Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 390 Agreement

Chapter 390 Agreement
The couple were not stupid enough to come home, and the next day they came to the hospital to visit grandma with canned fruit or something.

Not only that, the attitude of the two has also changed 180 degrees, and they are very attentive to grandma and grandpa.

Ju Jing casually checked all the payment receipts since she was hospitalized in front of them. Zhao Limei gave Zhang Yongcai a wink, and Zhang Yongcai immediately asked Ju Jing for the receipts, saying that they would get the money.

Grandma has not been discharged from the hospital yet, and now she has spent more than 3 yuan!

They didn't know exactly how much they spent to make such a statement. Zhang Yongcai's face changed after they calculated the amount on the receipt.

More than 3 yuan is not a small amount of money. They can take it out, but they are not willing to take it out.

They didn't dare to bargain with Ju Jing and Ju Min, so they went to talk to Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli.

The two sisters had been heartbroken by the couple, so naturally they refused to listen to anything they said.

There is no way out, I can only use my strength on my grandma and grandpa.

They have always known that their parents are kind and soft-hearted, and they are sure of this. They cried and apologized to the two old people, and promised to take good care of the two old people in the future. They did not start until the faces of the two old people obviously eased. Talk about money.

Grandma closed her eyes and turned away from looking at the two people. Grandpa was addicted to cigarettes and couldn't smoke, so he squatted at the base of the wall, folding a piece of paper over and over again, refusing to speak.

The second elder's heart was broken, but the couple didn't care about it, and started talking about Zhang Liyang and Zhang Lichun again, telling the second elder not to care about them for the sake of the children.

A passage from Zhang Yongcai entered my grandfather's heart. He said: "Liyang can't live with the woman all the time. If he has a child, he will be born with the woman's surname. I am thinking about saving some money to build a house for Liyang. Let him go home and live, no matter what, it's better than staying with the woman all the time."

Grandpa has always favored sons over daughters, and there is only one grandson, Zhang Liyang. If Zhang Liyang's child takes the woman's surname, then their old Zhang family will be broken.

The two old people discussed for a long time, and finally decided that all the money for grandma's hospitalization should be paid by themselves, not the children's money.

After all, Zhang Yongcai said that grandpa was soft-hearted, and he was afraid that they would not be able to build a house for Zhang Liyang if they paid too much money.

The relationship between people is different, and the feelings are naturally different, which determines the difference in the degree of trust.

Ju Jing and Ju Min look down on Zhang Yongcai and his wife, they don't believe anything they say.But grandma and grandpa are different, they are their own sons, and their blood is continuous.

It is understandable for the second elder to make such a choice, but Ju Jing absolutely does not support it.

Want to get nothing?That's not okay.

Turning around, Ju Jing and Ju Min gave Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli a two-hour training class, mainly teaching them how to persuade their grandparents to recognize the facts and be more ruthless.

The two-hour training achieved remarkable results. After some persuasion, the grandparents more or less listened to it, and did not completely let go of their guard against Zhang Yongcai and his wife.

The final negotiated solution was to share the cost of treatment among the three families equally.Not only this time, but in the future, the expenses of the old man coming to the hospital for illness or pain will be shared among the three families.

When the old man is old, if he doesn’t want money from his children, it means that the old man doesn’t want to cause trouble to his children, and the children should know how to be grateful.Therefore, in the future, the three families will give the elderly 200 yuan of pension money every month, and the family will receive 400 yuan and [-] yuan a year.

Each family will give three months first, which is 600 yuan.Wait until New Year's Day to give the pension money for the next year. No one can delay the payment.

Ju Jing also asked Yin Kaixuan to write a support agreement, and several families signed it.

Don't underestimate this piece of paper, it is legally binding, and if any company fails to implement the agreement, it can file a lawsuit.

Ju Jing made this clear to Zhang Yongcai and his wife so that they would not take it seriously.

I have been tossing about such a little thing for several days, no matter what, it is finally resolved.

Such a result is completely acceptable to Ju Jing. From the very beginning, she didn't think about driving Zhang Yongcai and his wife away. She just wanted to scare them and make them feel a little in awe of their grandparents, knowing that there are still people who can control them. them.

Ju Ling didn't know that the family was so tossed about. It wasn't until the last day of the National Day holiday that Ju Min told her about her grandma's hospitalization on the phone.

Ju Ling was so anxious that she wanted to ask for leave to go home to see her grandma. Ju Min hurriedly persuaded her, "I didn't tell you at the beginning because I was afraid that you would be worried, so I insisted on rushing back. It's okay, grandma is doing well now, let's observe for two more days You can be discharged from the hospital. When you come back, grandma will definitely feel even worse. She thinks that because she is alone, several families are making life difficult, so you should stay there honestly. Your second sister is accompanying grandma in the ward, you If you want to talk to grandma, call your second sister."

My grandma usually speaks with a very strong accent, and I can't understand it unless I listen carefully. Now it's even more difficult to understand when I'm sick and weak.She chatted with Ju Ling a lot, but Ju Ling didn't understand a few words, but this did not hinder the communication between the grandparents and grandchildren, and they were very satisfied with what they said.

After hanging up the phone, Ju Ling didn't say anything for a long time, and then said: "I'm homesick."

A 20-year-old person, wherever he goes, what he misses most is home and the family members. To be honest, Qiao Jue doesn't understand such a mood.

Everyone has a different understanding and definition of family. In Ju Ling's heart, no one is more important than family, and no emotion can surpass family affection, including love.

Qiao Jue knew this best. At first, he felt sour in his heart, but later he figured it out.

Sooner or later, he will also be her family and one of the most important people in her heart, and that is enough.

Qiao Jue has been busy in the laboratory for the past few days, and today he finally has time to go out with Ju Ling, but Ju Ling is not in the mood again.

In the end, the two of them didn't go anywhere at all, just stayed at home watching TV, cooking and enjoying the peaceful and peaceful world of the two of them.

The two of them cooked the meal together in the evening. They each made their own specialty dishes. Qiao Jue also bought several cans of beer. The two of them ate and drank while chatting happily. The atmosphere was particularly good.

Alcohol is a really good thing sometimes, it can catalyze many things.

After the meal, Qiao Jue cleaned up the dishes, and Ju Ling put on a "Titanic" soundtrack, sitting on the sofa and looking carelessly.

Qiao Jue came over to watch together after tidying up.

Ju Lingjiu raised her head, her head was dizzy, and she simply lay down to watch a movie on Qiao Jue's lap, with a lock of hair under her cheek, it was very itchy, she was too lazy to straighten her hair, just on Qiao Jue's lap. Rubbing back and forth on her thigh, hoping to brush her hair aside.

Qiao Jue lowered his head and looked at her helplessly, and couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Little boy, you little brother Jue is not a piece of wood, I won't be able to stand you like this."

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(End of this chapter)

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