Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 396 Marriage Concept

Chapter 396 Marriage Concept

When the question was typed, Ju Ling didn't think there was a problem. It wasn't until Ju Jing scolded this sentence that Ju Ling realized that she had been exposed!

Ju Ling was really, really annoyed, she really didn't want to drag Qiao Jue into trouble.

"Elder Sister and Second Sister, listen to me, I'm already 20 years old, I know what I'm doing, and it doesn't have much to do with Brother Xiaojue when things have developed to this point," Ju Ling hurriedly added.

Ju Jing was so angry that she didn't want to type.

Ju Min stood up and replied, "My little one, you just need to know what you're doing, and your second sister and I have no other demands, as long as you can be happy."

It's okay, it's okay, the eldest sister and the second sister didn't want to tear Qiao Jue apart.

Ju Jing didn't get angry for long, she mainly felt that her good cabbage was being beaten by Qiao Jue, and she felt a little uncomfortable.Thinking about it later, my own cabbage seems to be very happy, so I will arch.

When Ju Ling talked to Qiao Jue on the phone and talked about it when she was free, Qiao Jue let go of the heart that had been hanging all the time.Going back to Ju Ling this winter vacation is not afraid of being cleaned up!
"Little boy, what do you think about the two of us?" Qiao Jue asked very frankly: "Your second sister wants to wait until your eldest sister gets married before thinking about getting married, what about you?"

The two of them are really too familiar with each other, and they can't create a romantic atmosphere if they get to know each other everywhere.When people get married, they always think about surprises and romance, so the two of them just chatted on the phone about what to eat tomorrow morning, casually.

"I'm only a freshman, so I have to think about this kind of thing?" Ju Ling asked in surprise.

Qiao Jue smiled wryly: "Little boy, I was already thirty the year you graduated from college, have you considered this?"

Ju Ling: .
Fearing that Qiao Jue would feel uneasy because of his age, Ju Ling calmly comforted him: "Brother Xiao Jue, don't count it that way, if you count it as one year old, you can still be one or two years younger, and if you are less than thirty Woolen cloth."

Qiao Jue felt that she was not comforted.

I don't want to talk about this, so I quickly exposed it, and the two continued to discuss the matter of marriage.

After thinking about it seriously, Ju Ling replied: "I don't think you have to wait in line to get married, just get married when the time is right."

Qiao Jue pondered for a while, then smiled and said to Ju Ling: "I don't want to put pressure on you. If you don't want to get married, it doesn't matter even if you don't get married for the rest of your life. I respect your choice. We are still a family without marriage. Nothing will ever change."

"Do you really think so?" Ju Ling asked in surprise.

It doesn't matter if you don't get married for the rest of your life, does Qiao Jue really think so?
Qiao Jue gave a very solemn "Yeah" and said with a light smile, "I don't care about the form all the time. It mainly depends on ourselves. I've seen too many women get married because they have too many worries even if they don't live well. Divorce is also not considered, if marriage will become shackles, wouldn't it be good to maintain our current relationship."

It was the first time for Ju Ling to hear such a theory, but she could understand it after thinking about it for a while.

It's like Li Fengjiao, what kind of life is married to Ju Tangcheng, she has had so many miscarriages and is always beaten, her family knows how bad her life is, but they don't let her divorce, it's really miserable.

There is more than one woman like Li Fengjiao in the village.

It's not that all married people are unhappy, but that stereotypes should be broken and more people realize that marriage is just a choice, not a life step that must be completed.

The life of any woman who has never been married or had children is incomplete, bullshit, I know my own life.A woman's life is hard enough, let's stop with these messy ropes.

"Auntie didn't remarry, did she?" Ju Ling asked.

"Yes. The three of them are doing well now, and they have no plans to get married yet," Qiao Jue said honestly.

Happiness is really not directly related to getting married or not, Qiao Jue just wanted to tell Ju Ling about this.

Ju Ling received it, and later shared this point of view with her eldest and second sisters.

The three sisters had a heated discussion in the group, and agreed that this point of view is very correct. Marriage does not necessarily mean happiness, and not getting married does not necessarily mean unhappiness. In the final analysis, whether happiness is not directly related to marriage, they all framed themselves .

Yin Kaixuan knew that the three sisters had a group where they would get together to chat about life and philosophy, and they also created a group, bringing Qiao Jue and Peng Yan into it.

Ju Min's group is called Ju's Sisters, and Yin Kaixuan named their group Ju's Uncle. It's good to share some useful information if you have something to do.

The first piece of information Qiao Jue shared with them was his views on marriage to Ju Ling, but he was almost kicked out of the group by Yin Kaixuan.

"Now I suspect that the three sisters' wilder tempers have something to do with you. You must have brought these ideas to them!" Yin Kaixuan was in a very complicated mood.

Qiao Jue was never afraid of anyone during the debate, so he asked Yin Kaixuan: "Then do you like Ju Jing who is sharp and sharp, with ideas and ideas, or Ju Jing who listens to you?"

Of course she likes Ju Jing now.

He just likes the vigor in Ju Jing's body, he is ruthless and has vigor.

The first team building activity after the three Ju family uncles established a group was to discuss what gifts to give to the future father-in-law and mother-in-law during the Chinese New Year.

It's still a few months before the Chinese New Year. The reason why they discussed it so early was because Qiao Jue might accompany her home during Ju Ling's winter vacation. After discussing what gifts to give, he could also prepare them in advance.After all, he was in the capital, so it was easier to prepare than Yin Kaixuan who had been staying in the village.

While discussing and discussing, Yin Kaixuan discovered a big problem.

"The three of us worry about giving gifts every year. It seems that the three sisters don't have this trouble. Brother Qiao and your mother are abroad, Xiao Peng is only an uncle, and there is no one here."

Think about it, the mood is quite complicated.

The three sisters don't know what the three of them are doing secretly. Ju Min is busy setting up a factory, Ju Jing is learning new knowledge about free-range chickens in three places for the winter, and Ju Ling has a lot of things waiting for her to deal with. .

I'm busy with schoolwork, so I can't even attend class in a low-key manner.Now many professors and teachers in the department who don't teach her know that her boyfriend is Qiao Jue. Among the professors or lecturers who taught her who didn't know Qiao Jue before, they all know her now, and they pay extra attention to her in class.

The current situation is that it's okay not to ask people to get up to answer questions, but once she calls someone, the probability of being called is very, very high.

Concentrate in class, and you have to focus 100% on homework after class. Once you do not finish well in class, you will definitely be named and criticized.

In addition to being busy with schoolwork, she also has to write novels.

The novel that started writing after the college entrance examination has now completed more than 50 words. Even if her update is not stable enough, her grades are still very good.The meaning of the editor is to write more while the popularity is high and the grades are good. There is no problem with 100 million or 200 million words, but Ju Ling feels that her story is almost finished.

Before reaching a consensus with the editor, a film and television company contacted her, wanting to buy the film and television copyright of her previously published book!

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(End of this chapter)

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