Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 397 cheated

Chapter 397 cheated
Ju Ling doesn't know much about this area, so she still needs to discuss it with the editor.

The editor contacts colleagues in the company's film and television publishing, and asks professional people to do professional things.

The matter of film and television copyright was quickly discussed, and Ju Ling sold the film and television copyright of her book at a not-so-high price.

After the matter was finalized, she immediately shared the good news with her family.

Filming a novel is actually a very complicated process. If the novel is well-known and invested enough, the finished product may be seen on TV in a year or two. If the novel is not well-known and there is no investment, it will be sold. Film and television copyright may never be filmed.

Both Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi didn't understand this. What they understood was that they would be able to watch TV dramas made from novels written by their girls on TV in the future!

Ju Ling repeatedly told them not to tell the people in the village that the higher the expectations, the more disappointed they might be in the end, and the people in the village who waited a long time for the finished product to go online might even say they were bragging.

Unfortunately, Ju Wenqi didn't listen to her at all.

Ju Wenqi has been telling people about his trip to Kyoto for several months, and the rats in the village probably know where he went to in Kyoto, so no one is bothered.

Now that there is finally something fresh to show off, of course Ju Wenqi has to tell others about it.

It took less than half a day for Ju Ling to call back, and Ju Wenqi spread the story to everyone in the village.

It's okay if you talk about it well, but no matter what it is, it will definitely go astray, and it's the same this time.

After passing it on, it will become Ju Ling who is going to be a star and film a TV series
When Ju Jing called Ju Ling to talk about this, she gloated and laughed for a long time, and she also said: "Little boy, you now have another nickname, people in the village not only call you a college student but also a big star." Woolen cloth."

Ju Ling had a terrible headache.

Sometimes she can't understand Ju Wenqi very much, can't she keep a low profile, she will shake off any good things she does, and if she is praised by others, she can live forever or something.

"I'm worried now. I'm just selling a copyright. It's not sure whether it can be photographed. People in the village will definitely say that my father is bragging. He didn't have face at that time. What to do? Will you blame me for not speaking clearly?" Ju Ling asked very worriedly.

Ju Jingxiao took a long time to stop it, and said to Ju Ling: "It's not enough to complain, I'm sure I don't want to talk to you if I lose face. You don't have a long memory, so why rush to talk about such things, when the TV series broadcasts you in the future Besides, he can play whatever he wants when he goes out."

Ju Ling is also regretting it to death now. When the book was published before, she waited for the matter to be completed. Ju Wenqi was very pleasantly surprised and often showed off to the people in the village.This time she was the one who didn't think about it, so no matter what happened, she had to suffer.

It is not certain when the film and television will come out, but the copyright fee will arrive fairly quickly.

It was already cold in Kyoto in December, and Ju Ling treated her roommates to a hot hot pot meal by selling copyrights.

It's a bit unbelievable to say it, this is the third time since the beginning of school that the four of them have not eaten in the cafeteria and come out to have dinner together.

They are usually very busy, and basically eat three meals a day separately. They rarely have the opportunity to eat with their companions, and even less chance to go out to eat. It is necessary to coordinate the time of the four of them.

While eating hot pot, Teng Rong also announced a big event. She has a boyfriend and is an international friend.

The man came to study abroad. Teng Rong met him through club activities, and developed a relationship after coming and going.

Ju Ling and the others coaxed Teng Rong and her boyfriend to treat them to dinner. What to eat is not the point, the point is that everyone knows each other.

Teng Rong also generously agreed, and said that they would all meet her boyfriend tonight, and the boy would come to pick her up after dinner, and they would not go back to the dormitory tonight.

"When did you two confirm your relationship?" Ju Ling asked suspiciously.

Teng Rong replied honestly, "Just yesterday."

The relationship was confirmed yesterday, and she will stay out all night tonight. She is quick enough.

It was difficult for Ju Ling to say anything, but Dong Ruyu, the eldest sister in the dormitory, reminded me shyly: "Then you pay attention to safety, and you must remember what the senior sister told us when the school started."

Teng Rong said indifferently: "Oh, I know, don't worry about me."

With her attitude, how could the people in the dormitory not be worried.But I'm worried that there is no way. She is an adult, and outsiders can't control her.

Teng Rong's boyfriend is really good-looking, with a typical Caucasian appearance, and he can also speak Chinese, that is, he can't speak Chinese very well, but he can communicate.

After a short time together, Ju Ling felt that Teng Rong's boyfriend was a little frivolous, and his eyes were uncomfortable.

It's not easy for her to tell Teng Rong directly, but after she parted with Teng Rong, she told Dong Ruyu and Yang Liu what she thought, but she didn't expect them to feel the same way.

When Teng Rong came back to class the next day, Ju Ling and the others talked about it in a roundabout way. I don't know if Teng Rong really didn't hear it or pretended not to hear it. Anyway, she didn't take the matter at all.

If she doesn't pick up, there's nothing I can do. The people in the dormitory can't say "We don't think your boyfriend is a good guy, so stay away from him".

Facts have proved that Ju Ling and the others are quite accurate.

Teng Rong broke up with her boyfriend in less than half a month, and that man dumped Teng Rong.

During this period of time, Teng Rong hardly lived in the dormitory. He was hanging out with that man all day long. Everyone felt that they had a good relationship, and they didn't expect to break up so soon.

Tengrong didn't go to class, and cried all day in the dormitory, no one persuaded him.

After three or four days like this, Teng Rong got better and was willing to talk more about her ex-boyfriend.

It turned out that the man had more than one girlfriend. He had a girlfriend before he came to study abroad. After coming here, he made a girlfriend in the International Student College. Later, he met Teng Rong and fell in love with Teng Rong again.

Getting rid of Teng Rong was not because he only focused on one person after realizing his mistake, but because he fell in love with another girl, who was said to be from the Department of History, and took that girl to the hotel on the day he broke up with Teng Rong.

"I thought he was a gentleman, courteous and dedicated, but I didn't expect him to be a playboy. I gave him everything, but he treated me like this. I'm not convinced," Teng Rong cried and confided.

What can you do if you are not convinced about this kind of thing?
If you eat a pit, you will learn a lot of wisdom. Everyone persuaded Teng Rong to keep his eyes open in the future, and don't believe anyone.

Because of Teng Rong's incident, the atmosphere in the dormitory was really low for a while, and Ju Ling was too embarrassed to call Qiao Jue in the dormitory.

The gloomy atmosphere continued until the final exam.After the exam, the winter vacation is about to go home, and everyone is happy again.

Ju Ling is happy, but Qiao Jue is a little unhappy, because his winter vacation is many days shorter than Ju Ling's!

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(End of this chapter)

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