Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 393 Exercises

Chapter 393 Exercises
After calming down, both of them were surprisingly rational.

Reason is good, but sometimes it lacks a little bit of fun, and you can't even start a fight.

"Sister Min, I'll go back tomorrow," Peng Yan looked at Ju Min and said with deep meaning.

Ju Min didn't catch such an obvious hint, and said: "Don't worry about the wine bureau, I'm prepared, what should you do, don't delay your serious business."

She thought that Peng Yan stayed because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to cope with the drinking situation alone.

Peng Yan thought his sister Min was very cute in this way, so he couldn't help but leaned over to kiss her, and explained softly: "It's not about the wine bureau, but I just want to stay with you. Do whatever you want, I won't will affect you."

Ju Min understood, smiled embarrassedly, reached out and patted Peng Yan's face, compromised and said: "That's fine. As long as you have arranged everything at home, you can stay with me for a day. It's settled. I have to go back to Binjiang to look at the packaging materials for this batch of machines, and then I have to recruit people. Every step is quite annoying, and I don’t know how long I will be busy.”

"That's how you want to start your own business. Just survive the initial stage of starting a business and wait until everything is on the right track. And your factory is not large, so it's easy to manage," Peng Yan reassured.

The initial scale is really small, and whether to expand production in the future will be determined according to the benefits.Of course, this is all for the future, and she still has to figure out how to deal with the night's drinking situation.

I still have to deal with those people from the machinery factory tonight, and Ju Min wants to negotiate the business tonight.

In fact, it is easy to negotiate, but it is not easy to negotiate at a price she can accept.

If you want more discounts, you have to let people see your sincerity. It is the most effective strategy to invest in what you like, but some "good" ones are not so easy to vote for.

In the evening, Peng Yan and Ju Min went out together, Ju Min went to the hotel for an appointment, and Peng Yan wandered around in the shopping mall next door.

He was still very worried about Ju Min, afraid that Ju Min would drink too much and no one would take care of him, so he had to follow him.

Ju Min felt that the conversation yesterday was not deep enough and failed to impress the other party. As soon as she came up today, she talked with others about entrepreneurship, the past, and experience. First, she listened to the factory director and deputy factory director. Tell me about your own experiences.

She never felt ashamed or embarrassed by her experience.

People always have to experience some good and bad things in their life. Her first love with Wu Youhai and her marriage with Lin Dezhi ended in tragedy are just some experiences on her growth path. It is these experiences that make her tenacious and strong today. She can face herself calmly without any embarrassment.

Her frank and fearless attitude deeply moved the people in the machinery factory, especially the factory manager.

The factory manager also came from the countryside. He has no education and no backing. He has come to today step by step by himself.People who have not experienced these will never be able to empathize. The factory manager has experienced it, so he can understand Ju Min.

Facts have proved that Ju Min's strategy was very successful. After eating a meal for more than two hours, no one deliberately drank alcohol, and no one wanted to touch her. Everyone just chatted peacefully and deepened mutual understanding.

The purchase order was finally negotiated, and the manufacturer gave her the lowest price and promised lifetime maintenance, which far exceeded Ju Min's expectations.

After the meal, everyone walked out of the hotel together, and Ju Min watched them leave in the car again. She immediately called Peng Yan and asked him to come pick her up.

It was past nine o'clock, not too late, and the shopping malls were still open.

Peng Yan came over and saw that Ju Min was still sober and didn't smell like alcohol, so he asked her if she wanted to go back to the hotel directly or take a stroll outside for a while.

There is a shopping mall next to it, and there is a movie theater on the top floor of the shopping mall, so Ju Min suggested to go to the movies.

Most of the people who came to watch the movie at this point were young couples, and it was not at all awkward for them to mix in it.

"The first time I went to the cinema to watch a movie, I was frightened. The sound was too loud, and it took me a long time to get used to it. At that time, I wanted to bring my parents and grandma to the cinema to watch two movies when I had the conditions. It also gave them a lot of insight. It’s a pity that grandma left before that day, and parents don’t like to join in the fun,” Ju Min chatted with Peng Yan while queuing up to buy popcorn.

Yunhe does not have a separate cinema, and the Cultural Palace can also show movies, but the hardware conditions are not as good as other regular cinemas at 01:30, so if you want to feel like watching movies in a cinema, you still have to go to Binjiang or other big cities.

"Then I will open a cinema in Yunhe when I have the conditions. You can take your parents to the movies whenever you want, and you can book the theater," Peng Yan said with a smile.

Ju Min smiled and didn't say anything, just thought he was talking casually.

The two of them walked into the screening room with a bucket of popcorn and the other with two cups of Coke, and watched a movie about fighting and killing in a very polite manner.

It was almost twelve o'clock when they came out of the theater, Ju Min was a little hungry, so they went to a fast food restaurant to eat a hamburger set meal.

"Are you ready?" Ju Min asked Peng Yan after supper.

Peng Yan didn't understand: "What are you preparing for?"

Ju Min looked at him and smiled, but didn't speak.

Peng Yan understood immediately, and his face turned red.

He scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Not yet. How about, let's go to the supermarket that is still open and buy some snacks or something."

Of course, going to the supermarket is not to buy snacks. Both of them know what to buy.

It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night when we got back to the hotel, Ju Min went to take a shower first, Peng Yan was sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands and feet were shaking nervously.

He felt that he was very worthless, what was he shaking at this time, what if he lost all his strength and couldn't do it when the real thing happened for a while!

However, it turns out that the young man was completely overwhelmed.

How could a vigorous young man in his 20s be unable to face the woman he loves.

Afterwards, Peng Yan asked Ju Min very anxiously: "Sister Min, how did I do? [-] out of [-], how much can I score?"

Seeing Ju Min's serious thinking, Peng Yan was even more nervous, for fear that Ju Min would not like him if he was inferior.

Ju Min pretended to be serious and said: "Six points."

"Bada", Peng Yan's heart fell to the ground and shattered.

Ju Min smiled, patted his face and said softly: "It doesn't matter if the score is not high, just practice more. So tonight, do you still want to practice? I will accompany you."

Of course she has to accompany him, he can't practice alone.

After practicing all night, the score has gone up, and my body is a bit overwhelmed.

Both of them were woken up by the call from the service desk.Originally, Ju Min planned to check out and leave today, but the service desk asked her if she would be refunded or not.

What's the point of retiring now? If you sneak out from your busy schedule, then stay for another day and practice again if you have a chance.
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(End of this chapter)

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