yongcai and his wife to move away.

"This is my house, why move? We don't need a girl surnamed Ju to take care of our old Zhang's affairs, so get out of here quickly," Zhao Limei said boldly.

Ju Jing rolled her eyes at her and snorted coldly and said with disdain: "Your home? You said it's your home, is it your home? Are your names on the homestead certificate and real estate certificate? You have lived in my grandparents' house for so many years. You dare to bully them even without asking for your rent, you are used to it."

To be honest, some people living in the countryside care about the real estate certificate of the homestead. As long as you don’t occupy the land indiscriminately, who cares what you do? The right house was bluffed by her.

While none of them were slowing down, Ju Jing continued: "This house belongs to my grandparents, and the front and rear yards also belong to my grandparents. If they don't want you to live in them, you have to get out. Don't think I'm joking." , if you don’t believe me, let’s wait and see!”

"What do you want?" Zhang Yongcai asked vainly.

This time it was Yin Kaixuan who answered for Ju Jing. He said: "We can ask a lawyer to sue you. At that time, you will not only have to move out of here, but also pay back the money that occupied the house of grandma and grandpa over the years."

It's all nonsense, Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan don't know if it's okay to ask a lawyer to sue them for this matter, let's scare them first.

Ju Jing also added: "I have money, so I can hire the best lawyer."

She doesn't have enough money to go to the best lawyer for a consultation, just bragging.The essence of bragging is not how big one's bragging is, but no matter how big one's bragging is, others will not know whether it is true or not!
After scaring people into foolishness, Ju Jing said, "I'll give you three days to clean up. If you don't move out after three days, don't blame me for being rude" and left with Yin Kaixuan.

What I said was to give them three days to clean up, but in fact it was to give Zhang Yongcai and Zhao Limei a chance, a chance to show their sincerity.

Ju Jing can't do things on her own whim, she has to think for her grandparents.The old couple had been ups and downs for so many years and had so many children. In the end, only sister Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongcai's son survived. The blood inheritance can be broken wherever it is said.

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(End of this chapter)

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