Chapter 403
Huang Zhaodi is powerful inside and out, with a slightly mean face, giving people a feeling that she is not easy to mess with.

This Song Qing is different.

She looks chubby and cheerful to everyone, she looks pleasing and soft, she seems to have a good temper, but from her attitude towards Tangyou Ju, it can be seen that this girl is also very powerful inside, but she will Hidden, at least before entering Ju's house.

For Ju Jing, everyone said that she has a bad temper and is not easy to provoke, but that's not always the case.As long as it suits her appetite, she can also be kind to others.

So she stopped Song Qing and Tangyou Ju and asked them why they came to the hospital.

Tangyou Ju rolled his eyes and remained silent, Song Qing explained the whole story clearly.

Ju Jing nodded knowingly, and kindly reminded: "There are too many people in the outpatient department of the hospital, but you may not be able to get an injection. If you are in a hurry, you'd better go to the epidemic prevention station, where there are few people.

It just so happens that the epidemic prevention station is not too far from here, and it only takes three to two minutes to walk there.

Tangyou Ju rolled his eyes again, and muttered in a low voice, "You must have no good intentions."

Song Qing glared at her before she finished speaking, and she shut up and didn't dare to say anything.

Song Qing hurriedly thanked Ju Jing, and dragged Tangyou Ju to the direction of the epidemic prevention station.

Looking back, Ju Jing called Ju Min and Ju Ling to talk about it, and Ju Min said emotionally, "It's all forced by life."

Forced by life!

Huang Zhaodi's misfortune in her previous marriage and Song Qing's last relationship ended without a problem, which undoubtedly made their living space smaller and made their lives more difficult.If you want to live unyielding, you have to use some unconventional means and scheming, but there is no way.

Ju Min saw his shadow in both Huang Zhaodi and Song Qing.Their experiences are similar, but there is one thing that is very different. Huang and Song still choose to rely on men, but they don't want to be controlled by men anymore, but choose to control men.And she chose to rely on herself.

Facts have proved that a woman who has suffered misfortune and chooses to rely on herself to work hard can still break through other people's gossip and gain respect.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Ju Min was at home thinking about what he would be busy with on the fifth day of the first lunar month, when Shen Zhicheng and his wife came to the house.

At first Ju Min thought they were looking for Ju Wenqi, and ordered Ju Ling to go to the restaurant to call them back, but Shen Zhicheng hurriedly stopped her, saying bluntly that they were here to look for her.

Shen Zhicheng has done a good job as a village cadre in the past few years. Not to mention how rich the small Fuqiang village is, at least it is definitely not bad compared to the nearby villages.

He didn't beat around the bush, and said directly to Ju Min: "Minmin, I heard that your factory is looking good, shouldn't it be time to recruit people in the beginning of spring? I wonder if we all live in the same village. Yes, I know you know and trust, if you want to recruit people, can you recruit a few more people from our village?"

Ju Min was still pondering what he said, and Shen Zhicheng took it as displeased when she saw that she didn't make a statement, and continued: "The town is closer to home, so it's convenient to go home. If you can make money at the door of the house, who will pay?" Are you Minmin willing to send your children to work outside? I also know that it is not easy for you to open a new factory. I don’t ask you to pay too much wages, as long as you can pay them on time every month. "

"It's not about the salary, it's that I'm not sure how many people I need to recruit and what treatment I can give to the recruited people, so I can't promise you anything. You are right, we are all from the same village , when the time comes to recruit people, I will certainly not not recruit people from our village, but the premise is that this person is practical and capable and does not steal or play tricks," Ju Min said while turning the corner.

At first, she didn't intend to recruit people from her village at all!

Everyone thinks that everyone is from the same village, easy to talk and easy to do.It’s okay to be lazy, it’s okay to take a leave of absence, it’s okay to do less work, it’s okay to steal something secretly, it’s okay to take advantage of your work to benefit your family
They are fine, and Ju Min was the one who cheated them in the end.

It doesn't matter how much the salary is. At that time, Ju Minzhen will not be paid as much as working outside. You can see whether the people in the village are cursing or not.

Ju Min doesn't do such stupid things even if he does good deeds and is taken advantage of.

But since Shen Zhicheng came to talk about this in person, if she didn't speak softly, Shen Zhicheng wouldn't be able to save face.

The words have been made very clear, when the time comes to recruit people, the people in the village will not be excluded, but it is definitely not that the people in the village can go if they want to, and they are put together with everyone, better than others, and worse than others Ju Min absolutely does not want it either.

Both Shen Zhicheng and his wife understood what she meant. After all, it was not their own business and they would not be paying wages in the future.

Where to forget?Her parents and sister are all here, she hopes that Xiaofuqiangtun will get better and better even if she is not for others but for her own family.

That night when Ju Wenqi came back from the hotel, he also told Ju Min about the factory's recruitment.

Today, several people from the village went to the restaurant to talk to Ju Wenqi about this matter. They wanted Ju Wenqi to help them talk and let their children come to work in Ju Min's factory.

They just want to be close to home, and they don't want their children to go too far. They only go home for a few days during the Chinese New Year.Furthermore, the family is too busy during the busy farming season, and the children can still go home and help with the work.

Ju Wenqi felt that they were all from a village, and they all came to him. It was inappropriate for him not to talk to Ju Min, but Ju Min hated him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Dad, my factory has been missed by so many people before it even opened. It's fine if you can't help, but why do you still want to help outsiders? Afterwards, they will take the salary I gave to open and run home all day long to work." Can you help me drive these people to work when I'm working at home? Can you make up for my loss? If the factory closes down, they can go to other places to continue working, what will you do?"

Ju Wenqi felt a little wronged, and explained: "I'm not helping outsiders, so I just mentioned it casually, and I don't have to ask you to recruit someone. If you have something to say, talk about it, why are you so impatient with me?"

"Dad, it's a good thing that the second sister is not at home today. If she was at home, she would definitely be more impatient. In the future, you should be careful when you talk and do things. Don't give up your heart and soul just after hearing a few good words from others. This world is worth your heart and soul." You have to know who you are," Ju Ling said with a smile.

Ju Wenqi was told to be honest by his two daughters, so he shut up and didn't mention it again.

He didn't mention it, but Ju Min couldn't help but bother.

In fact, the factory is still in preparation and has not yet reached the stage of recruiting, but it is coming soon, and the matter of recruiting before March must be finalized.

 Thank you for your support, votes and subscriptions, and Huayuye 22, My Weiwei, Yixianyangguang and An Ruo for the monthly tickets, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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