Chapter 392

"There must be disharmony, but most of them are quite harmonious," Qiao Jue explained.

It is indeed harmonious enough.

The professor caught Qiao Jue's eyes when he entered the classroom, and then noticed Ju Ling beside Qiao Jue.

The professor smiled very kindly, and his lectures were much gentler than before.

When it came to the questioning session, Ju Ling really got the trick.

"Ask the female student next to Qiao Jue to answer this question," the professor said.

Well, people know a teacher from a foreign school but don't know the students they teach.Thanks to Qiao Jue's blessing, Ju Ling also has a name with the professor.

Ju Ling listened carefully to the class, and of course the questions did not bother her.After successfully answering, he was also praised by the professor.

Other young couples can still make small gestures in class together, but Ju Ling and Qiao Jue don't dare at all. During the two-hour class, they didn't even dare to touch their elbows. Like two people who don't know each other.

After class, Qiao Jue sent Ju Ling back to the dormitory, and Ju Ling said helplessly, "You better not come to accompany me to class in the future, I'm too tired in this class, I don't even dare to breathe."

She was tired and Qiao Jue was also tired.

"In the future, you should send me the class schedule and the name of the teacher who is teaching the class. If I have time and you want to take a class with a professor I don't know, I will accompany you. How about it?" Qiao Jue thought of a perfect solution solution to the problem.

Ju Ling looked at him sideways: "Brother Jue, why do I think you are a little clingy?"

Qiao Jue was very helpless, and he didn't want to be so clingy, but some emotions couldn't be controlled at all.

Looking back, Qiao Jue saw that Ju Ling's class schedule was very broken. He didn't expect that he knew so many professors from University B, and he couldn't listen to most of them.

So, from now on, the two of them should obediently be phone lovers. It is not expected to meet each other every week, but once a month is always possible.

It was clearly a love in the same city, but the two became a long-distance relationship.

Ju Min and Peng Yan are similar to their situation.

Ju Min was busy running around to set up a factory, had no time to go back home, and had no time to see her boyfriend, so the two could only communicate by phone every day.

If Peng Yan only ran his shoe store, he wouldn't be so busy. The main reason is that he felt sorry for Ju Min, so he took some of the work on his shoulders.

He has connections and has helped Ju Min a lot.

It can be said that Ju Min will be in charge of the factory after all. It is very necessary for her to get in touch with more people and do more things from the early stage of preparation, so Peng Yan is very careful when helping, and will never make a big deal Dalan, let Ju Min decide which things he can intervene in and which things she can handle by herself.

Sometimes Ju Min felt that she and Peng Yan might have got the wrong age, and Peng Yan seemed more mature, stable and reliable than her.

However, no matter how mature and stable people are, there are times when they are naive.

One day in mid-October, Ju Min invited several leaders of the packaging machinery factory to dinner, mainly talking about ordering machines.

Ju Min's factory hasn't opened yet, and she can work alone in the whole factory. She also comes to this kind of dinner alone, and four or five people from the opposite factory come. Deal with Ju Min one more, and Ju Min will accept it.

Ju Min had already inquired about the situation on the other side and made preparations.

During the meal, she kept playing Tai Chi with others, and she only drank one sip when they toasted and persuaded them to drink. If the other party made a move with malicious intentions, she used the excuse of going to the bathroom or going out to make a phone call to avoid it, and came back when the people inside had no such intentions.

It's really not that easy to be a strong woman, especially a beautiful strong woman, who is obviously capable but always makes people think that she wants to exchange her body for benefits.

Ju Min especially wants to break this stereotype, she wants to tell those who look down on her from the bottom of their hearts that she, Ju Min, can still get things done without selling her beauty.

After eating a meal for more than two hours, there was some progress in ordering things, but not much progress, Ju Min also drank a little too much, walking wobbly.

When she sent a few people away, she became dizzy and nearly fell down. The deputy factory manager stretched out her hand to help her. I'm sorry.

After sending all the people to the car, Ju Min couldn't bear to sit down on the steps in front of the hotel.

After a while, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in front of her eyes.

Looking up, it was Peng Yan who hadn't seen him for many days.

"Didn't you help me watch the factory repairs in the town, why did you come here?" Ju Min raised his head and asked him.

Peng Yan sat down beside her with a stern face, and said in a deep voice, "Why didn't you tell me it was this kind of drinking situation? They are all old fritters, and you can't handle it alone!"

"Why do you think I can't handle it?" Ju Min also lowered her voice.

"Which woman do you see can get good results drinking with four or five old men alone?" Peng Yan replied.

In the eyes of many people, what Peng Yan said was right, but Ju Min didn't believe it, to be precise, she didn't accept it, she felt that she could and must be able to.

Ju Min stood up unsteadily, shook off Peng Yan's extended hand, and said stubbornly: "Peng Yan, I'm not a child, I know what I'm doing and what I'm going to face, I can be responsible for myself."

After speaking, she took a taxi back to the hotel.

Peng Yan was also angry, he felt that he was doing Ju Min's favor, but Ju Min didn't appreciate it, that is, "a dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart."

Ju Min is angry because he ignores him, why is he angry?

He found a place to drink, and called Ju Min when he was still a little sober, so that Ju Min was worried about him and came to him.

When Ju Min was rushing here, he drank several cups in a row, and managed to get himself drunk.

So, he was dragged back to the hotel by Ju Min and slept on Ju Min's big soft bed.

When he got up the next day, he covered his head and complained of a headache. After breakfast and medicine, he still lay on the bed and refused to get up. Ju Min had never seen him like this, and there was nothing he could do.

"I'll give you the last eight hours. I still have dinner tonight, so what are you supposed to do!" Ju Min stood at the head of the bed and looked at him with arms crossed.

Peng Yan suddenly stretched out his arms to hug Ju Min's waist, rubbing his prickly head back and forth on her stomach, making Ju Min feel itchy and uncomfortable, so he stretched out his hand to push him.

One pushed, the other refused to let go, and later turned into two kindergarten children pushing and fighting.

After arguing and arguing, Ju Min went to bed.

The atmosphere was a bit ambiguous, but Peng Yan's words were not ambiguous at all.

He said to Ju Min: "Sister Min, I'm sorry, I said something wrong last night."

"It's okay, I know you mean well, but I'm too sensitive." Ju Min also realized her mistake.

After finishing the serious talk, Peng Yan said with some embarrassment: "Sister Min, in fact, I deliberately drank too much last night and asked you to pick me up. I was afraid that you would ignore me when I was sober."

"We're not children, so why can't we even make sense?" Ju Min smiled and said, "You came all the way to find me, and I don't appreciate it. It's really wrong to throw you out. Even if you didn't call me last night I'll call you too."

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(End of this chapter)

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