Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 399 Injustice

Chapter 399 Injustice
Ju Ling's mouth was very fast, and she immediately said: "Her sweet mouth is rare? Then why didn't she talk to you when we walked across the street just now? I think she is behind my uncle and his family's sweet mouth to you!"

Ju Wenqi thought about it, and felt that what the third girl said was right, but if she agreed, she would feel embarrassed, so she changed the subject very bluntly: "Do you know what that girl's family does? No one in our village thought about it. My friend is looking for a partner whose family conditions are so good."

Where did Ju Ling know where to go, so Ju Wenqi hurriedly said not to be secretive.

It turned out that the girl's family was in Yangshan Village, which was not too close to Xiaofuqiangtun. The girl's elder brother and sister-in-law raised a lot of deer, and their annual income exceeded that of others for several years.The girl's parents run a small shop in the village, and the business is very good.

"How did you fall in love with Tangyou Ju with such a good condition?" Ju Lingnahan asked: "Tangyou Ju can't do anything without leaving anything to eat. If the girl is not stupid, she won't be able to date him."

Ju Wenqi opened his mouth to explain, but swallowed the words back, telling Ju Ling not to ask more questions.

Ju Ling: .
This gossip is not allowed to ask in the middle, how annoying.

But it doesn't matter, Ju Wenqi didn't say that he could go home and ask the second sister, she must know.

When she got home, Ju Ling pretended to be angry and asked Ju Jing why she didn't pick her up at the entrance of the village, and showed her second sister her hands that were frozen red from carrying luggage.

Ju Jing originally wanted to tease her, but when she saw that her hands were really red and cold, she felt distressed, so she quickly held the little sister's hand to warm it up.

"You think I don't want to pick you up. My dad didn't let me go and said he would pick you up by himself. I thought he was afraid that I would steal his limelight, so I'll listen to him." Ju Jing pouted towards Ju Wenqi in a small voice Said to Ju Ling.

It can be seen that Ju Wenqi is really happy today. As soon as he entered the door, he turned his legs to boil hot water to make tea for Qiao Jue, not to mention going to the restaurant to help with work.

Ju Ling looked around but didn't see Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi, so she asked Ju Jing where they had gone, and Ju Jing turned her attention to Ju Wenqi, and replied helplessly: "Our dad will pick you up, the hotel will be there for you." Our mother can’t do it alone, so they went to help. Our parents really miss you, and they started to prepare delicious food for you a long time ago. It’s not easy to tell them what I want to eat , I have to talk to Brother Long, do you think they are too partial?"

Parents love to have a young child, which is applicable to many families.

Ju Laosan and his wife are very good to the three girls, but if you have to put them in order, the one who loves the most must be Ju Ling.

The three girls in the Ju family knew this all the time, and Ju Jing wasn't really sad when she said it at the moment, she just wanted to tease Ju Ling.

Ju Ling didn't take the bait, and didn't answer her words at all, and instead asked about Tangyou Ju and his partner.

Mentioning this matter, the smile immediately disappeared from Ju Jing's face, and a contemptuous expression appeared.

The girl's name was Song Qing, two years older than Tangyou Ju, and she had a date with someone when she was working outside. The man's family disagreed with their affairs, and the quarrel was quite unpleasant, and the two finally separated.

Not long after the separation, Song Qing found out that she was pregnant, and was persuaded by her parents and sister-in-law to go to the hospital and beat the child.

My family would definitely not tell this kind of thing to the outside world, and the hospital also went quietly. Who would have thought that there was a sister of a nurse in the town hospital who married into Yangshan Village, and the matter was still not hidden, and everyone knew about it.

The Song family's parents, brother and sister-in-law felt ashamed, and Song Qing didn't even dare to leave the house, for fear of being judged by others.

After staying at home like this for more than half a year, my body has recovered and I have gained a lot of weight.The Song family's parents felt that it was not an option for the girl to continue like this, so they began to ask someone to introduce her to someone.

If you don’t want it in your own village, you can look for it in other villages, and if you don’t want it nearby, you can look for it in a distant village.

The match must have to inquire about the situation in the other's family. Song Qing can find out about that matter as soon as she inquires, so she failed to introduce several times in a row, and finally introduced it to Tangyou Ju.

The Song family was really afraid that the girl would not get married, so they told the Ju family directly during the blind date that they didn't want a bride price when they married a girl, and would give the girl a dowry!
For this one, Li Qiuju and Ju Changlong agreed.

At first, Cai Meiyu and Ju Wenlin disagreed, feeling that a woman who was pregnant was not good enough for their grandson, but Li Qiuju and his wife were upright and didn't listen to them at all. Later, they met with the Song family several times, and every time they met, they They all gave things in big and small bags, and Cai Meiyu and Ju Wenlin slowly accepted it.

Tangyou Ju also disagreed at the beginning, he also thought that Song Qing had been with someone who had conceived a child, so he was afraid that others would laugh at him.

Later Song Qing came over and stayed alone with him for a day, not knowing what the two of them said or did, and since then Tangyou Ju agreed.

Ju Jing didn't mean that the Ju family was greedy for cheap, but she couldn't understand how these people treated Song Qing.

Song Qing is also very pitiful.She was dating someone sincerely, and planned to marry and live with him, but in the end, the man failed her and hurt her.

She definitely doesn't want to get pregnant first before marriage, and besides, she can't conceive by herself, so why should she bear all the consequences alone.

From the beginning to the end, no one sympathized with her, and everyone, including her family, felt that she had done something wrong, that she was indiscreet, and that she was ashamed.

Because of this, a good girl will be said to be second-hand, and will be disposed of by her family like a defective product. Ju Jing feels disgusted when she thinks about it.

What made Ju Jing even more upset was that even her own parents felt that Song Qing was at fault, and that it was very, very good for her to marry Tangyou Ju.

"Parents think so too?" Ju Ling also found it incredible.

After my eldest sister got divorced, how many people said that my parents have been sad for a long time because of this, how could they be confused again when such a thing happened again.

Ju Jing rolled her eyes straight, and concluded accurately: "If it doesn't happen to my family, I feel that I can understand it. Probably this is 'seeing the excitement is not a big deal'."

No matter how you don't feel angry, it's someone else's business. After the chat, the two sisters talked about other things in a tacit understanding.

The elder sister of the three sisters hadn't come back yet, so Ju Jing called Ju Min to ask when she would come back.

Ju Min is in Yunhe now, and the Spring Festival is approaching, and the matter of setting up the factory has to be postponed for a few years.Having nothing to do these days, she came to Yunhe to help Peng Yan look at the shop, and also had a good get-together with Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife along the way.

Some people, really can't afford to support them, no matter how good the business is in their hands, they can't do well.

How long has it been since Ju Min transferred such a good business to Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife, but the business of the beverage store is not as good as before!

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(End of this chapter)

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