Chapter 395

Recently, Yin Kaixuan was very attentive in front of Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, and he didn't spend as long with Ju Jing as he did with them.

As long as there was no work in the orchard, he would run to the restaurant, help Ju Wenqi look after the shop, and do odd jobs for Zhang Yongmei. He would help anyone in the village who came to the restaurant to say hello and chat with them.

For the older people in the village, there are only a few things that are most concerned about, and the marriage of children is one of them.

Every time they talked to Yin Kaixuan, they would ask him when he would marry Ju Jing. Whenever this time came, Yin Kaixuan would change the subject and be vague.

He passed it vaguely, but Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi listened to it in their hearts.

They are more anxious than these people in the village.

Yin Kaixuan is a good guy. Children from big cities are willing to come to the small village to accompany their girls. If they don't give them a title, it's not unreasonable for them to be so loud in front of the village all day long.

So, the couple took the opportunity to have a talk with Yin Kaixuan, and asked about the marriage on the sidelines.

Yin Kaixuan also told them obliquely that the key to getting married or not is not him, but Ju Jing.As long as Ju Jing is willing, he can take Ju Jing home to get a marriage certificate at any time.

Talk to whoever has what he says, since Ju Jing has what he says, talk to Ju Jing.

Ju Wenqi knew that his second girl loved him, and he was also afraid that he would quarrel with the second girl if he said the wrong thing, so he didn't come forward at all, and left the matter of urging the marriage to Zhang Yongmei.

Zhang Yongmei talked to Ju Jing and asked her straight to the point when she planned to get married.

Ju Jinghun said indifferently: "Why am I in a hurry, isn't my eldest sister not married yet? If you are anxious to hug your grandchildren, go to my eldest sister and urge her to go."

Zhang Yongmei stared blankly at her, and reached out to poke her arm twice, angrily said: "What are you talking about, why are you talking about your elder sister? Didn't your elder sister get married once before? If you did, I'm sure." I don't rush you."

Why are these words so awkward?
Can't take care of that much.

Zhang Yongmei continued: "Kaixuan is such a nice person. He is willing to accompany you to plant trees, plant land and raise chickens. You two are together like nothing else. What difference does it make if you are married or not?"

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you get married or not, so why do you have to get married?" Ju Jing soulfully asked.

The mother and daughter are in an endless loop.

Zhang Yongmei thinks there is no difference between being married and not getting married, so why not marry? Ju Jing thinks that there is no difference between getting married and not getting married, so why do you have to get married? No matter how much you debate, you can’t come to a conclusion, and Zhang Yongmei is very angry.

She called Ju Min and Ju Ling and asked them to talk about Ju Jing.

When the three sisters talked about this matter, Ju Jing was very helpless.

Ju Ling got to the point, she asked Ju Jing: "Second sister, our parents are usually in a hurry, and we have never seen them tell you so directly, what's going on this time?"

"Yin Kaixuan!" Ju Jing gritted her teeth and typed these three words in the chat dialog box.

"It's not easy for Xiao Yin, so be gentle," Ju Min kindly reminded her.

Take it easy?

Ju Jing took Yin Kaixuan to the woods behind the village, and asked him if he persuaded his parents to urge the marriage.

Yin Kaixuan has always known that lying in front of his partner has no good fruit, so he can only tell the truth.

Ju Jing raised her hands and was not willing to fight, she just stared at him and said, "Calm down a little bit, I won't get married if my eldest sister doesn't get married, if you are in a hurry, even if you are in a hurry, give me endure."

She disagreed, and Yin Kaixuan couldn't bear it, what else could he do.

He also felt strangely wronged in his heart.

"Eldest sister and little Pengdu. I can count the number of times I kiss you with a single slap. Do you think I can take it easy?" Yin Kaixuan said sullenly.

After he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong. He seemed to say that the bald mouth had sold Peng Yan.

Sure enough, Ju Jing accurately grasped the key point, and stared at Yin Kaixuan with wide eyes: "My eldest sister and Peng Yan. How do you know? Peng Yan told you? Are you talking about this in private?"

Ju Jing's expression was serious and ugly, and Yin Kaixuan was a little frightened.

"No, no, I overheard Xiao Peng accidentally uttering the wrong words. We have never talked about this in private. Really, I swear," Yin Kaixuan hurriedly explained.

Ju Jing didn't listen to him at all.

She is really angry now.

She has always felt that getting along with young couples in private should be a very intimate thing, and it is not suitable for sharing with others.However, Peng Yan told Yin Kaixuan about him and his eldest sister, maybe he told others besides Yin Kaixuan, which was too outrageous.

Ju Jing called Ju Min directly, told Ju Min about this, and said to Ju Min: "Sister, you must find out what Peng Yan means, if he can even bring this matter out Showing off to others or whatever, he is just a bastard, a scumbag, and he kicks and kicks early."

Ju Min didn't expect things to turn out like this, so she hung up Ju Jing's phone and contacted Peng Yan immediately.

Peng Yan was so annoyed, he blamed himself for being quick-mouthed, not the Ju sisters who were angry, it was his fault, he was sorry for Ju Min.

After explaining clearly what happened, Peng Yan repeatedly apologized to Ju Min, and said that he would never make this kind of mistake again in the future, and hoped that Ju Min could forgive him.

Peng Yan's statement can match Yin Kaixuan's, so he shouldn't be lying, and Ju Min didn't hold on to it either.

However, she also made her attitude very clear, don't show off to others about confidential matters, don't take them out, this is the bottom line.

The turmoil on Ju Min's side rested for a while, but Ju Jing's side was not so easy to pass.

Ju Jing is still very angry with Yin Kaixuan, angry at him for bringing in his parents to put pressure on her in order to achieve his own goals, angry at him for being clever when he speaks and does things without thinking.

Yin Kaixuan really knew he was wrong this time, just because he offended several people by himself, he deserved to be scolded and scolded.

Afterwards, the three sisters of the Ju family gathered to chat online, and Ju Jing complained a lot about Yin Kaixuan. Ju Min advised, "Kaixuan didn't do it on purpose. You have to think about the problem from his perspective. It's understandable for him to be anxious."

"He can't do this in a hurry, and he still asks about such secret things about you and Peng Yan, it seems like he is sick every day!" Ju Jing said angrily.

Having said that, the three sisters stopped by to discuss whether such intimate things can be shared between sisters, and finally came to the conclusion that sisters can't talk about it.

It is not accurate to say that the three sisters were discussing. It should be said that Ju Min and Ju Jing were discussing, and Ju Ling did not send a message for a long time.

After they came to a conclusion, Ju Jing asked her why she didn't say anything.

Ju Ling only replied weakly: "Eldest sister and second sister, do you really not need to tell your own sisters about this kind of thing?"

Ju Min: .
Ju Jing: .
"Qiao Jue, you bastard!" After a while, Ju Jing uttered such a sentence in the group.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you Wang Huaiying, I miss you the bitter "bitter" monthly ticket of heartbreak and tears, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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