Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 404 Secret Marriage

Chapter 404 Secret Marriage
On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Ju Min left home to go to the town to deal with the construction of a factory, and Ju Jing also got good news from the doctor.

In a few days, Dachun will be discharged from the hospital.

He has a good physical foundation, and the bleeding area is not large and the bleeding points are relatively easy to treat, so the overall situation is not bad, and the sequelae are relatively mild.

The so-called sequelae are hand tremors, and many people will suffer from language barriers and hemiplegia. Compared with those people, Dachun is really lucky to have only slight hand tremors.

Dachun was injured while taking care of his chicken coop in the orchard, not to mention that he was only slightly trembling, even if he left serious sequelae, Ju Jing had to take care of it to the end.

Both Peng Yan and Ju Min are in the town, and Ju Jing also hired a nurse, so the others can go home and rest for a few days.

On the way back to the village, Qiao Jue kept frowning, looking worried.

Yin Kaixuan asked him what's the matter, Qiao Jue sighed, "I have to go to work after the tenth day of the lunar new year, isn't it a few days away?"

In other words he was going to fuck off.

The sad thing is that there are two people coming back, and he was alone when he left, and Ju Ling didn't return to Beijing with him.

Yin Kaixuan reassured him silly and happily: "Oh, don't sigh, you have to think about it later. When the little one starts school, you two can be together every day, how nice it is."

Together every day?Innocent!
When he and Ju Ling got busy, they were like two spinning tops, spinning and turning on the same table. Whether they collided or not depended on fate.

After arriving home, Qiao Jue whispered her distress and reluctance to Ju Ling, hoping to get comfort from her girlfriend.

However, his girlfriend didn't understand the style, and was only conceiving new books.

Qiao Jue couldn't bear to disturb her anymore, so he quietly went to the side to read a book.

As a result, his girlfriend, who he couldn't bear to disturb, was called away by others, and he was left alone in a daze with the book.

It was Zhou Fang who called Ju Ling away.

In the past few years, Zhou Fang has been working outside, and she has changed a lot. She knows how to dress up and looks more like she has stayed in a big city than Ju Ling.

The two came to Xiaohegou to find a quiet place to talk.The small river in winter has been frozen, and the ice surface is shiny, and it can be slippery on it, and it can slide far away.

The two of them skated back and forth a few times like children, sweating all over, and then they sat down on a frozen snow shell and talked.

"Hey, why don't kids come to skate now? I remember that when we were young, we all came to skate carts, and we would go to Dakaner, fold a handful of dry grass and sit, and slide all the way down from the curling stone formed by Dakaner , the bottom of the bump hurts, and if I don’t slide well, I will be thrown. Once I sat on the ice without bedding, and the outer layer of the cotton pants was worn out. When I came home, my dad beat me hard. " Recalling his childhood, Zhou Fang said with nostalgia.

I did have a lot of hardships when I was a child, but I also have many good memories.The precious thing about these memories is that they can never go back, because they have all grown up.

Ju Ling is not included in Zhou Fang's memories, because at that time, Ju's family was too poor, and adults in the village hid Ju's couple, and children were unwilling to play with the Ju's three sisters, and skating in winter was never a thing. It's the three sisters together, and they have basically never played with Zhou Fang and the others.

Fortunately, Zhou Fang didn't talk much about her childhood. She called Ju Ling out mainly to tell Ju Ling that she was getting married.

"Married?" Ju Ling was a little frightened: "Why did you get married so early?"

"It's not too early, my birthday is big, and I'm [-] years old. You don't know, how old is the child of a junior high school classmate of mine. I heard that I just got divorced a few years ago, and the child was awarded to the man. She returned to her mother's house for a few days. Just go on a blind date, I guess I'll get married again in a few months," Zhou Fang said gossipingly.

Ju Ling is not interested in other people's marriage and love history, she only wants to know about Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang met his partner when he was working part-time. Before that, Zhou Fang had already been with two partners, but they didn't make it to the end because of various problems.

Now the subject’s hometown is in a rural area in another province. Unlike here, as long as there is a registered permanent residence, everyone has a lot of land.The arable land over there is scarce and barren, so they can only go out to work and earn money.

The man's family conditions are average, but the whole family is very serious. If they get married, not to mention the bride price, they don't even have three gold and hardware.

"Can your family agree? Since you are going to get married, why didn't you bring your partner back during the Chinese New Year?" Ju Ling asked suspiciously.

She intuitively felt that Zhou Fang's words were reserved.

Sure enough, Zhou Fang said with a wry smile: "Tell them that of course they can't agree. Didn't I tell them that? In a few years, my brother will marry a wife, and they still expect me to marry my sister." The dowry money is for my brother to build a house and marry a wife. I have already stolen the household registration book, so I won’t tell them about the marriage, and we will talk about it first!” Zhou Fang said with a special idea.

After finishing speaking, she grabbed Ju Ling's wrist and squinted her eyes to warn, "You are the only one in our village who knows about this except my sister, but you can't tell anyone, and neither can your two sisters, do you hear me?"

Ju Ling raised her hand to make an oath, promising not to mention this matter to others.

"I'm quite surprised. I didn't expect you to do this." Ju Lingbel said sincerely: "When will you get married? If it's a big deal, I will definitely go if I have the opportunity to support you!"

Zhou Fang narrowed her eyes and smiled, very happily.

"What are you going to do? If you don't have the money to do it, just get a certificate and let it go. But I'm very happy with your words. You must notify me when you get married. No matter how far away you are, I will definitely go to drink your wedding wine," Zhou said. Fang promised.

Zhou Fang plans to go to the man's house after the fifteenth day, get a marriage certificate with his partner, and then come out to work together to earn money.

When Ju Ling was in elementary school, she didn't have many friends in her class except Zhou Fang and Zhou Yan. After so many years, she dared not say how deep her relationship was, at least she kept in touch with her all the time.

She discussed with Ju Jing what gift to give, Ju Jing didn't have so many delicate thoughts, so she sent her to Qiao Jue with a wave of her hand, and asked Qiao Jue to help her think about it.

Qiao Jue had devoted all his thoughts to Ju Ling and the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he had a headache just thinking about the gift-giving for the wedding, so he immediately pissed off.

You can't count on the finished stuff, and Ju Ling was going to think about it by herself, Jing Chengxi came over and happily gave her advice: "Isn't your elementary school classmate very fond of beauty, then you can send clothes, shoes, and cosmetics What, she must like it, and it is very practical."

"It's easy for you to say, what kind of clothes, shoes and cosmetics will you give?" Ju Ling frowned, still looking worried.

Jing Chengxi is a good person to the end, he went to turn on the computer, and helped Ju Ling choose online.

Seeing his bright eyes when he mentioned shopping, Ju Ling guessed that he wanted to go shopping again.

"Brother Jing, I heard that most men don't like shopping, but you are the first boy in my memory who likes shopping so much." Ju Ling also moved to the computer, watching Jing Chengxi operate On the one hand, he said casually.

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(End of this chapter)

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