Chapter 405
Originally, it was just casually, and Ju Ling had no other intentions, but Jing Chengxi's behavior was really strange.

He coughed uncomfortably, and simply handed over the computer to Ju Ling, and let her choose gifts by herself.

Ju Ling hurriedly pushed him back, unwillingly said: "You said you helped me choose, but you can't go back on your word. Didn't I just say you love shopping? Why are you so anxious? There's nothing wrong with a man who loves shopping. Don't be angry."

After that, the two of them didn't mention this again, and Jing Chengxi seriously helped her choose gifts.

Not to mention, Jing Chengxi's vision is really good, much better than Ju Ling's.

In the end, they picked out a small white skirt, a pair of high-heeled sandals and a set of headgear, which cost more than 400 yuan and less than 500 yuan.

When I was about to pay, I found a problem. Several stores were still on holiday, and they didn’t deliver the goods after taking photos. Ju Ling could only put the things in the shopping cart and buy them after returning to school after school started.

"Anyway, they're all for summer, so it's okay to buy them later. Brother Xiaojing, if you have nothing to do, help me take a look. If you have any good-looking ones, recommend them to me. I'll choose from the shopping cart when the time comes," Ju Ling patted Jing Chengxi said over his shoulder.

Jing Chengxi agreed, and Ju Ling went to read while he was still shopping on Taobao.

In fact, Ju Ling didn't read the book at all, she was peeking at Jing Chengxi.

What happened just now was too strange, Jing Chengxi was too strange.

From a few years ago, she felt that something was wrong with Jing Chengxi, and she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong, it was just weird.

She couldn't figure it out, so she turned around and told Ju Jing, Ju Jing thought about it seriously, and said: "Xiao Jing looks happy all day long and seems to have nothing on his mind. In fact, he is the one who worries the most among us. He refuses to say anything, there is nothing he can do about it. Don’t worry about it, I will ask him later, if he is not willing to say it, he will be pulled down, such a big man must have a sense of propriety."

Ju Jing didn't ask anything, and Jing Chengxi asked Ju Jing to take care of his affairs and take care of herself first.

One sentence made Ju Jing angry.

Who would care about him? If it wasn't for the sake of him calling her Sister Jing, she wouldn't care if he was happy or unhappy.

The angry Ju Jing was very interesting. She took the dog up the mountain to rub the chicken manure angrily all morning, and when she returned home in the afternoon, the anger almost disappeared, and she was still able to talk and laugh with Jing Chengxi.

They talked and laughed, but some people couldn't laugh anyway.

Ju Tangcheng borrowed more than 1 yuan in the village without discussing with Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong!

Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong were very angry when they heard about this incident, so they rushed to their son and asked him why he wanted to borrow money.

Huang Zhaodi wants to make fungus.

In fact, there are already many people in other villages who grow fungus. There are two crops a year, spring fungus and autumn fungus. When the year is good, the purchase price is expensive, and the year is not good.

Some people in Xiaofuqiangtun tried it before, and they stopped doing it after a long time. However, Huang Zhaodi wanted to try it and make the fungus a good one.

Last year, she and Ju Tang went to other villages in Chengdu to bag and pick fungus for others, and also learned the whole process of cultivating fungus from them very carefully.

When Wang Yalei came to the village to see Ju Jing's orchard, she would also talk to Wang Yalei about the fungus. If she encounters difficulties in the process of cultivating fungus in the future, she can ask Wang Yalei for help.

Another point that Huang Zhaodi didn't say clearly, she heard that after the Ju Min factory opened, it would come down to buy all kinds of special mountain products, including fungus.In this way, if you invest in the cultivation of fungus now, you absolutely don’t have to worry about the sale of fungus. You can earn as much as you can, as long as you can make money. If you have an idea, you should always try it.

Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong just look down on Huang Zhaodi, no matter what she does.

Obviously, cultivating fungus is a good thing, but they not only do not support it, but also scold Huang Zhaodi for harming their son, and the New Year's Eve makes trouble again.

Huang Zhaodi has never been easy to bully. When they came to make a fuss and scolded her, they would scold her back. The more they refused to let her do something, she would do it and do it well.

They bullied her, and she turned around to bully Ju Tangcheng.

In winter, she asked Ju Tangcheng to squat on the balcony in the yard to wash clothes. Although it was washed with hot water, it was quite cold.

Ju Tangcheng washed there obediently, while Bai Guirong squatted on the other side of the stick and looked at his son, crying in distress.

Then, Bai Guirong came to scold Huang Zhaodi, and Huang Zhaodi scolded back happily before continuing to bully Ju Tangcheng.

She asked Ju Tangcheng to chop firewood in the yard. They also had a lot of firewood, and it took a long time to chop it. Ju Changfu felt so sorry for his son that he couldn't see it and came over with an ax to help him chop it together!
Huang Zhaodi's move was really perfect, she made Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong stern, and from now on, she never dared to come here easily to make trouble.

There was a lot of noise on their side, and the whole village was watching.

Older people don't like Huang Zhaodi, but younger people admire her a lot. Many young wives and older girls have learned a lot from her, and they like to talk to her even if they have nothing to do.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling also thought that Huang Zhaodi's move was really good, and every time they saw her bully Ju Tangcheng with a new move, they would get together to discuss it.

Jing Chengxi couldn't understand their happy and silly looks, and broke the point with one sentence: "You two don't have such parents-in-law, what are you discussing? The discussion is so intense, as if you can use it! "

Ju Jing and Ju Ling: .
Really useless.

It is useless to discuss flowers.

Ju Jing also showed a very disappointed expression, and sighed there.

What the Ju sisters didn't expect was that the first of the three of them to meet the future old lady would be Ju Min!
Peng Yan has not been in touch with his biological mother and stepfather for many years.

Years later, Uncle Peng returned home and found a letter at the door of the house, which was written by Peng Yan's mother to Peng Yan and him.

Peng's mother said in the letter that she missed her son very much and hoped to see him once. If possible, she would like to live with him.

This is really strange, Peng's mother has remarried and gave birth to another child, who is not too young now, why suddenly think of the eldest son who didn't care about or take care of her earlier.

Peng Yan was very straightforward in handling other people's affairs, but he had no idea about his own affairs, so he simply told Ju Min all these things and asked Ju Min to help him make up his mind.

Ju Min asked him: "Do you miss your mother? Over the years, have you ever wondered if she is doing well? Did she miss you?"

The answer is yes, Peng Yan thought about his mother, and hoped that his mother would miss him.It's just that now that I'm older, I can control my emotions and don't show them easily.

"Since you're still thinking about it, then go see her and find out how she's doing now. If she's thinking crookedly and has other schemes, don't worry about it in the future. If she really changes her mind and misses you, then let's talk about the future. ", Ju Min gave him advice.

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(End of this chapter)

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