Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 394 Cooked Rice

Chapter 394 Cooked Rice
While Ju Min was practicing hard with Peng Yan, Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan had conflicts of some sort and were in the middle of a cold war.

Ju Jing packed all the fruits in the orchard and mailed them to netizens who have been focusing on orchard construction on the Internet.

Many people gave back gifts after receiving the fruit. Ju Jing has been going to the hut of the village committee to pick up packages these days.

There is no weight in the gift, it is all a thought.

Among them, a male netizen who has known Ju Jing for many years, even longer than Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan, gave Ju Jing a ring.
The ring was custom-made, with Ju Jing's game name engraved on the inner ring.

Ju Jing hasn't played that game for several years and hasn't logged in. People can still remember her game name, which is really hard work.

What Ju Jing saw was his intentions, what Yin Kaixuan saw was only this ring.

"Can the ring be given away casually? It's obviously uneasy and kind for a man to give you the ring. I think you'd better return it," Yin Kaixuan said a little angrily.

He hasn't even given it away yet, so it's cheaper for other kids to get there first, of course he is not happy.

Ju Jing also felt that it was not good to accept other people's rings, so she had a chat with the male netizen, but the male netizen told Ju Jing that he opened a jewelry customization studio for each of the friends who used to play games together back then. They all customized a ring, which was regarded as a promotion for themselves, and there was no other meaning.

Since it was a mass post, Ju Jing was not polite to him, not only accepted the ring generously, but also took a photo and wrote a blog post to help male netizens promote it, which was very interesting.

Ju Jing felt that the matter was over at this point, who would have thought that Yin Kaixuan didn't let it go at all, turned around and secretly called Yin Wanrou, asking Yin Wanrou to contact a famous jewelry designer in Haishi to customize a beautiful and precious piece for Ju Jing ring.

The ring arrived by mail, and Yin Kaixuan cheerfully wanted to give it to Ju Jing, but Ju Jing turned pale when she saw the ring.

She felt that Yin Kaixuan was too naive. He gave rings as well as others, and even gave them such expensive ones. He didn't think about whether she needed it or not. It was a waste.

Yin Kaixuan felt that Ju Jing didn't understand his good intentions at all, and he happily prepared gifts for her, but she not only didn't appreciate it, but also scolded him, which was very wronged.

Because of this, the two had a big fight, which accidentally alarmed both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei.

When encountering this kind of thing, the general parents always talk to the uncle with their mouths and their hearts to the girl, and the same is true for Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei.

They first talked about Ju Jing in front of Yin Kaixuan, and told Yin Kaixuan that Ju Jing has a stubborn temper, so don't be angry with her, let them have something to talk about and don't get awkward over such a trivial matter.

Turning around, Zhang Yongmei changed her rhetoric when she was talking to Ju Jing alone.

Zhang Yongmei asked Ju Jing what was going on in detail, and after learning about it, Zhang Yongmei clicked her tongue and said: "I don't know how to discuss with you when I spend so much money on things. If you don't like it, isn't the money wasted. Turn around you Tell him well, even if you have money, you can't be such a prodigal, you still have to be more refined in your life."

Before Ju Jing could turn around, Yin Kaixuan couldn't hold back anymore.

Yin Kaixuan felt wronged in his heart, and a wave of resentment rushed straight to his head.So he called Qiao Jue to express his concerns, and asked Qiao Jue what he should do next.

Qiao Jue has known the three sisters of the Ju family for so many years, saying that he knows Ju Jing better than Yin Kaixuan, and Yin Kaixuan has no temper at all, so he is willing to tell Qiao Jue when something happens.

Qiao Jue lived up to the trust, and gave Yin Kaixuan a good analysis of Ju Jing's anger, and asked Yin Kaixuan to prescribe the right medicine, and quickly coax him if he didn't want to make things worse.

Yin Kaixuan scratched his head and felt that there was indeed something wrong with what he did, but he refused to admit that he was all wrong.But now it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, the important thing is to ease the relationship between the two of them first.

In the relationship between men and women, apology is still useful.

Ju Jing is not an unreasonable person, she also has problems in this matter, the two of them sat down to talk, and the cold war ended.

The cold war is over, but what to do with that old and expensive ring?

The custom-made ring cannot be returned, and it is impossible to throw it away, so it can only be put away properly.

Seeing that Ju Jing was in a good mood, Yin Kaixuan took the opportunity to say, "Why don't you just treat it as my engagement ring? If you accept the ring, I will treat it as if you agreed to my proposal."

Ju Jing sneered, and gave him a big white eye: "You think it's beautiful, I won't consider getting married if my eldest sister doesn't get married."

Yin Kaixuan grasped the point.

When he and Ju Jing get married not only depends on the extent of their relationship, but also depends on the progress of Ju Min and Peng Yan.

That night, Yin Kaixuan hid in the backyard and called Peng Yan to urge the marriage.

"I'll call you big brother-in-law, please hurry up and implement this title, can you? Big sister will be 25 this year, and you two will get married early and have a baby. How wonderful, why are you not in a hurry!" Yin Yin Kaixuan said anxiously.

Peng Yan: .
This is the legendary "the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry".

"There's no rush to get married. In the past few years, sister Min's life has been focused on her career, and I will fully support her. The marriage may have to be delayed for a few years," Peng Yan said honestly.

Yin Kaixuan wanted to hit the wall anxiously.

Even if it is delayed, it will be delayed for a few years.They can afford it, but he can't afford it.

"Xiao Peng, I'm not talking about you, you just can't see the situation in front of you clearly! The eldest sister is good-looking and has a good personality. The most important thing is that she can make money. What kind of man can't find a woman like this? Don't you catch me What if someone snatches it away? You listen to my brother, act first, cook the raw rice early and put it in your own bowl, don't be too confident in yourself!" Yin Kaixuan persuaded Xuxu.

Before, he was still screaming at his elder brother-in-law, but now he is Xiao Peng again, and a man can change his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Unconvinced, Peng Yan replied in a low voice, "How do you know I didn't cook the raw rice? It's not good to put the cooked rice in a pot. I just like to eat in a pot!"

Yin Kaixuan:
"Are you familiar? Damn! Big brother, you are too unkind. You are not as good as you, you run so fast, how can Brother Qiao and I chase after you! I am sour, sour. !” Yin Kaixuan said angrily and anxiously.

Peng Yan didn't care about them.

"Come on, I don't care about you and Jingjing, and don't ask me about my sister Min and I. It's useless to try to get married, you and I, you might as well spend more time on San Shu San Aunt's body", Peng Yan was quite interesting and gave him a good idea.

Yin Kaixuan tossed and turned and didn't sleep well all night, thinking about Peng Yan's words all the time.

Almost all the girls and boys in their early twenties in the village are married. The three girls of the Ju family are all over [-] and none of them are married. Can Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei not be in a hurry?
Be sure to hurry!

Couldn't he just use their urgency to solve his own problems!
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(End of this chapter)

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