Chapter 402
Ju Wenqi was the only one in the Ju family who did not enter the kitchen, not even Feng Guangquan.

At any rate, Feng Guangquan also mixed a cold dish, which was sweet and sour and a little spicy, and it looked particularly refreshing among the various meats on the table.

Grandpa, who hadn't even entered the kitchen, felt embarrassed and took the initiative to order two plates of pork knuckle.

Now it's all right, all the men in the room except Ju Wenqi are left with little contributions and are waiting to eat.

Can that make him cheaper?Zhang Yongmei herself started making fun of him, and everyone followed suit, saying that he was lazy, greedy, and stupid.Ju Wenqi listened cheerfully. He didn't eat less than one bite of food. After eating two big bowls of rice, he put down the bowls and chopsticks when he was full and replied: "Look, what's the use of saying so much? I should eat what I should eat." Drink it, I'll take it when I leave later."

It's a big holiday, and no one really cares about these things, it's just for the sake of invigorating the atmosphere and making fun of it.

Chatting after dinner, grandma fumbled around and took out 200 yuan from the cabinet to give to Zhang Liyang's partner.

After all, it's the first time for a girl to come here to celebrate the New Year, so it's fun no matter what.

Grandma hit the head, and both Zhang Yongmei and Zhang Yongli had to say that they each gave the girl 200 yuan.

Immediately after that was Ju Ling, grandma's most beloved granddaughter, who still received the old rule of 200 yuan.

But this year Ju Ling didn't plan to ask for the money. She whispered in her grandma's ear that she made a lot of money from publishing novels and selling film and television copyrights, so that grandma could keep the money for herself.

I spent a lot of money on my illness last year. Although the three families now give my grandparents pension money, the money is still good when there is no disaster or illness. I don’t deserve anything when I am sick. If you have money, you still have to save it yourself.

When the Ju family left, Zhang Yongmei was the last one to go, and when she was alone with her grandparents, she stuffed 2000 yuan into the pockets of the elders.

Grandma and grandpa don't want life or death, but their actions are not as quick as Zhang Yongmei's. After stuffing the money, she walked away quickly, and grandma and grandpa had no choice but to stay.

Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan also left 2000 yuan for the two elders. This is not pension money. The pension money was given on New Year's Day.

Now everyone is living a good life. If they can't stay with their parents every day to fulfill their filial piety, they can only find ways to make up for it in other ways. 2000 yuan was the amount they negotiated in private. If it was less, they would feel sorry for it. If it was too much, grandpa would definitely send the money back even if he was brave in the wind and snow. This 2000 yuan is just right.

As for whether Zhang Yongcai and Zhao Limei will give extra money, it has nothing to do with them. They do their own filial piety and don't care about others.

After returning home, no one was resting. Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi went to the restaurant. They were absent for most of the day, and Long Ge and Peng Sanshu were watching at the restaurant.

Qiao Jue drove Peng Yan's car and took Ju Jing to the town hospital to see the Spring Festival. Jing Chengxi took the others to the uphill field. There must be a lot of work to be done in the chicken coop and orchard.

The story of hurting people and stealing chickens spread quickly in all directions. Anyway, it wasn't their own chickens that were lost, and it wasn't their own people who were injured.

The ones who don't think it's a big deal are of course Ju Wenlin's family.

Cai Meiyu also told people that losing the chickens in the chicken coop deserves it, and that they can raise chickens in their own yard in a proper manner.

People who are cheap have their own money!

As soon as she finished talking outside, her precious grandson Ju Tangyou was bitten by a dog!
The bite was quite serious, and a piece of flesh was torn off the leg.

He's also cheap, that dog was digging around on the side of the road to eat, he had to go up and kick him, that's what he deserved.

Looking back on this matter, Tangyou Ju insisted that it was Ju Jingyang who bit him, and wanted Ju's family to pay for it.

Cai Meiyu and Li Qiuju were aggressive, and they went straight to the restaurant to settle the score without even saying that they would accompany Tangyou Ju to the county health center for a bandage.

Ju Ling was bitten by a dog when she was a child, and Mr. Qiao and Qiao Jue took her to get a rabies vaccine. The Ju Wenqi and his wife have always remembered this, so when they heard that Ju’s cousin was bitten by a dog, the first reaction was to persuade him to get an injection. .

Cai Meiyu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are two dogs who bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people. They don't listen to Ju Wenqi and his wife at all. They just ask for money, and they can't do anything.

It's not like this. None of the Ju family's six dogs is at home. Where can they bite people?

"The dogs have followed to the hillside. If they are not at home, my cousin must have been bitten by someone else's dog." Ju Wenqi said calmly.

Zhang Yongmei also added: "It's useless to yell at us. It's better to go out and look for that dog to see who it is. You can ask for it for as much as you spend. If you find it late and someone disposes of the dog, you will be fine." Nothing."

In fact, when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law entered the courtyard of the hotel, they probably guessed that it might not be Ju Tangyou who was bitten by the Ju family's dog.There is not a dog where the dog is usually tied, and the dogs of Ju Laosan's family usually stay together no matter whether they let go or not, and they have never been alone outside.

Guessing that there will be more quarrels, in fact, I just don't give up, in case the quarrel can make money.

Simply dreaming.

Ju Wenqi and his wife are not fools, they have already said what they have said anyway, if you like to quarrel, you can continue to quarrel, it doesn't hinder them anyway.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw that the quarrel could not come to a conclusion, so they obediently went out to look for the dog, and finally found it!
No wonder Tangyou Ju said it was Ju Jing's dog, this dog is really similar to Ju Jing's dog.

The dog didn’t belong to anyone in the village, it didn’t know where it came from, and it was useless to ask someone to pay for it. Cai Meiyu simply called all her sons and son-in-law over to beat the dog to death, and made dog meat for her grandson’s health.

In the past, Ju Wenqi also liked to eat dog meat. When he had nothing to do in the town, he liked to go to the dog meat restaurant to have a meal. These years, the family has been raising dogs, so he can't eat dog meat no matter what.

He is not proud of this mouthful, and there are quite a few people in the village who are proud of this mouthful.The relationship with Ju Wenlin's family is not bad, so they went to help clean up, and ate a meal of dog meat by the way. Everyone was very happy, but no one thought of Tangyou Ju who was bitten by a dog.

In the end, Huang Zhaodi heard about this and asked Ju Tangcheng to go over and persuade Ju Tangyou to get an injection.

The first time he was not persuaded, Ju Tangcheng was unwilling to go again, so Huang Zhaodi asked Ju Tangcheng to call the Song family.

Just before Chinese New Year, Tangyou Ju hadn't given presents to the future father-in-law's New Year's greetings, but the future daughter-in-law Song Qing came here by herself with gifts.Seeing Tangyou Ju's injury, Song Qing changed her cheerful temper and dragged Tangyou Ju to the township health center for trauma treatment, and went to the town hospital for vaccinations.

Fortunately, they ran into Ju Jing in the hospital.

When it was time to eat, Ju Jing came down to buy food for the big guys. At the hospital gate, she saw Song Qing frowned and grabbed Ju Tangyou by the ear and dragged him into the hospital.

Ju Jing: .
This is so much fun!Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu probably never dreamed that their two precious grandsons would not find simple women, and there will be plenty of fun to watch in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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