Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 391 From 1

Chapter 391 Together

Ju Ling was dizzy and couldn't watch the movie at all, and she didn't understand what Qiao Jue was saying to her, she just looked at him with wide eyes in confusion.

Qiao Jue really couldn't stand her like this, he sighed deeply, and said with a helpless smile: "My little one, I don't want to watch the movie, go back to the bedroom and go to sleep."

Ju Ling said "hmm" and continued to look at him without moving.

Qiao Jue smiled resignedly, he was really being manipulated by this little girl.

He picked up Ju Ling and sent her to the bed in the bedroom, covered her with a quilt, and when he got up to leave, Ju Ling suddenly took his hand.

"Brother Xiaojue, I don't think I'm drunk," Ju Ling said softly, "I know what I'm doing."

It was a very inexplicable sentence, but Qiao Jue understood it.

The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, Qiao Jue suddenly grinned: "I understand, wait for me, I'll be right back."

Ju Ling let go of her hand, watched Qiao Jue leave, and watched him come in after a while.

It's just that when he came in, Qiao Jue had a small box in his hand.

"I knew it," Ju Ling said jokingly.

Qiao Jue didn't feel embarrassed either: "Be prepared."

No matter at any time, opportunities will always favor those who are prepared. Even in matters of men and women, if you are prepared, you will go much smoother.

Their first time, at least, went well.

Ju Ling has never been an overly shy person, and her understanding of self-esteem and self-love does not mean shrinking herself into a bulky shell.Knowing what she wants, being able to be responsible for her own choices, not touching the bottom line of law and morality, and being worthy of her own conscience, all these prerequisites are met, so why should she be ashamed.

The two of them were lying on the bed, the drunkenness had long been dispelled, and their minds were very clear.

"Are you really not drunk just now?" Qiao Jue asked her with a smile.

Ju Ling recalled it seriously, and said very rigorously: "It depends on the definition of drunkenness. Is it fragmented or dizzy and nauseated? Is it drunk and making trouble or falling asleep? If it's just dizziness, nausea, slow reaction and discomfort, Then I was really drunk."

"Little boy, I'm a little scared now. If your eldest sister and second sister know that we have reached this point, they will kill me." Qiao Jue said half jokingly and half seriously: "Will they accompany you home during the winter vacation?" Will you let me in the house?"

Ju Ling looked at him sideways, smiled and bent his eyes, and said righteously: "Don't worry, I will protect you. If the eldest sister and second sister really don't let you in, I will accompany you to squat against the wall. They don't care if you are It’s not that I’m starving or freezing, but I definitely don’t want to suffer from the cold.”

Hearing these words was quite warm at first, but after thinking about it carefully, what happened was the inexplicable sadness.

But if you think about it more deeply, you will know that he is purely worrying about nothing.

Although the elder sister and the second sister of the Ju family are powerful, they will not get angry for no reason. Although they pay attention to the matter between him and Ju Ling, they never pay too much attention. He believes in Ju Ling, and her two older sisters must believe in her even more, and stay with him It was Ju Ling's choice, and her two older sisters would definitely respect her.

After chatting for a while, Ju Ling was really sleepy and turned over and fell asleep, but Qiao Jue didn't feel sleepy at all.

He quietly got up and put on his clothes and went to the balcony, looking at the foggy night in Kyoto and thinking.

Some things, once there is the first time, there will be countless times behind; some emotions, once sprouted, cannot be contained.

From now on, he wants to live with Ju Ling.

Read books and watch movies together, cook and eat together, go to the supermarket together, sleep together and wake up together, face the ups and downs, rain, snow, joys and sorrows of life together, together.
The next morning Qiao Jue drove Ju Ling back to school.

When they were parting, the two kissed in the car for a long time, after which Qiao Jue caressed the back of Ju Ling's neck and laughed softly: "I'm a little bit reluctant before we part, so send me your timetable later, one day you have fewer classes I'm coming to have dinner with you."

Ju Ling doesn't have many classes, but there are homework for each subject, and there are many books and materials to read, so the study after class is more important.

But no matter how busy you are, there is still time to have a meal with your boyfriend.

"Look at your time, call me if you have time, and let's make an appointment," Ju Ling replied.

Two universities next to each other, the distance between the two is not close or far.In the past, they imagined that they could meet every other day and stay together on weekends. However, the reality is crueler. Both of them are very busy, so they have to negotiate a time to see each other.

Three days later, Qiao Jue called and said that he could get off work early in the evening, and asked if Ju Ling was free, and if so, we could have dinner together.

Ju Ling has no time.

She still has a class in the evening, which may last until after eight o'clock.

When I was in high school, all the teachers said that college is easy, there is no morning self-study, no evening self-study, and it is easier to skip classes, as long as you don’t fail the final exam.

This is not the case. Ju Ling does not know what other universities are like, but her university not only has morning classes and sometimes evening classes, almost no one skips classes, because the content of each class is very important, and everyone The goal is not to just fail the exam, but to do well in the exam, get the best in the exam, learn more knowledge, and leave others behind.

Under this kind of competitive pressure, even those who have no ambition will be pushed forward.

"Then I'll accompany you to class," Qiao Jue said with a smile, "I'll also go and feel the learning atmosphere of your literature department."

Of course Ju Ling welcomed it, and asked Dong Ruyu to help occupy an extra seat.

Class starts at 06:30, Qiao Jue arrives at [-]:[-], and the two of them have a casual meal in the cafeteria and then go to the big classroom for class together.

Generally speaking, there are more girls than boys in the department, but despite the fact that there are not many boys, there are a lot of essence. There are a few boys who are particularly handsome and talented.

Compared with these boys, Qiao Jue has the charm of a mature man, which is very attractive.

As soon as they entered the classroom, many eyes were cast on them. Qiao Jue was used to teaching others, and Ju Ling's psychological quality was also good. The two of them walked to Dong Ruyu and the others very relaxedly without taking it seriously.

After being seated, Qiao Jue remembered to ask Ju Ling what class they were going to take and who the teacher was.

Hearing the teacher's name, Qiao Jue Bei'er gave a helpless wry smile, and whispered to Ju Ling: "Be prepared mentally, maybe the professor will ask you to get up and answer questions."

Ju Ling raised her eyebrows, not at all embarrassed: "Why, do you know each other?"

"Not only is it so simple to know, my mother is the first batch of students she taught, and I often contact her. When I was young, I often went to her house to play. When her dog left, I cried worse than their family. Thinking of what happened back then, Qiao Jue smiled nostalgically.

With such a familiar relationship, she will definitely be noticed.

"Didn't everyone say that the relationship between the two schools has always been bad, and no one looks down on the other, so why do you feel so harmonious here!" Ju Ling couldn't help but sighed.

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(End of this chapter)

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