Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 400 Can't Help

Chapter 400 Can't Help

Ju Min and Ruan Xiaofeng must talk about the situation of the beverage store when they meet, they both look sad.

"Hey, big sister, you don't know. The business was pretty good in the first month, but it got worse and worse in the second month. Before the New Year's Day, the second canteen opened another shop selling drinks, and the business was not good. They snatched it away!" Wang Xiuhong said with a bitter face.

It doesn't make sense.

Ju Min paved the way for them. Even if they don't innovate after taking over, they won't make the business worse.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you still making drinks according to the original recipe? Are you giving enough ingredients? Are you still giving gifts?" Ju Min asked.

Ruan Xiaofeng hesitated in answering, looked at Wang Xiuhong first, then lowered his head and replied: "I still buy from the original store, and the gifts are always being delivered."

Ju Min immediately recognized the problem.

The raw materials are still imported from the original store, but the current raw materials are not necessarily the same as the original raw materials.

Ju Min didn't have time to go around with them, so he asked directly: "Have you bought cheap raw materials?"

"Cheap is cheap. We tried it first, and it's no different from expensive ones. We can't drink it at all," Wang Xiuhong explained.

Ju Min let out a long sigh, really speechless.

If the cheap and expensive ones are really the same, why do they sell them separately?Besides, she, Ju Min, is not a fool, if she really wants to be the same, why did she choose more flowers and buy expensive ones!

Not the same at all.

Some people may not really be able to taste it, but more people can taste the difference.To fool people with cheap ones, isn't that digging a hole and stepping in it?

"Big sister, if you give us some advice, what should we do in the future? It's not suitable for this store to open in this way, the rent is too expensive," Ruan Xiaofeng asked with a frown.

"Brother, sister-in-law, we pay attention to the word 'integrity' in business. If you fool other people's business, you will fool you. In the future, you should stop shoddy. If you want business to be good, you have to be willing to invest in it," Ju Minyu said earnestly. Said.

Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife repeatedly promised that they would not do such a thing in the future, but they still hoped that Ju Min would give an idea, not for raw materials, but for competitors, and they had to find a way to suppress the competitors.

In the past, Ju Min was able to squeeze out her competitors because she had the upper hand. Now the situation is completely opposite. Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife played poorly with a good card, and it is not so easy to win back.

"It's not that I don't help you, it's that I have nothing to do. You have to get back the lost word-of-mouth first, and then talk about competing with the second canteen. It's basically impossible to do both together, too anxious is not a good thing," Ju Min analyzed rationally.

However, Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife couldn't listen at all.

They felt that Ju Min had a lot of ideas, and she must have a solution. If she refused to give them ideas, she was angry with them, thinking that they did not do a good job in the business of the beverage store.

There was nothing Ju Min could do if they thought so, a good meal ended in an unpleasant situation for both parties.

Ju Min was angry when he told Ju Jing and Ju Ling about this.

"I think I'm just too kind to them! From Dananbian to Yunhe, I think I'm enough, why are they just... Hey, I don't know what to say, I'm tired", Ju Min was angry and helpless Said.

"This person is just not greedy enough. The more you help them, the more you feel that you owe them. When your factory is up and running, they will come to you again. If you say you don't help, they will definitely say that you have money. Recognizing an old friend, I can't help but say that you hate the poor and love the rich," Ju Jing said in her most usual yin and yang tone.

The words are not nice, but they make sense.

It's not that Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife are bad, it's just that many people think so.

If something happens to Ju Min, Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife will definitely spare no effort to help, but the current situation is that Ju Min is better than them, so they hope that Ju Min can help them more, if Ju Min does not help, it is not meaningful, just look down on them , just think they are incompetent
"Sister, what do you decide to do? To help or not to help?" Ju Ling asked.

Ju Min sighed: "If I want to help, I have to be able to help. Originally, they should save their word of mouth first before talking about competition. Now that they don't have the strength to compete, they want to crowd out other people's business. Isn't this a dream? I can't help it."

"If you can't control it, don't worry about it. What else can they do with you? They can't cut off the friendship. The Chinese New Year is less than a week away. When will you and Peng Yan come back? Eldest sister, you are really shameless, I am a little younger than you You have come back from so far and you are still in Yunhe." Ju Jing complained.

The two younger sisters urged Ju Min to go home as soon as possible.

Seeing Peng Yan at night, the two discussed going home tomorrow.

Before going home, they also bought a lot of New Year's goods, just like buying goods.

Peng Yan drove back directly in his car, and Ju Wenqi was even more proud.Is there any son-in-law in the village who has the air of his son-in-law, who can do whatever he wants, and the best-looking ones.

Peng Yan only stayed in the village for one night, and was going back to town the next day.

He still has an uncle to take care of, so it's okay to go back when he's busy. The headquarters can't let his uncle stay at home alone for the New Year's Eve.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei didn't want him to leave, so they asked him to bring their uncle over so that everyone could celebrate the New Year together, and it was still lively.

Peng Yan was not too polite, and actually took his uncle over.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei thought that their in-laws would definitely treat their relatives well. They never imagined that the business of the restaurant would be so good even after the New Year's Eve. They would hold weddings until the 29th of the year.

Most of the young people in the village go out to work, and they rush to get married during the time around the Chinese New Year. Ju Wenqi and his wife can't make money without making money, so they can only let their in-laws do what they want, and don't be polite to them.

Young people are not idle either. They have to help with banquets if they have banquets, and help Ju Jing with work if there are no banquets.

The fruit trees need to be kept warm, and each tree is covered with cotton-padded jackets tied with straw. The cotton-padded jackets are easily blown off in strong winds, so they have to be checked next to each other if nothing happens.

In addition to fruit trees, free-range chickens also have a lot of work to do here.

In winter, free-range chickens do not have so much to eat and can only increase the input of grain and feed.The water freezes after a while, so water supply is also very troublesome, and there is also chicken manure.The ones that are pulled outside can be left alone, waiting for the spring to plow the ground and directly plowed into the soil, but the ones inside the chicken coop can’t be ignored, as long as a day is not cleaned inside, a thick layer will accumulate, which is annoying to watch.

When Ju Ling and the others didn't come back, Ju Jing, Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi had to come to work almost every day. It was windy and cold in winter, and the three of them suffered a lot.

Of course Zhao Laohan and Dachun were not lazy, but if they were the only ones to do it, they would have to work from morning to night. Even though Ju Jing was the boss, she felt that it was not appropriate to order people to work like this.

Before New Year's Eve, Zhao Laohan came to the village to look for Ju Jing, saying that he wanted to go home to spend his mother's day, and he would come back in the second day of junior high school.

Ju Jing happily gave the leave, but what she never expected was that something happened to her hillside in just two days.

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(End of this chapter)

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