Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 407 Distance

Chapter 407 Distance
Uncle Peng also knew the distance, and Peng Yan was of course more important than his former sister-in-law in his heart. Now that Peng Yan had made a decision, he would not interfere, let alone hold Peng Yan back.

"Don't worry, I won't soften my heart even if they come here again in the future, I will call you immediately to ask you to come here," Uncle Peng said.

So much the better.

Say it doesn't matter, but it's so easy to let go.

If something really happened between the mother and son, wouldn't Peng Yan have to come forward to solve it?

So Peng Yan has been secretly paying attention to the situation of Peng's mother and the two of them, and secretly exerted his strength in the matter of Peng's mother's renting a house, so that Peng's mother can rent a good house with the least amount of money.

Mother Peng probably also knows that she has ignored her son for so many years and can't expect him to treat her well. It is quite good to have 400 yuan a month.

What she was asking for was not to wait for the eldest son to take care of their mother and son's life after she came to Peng Yan, she just wanted to have someone to rely on, so that someone could stand up and help if any accident happened in the future.

So after renting a house, Peng's mother actively familiarized herself with the surrounding environment, asked around where she could work and earn money, and wanted to find a job for herself.

Coincidentally, Ju Min's factory is recruiting, and Peng's mother came to apply.

It is not that simple to open a factory. No matter how streamlined Ju Min is, he still needs to recruit more than ten people.

The more professional work of packaging design can be outsourced to outside studios or companies, and the legal counsel should find cooperation with Binjiang City Law Firm. In addition, the acquisition, storage, and quality classification of special products must find experienced talents. Row.

There are not as many workers on the real assembly line as those who need to be recruited piecemeal.

Among the odds and ends of people to be recruited, there is only one with the lowest requirements, and that is the cleaner, who specializes in cleaning the factory buildings and warehouses.

Mother Peng applied for this position.

The two had never met before, and Peng's mother nodded and bowed when she saw Ju Min, and she was very polite.Ju Min didn't put on any airs, let Peng's mother sit down, poured her a glass of water, and then asked about Peng's mother.

The more Peng's mother talked about Ju Min, the more she felt that this person's experience was familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Later, Ju Min finally connected Peng's mother with Peng Yan, regardless of what she thought in her heart, she didn't show it on the face, and waited patiently for Peng's mother to finish speaking, and did not directly refuse, just said: "Come to work here The salary is not high, and there are no special benefits. The most important thing is to apply for a health certificate to ensure that you have no infectious diseases. If you can get the health certificate, I will definitely consider using you. "

What?Looking for a cleaning job and need to apply for a certificate?Peng's mother got a headache when she thought about it, and she immediately turned off the idea of ​​working here.

In fact, after Ju Min recruits people, he can uniformly issue health certificates for them. The reason why he told Peng's mother like this is that he doesn't want to recruit Peng's mother.

Not to mention Ju Min's cruelty, if she is not cruel to others, then others may be cruel to herself, she doesn't want to cause trouble for herself.She didn't want to use anyone in the village, and it was even more impossible for her relatives to use it. As for her own mother who didn't have much relationship with Peng Yan, she certainly didn't dare to use it.

Ju Min told Peng Yan about this, and Peng Yan felt that she was doing the right thing.

"There's a lot of cleaning work. If she wants to find it, she can definitely find it. You don't need to arrange her in your factory. She doesn't know our relationship and is polite to you. If she knows, she will think about it." It's a dilemma for both of us, it's better to keep a distance," Peng Yan said.

The two of them have the same idea, so many things are easy to talk about and handle. What Ju Min worries about is that they have differences on his mother's affairs. After that, there will definitely be various conflicts and disputes.

Peng Yan also seemed to have guessed her thoughts, holding her hand and said with a smile: "Sister Min, she treated me that way before, I don't hate her, I think I'm kind enough. Don't worry, she won't affect Our relationship."

With his words, Ju Min felt relieved, and went back to work on the recruitment.

Ju Min is busy here, and no one at home is idle.

After the Spring Festival, the temperature rose and then fell, and there was a heavy snowfall and several strong winds. This was a test for the orchard and the chicken coop.

Fruit trees are not afraid of constant low temperature, because the heat preservation measures are well done. The fear is that the temperature will not be stable, and the temperature will suddenly rise and fall.

These are all Ju Jing's painstaking efforts, she is worried about the fruit trees, no matter what the weather is, she has to go to the hillside to look at them.

During her busy schedule, she received news from the police station that the thief who had hurt people and stolen chickens had been caught.

They are all lazy people from other villages, the kind who can’t marry a wife at the age of 40 or [-]. They get together to drink and brag in the winter. Talking about Ju Jing’s chicken coop on the hillside, they have a crooked mind. Stealing the chicken was caught by Dachun, who injured Dachun with a stone.

They planned to beat Dachun to death directly, but they didn't expect Dachun not to die.

Killing someone is one way of saying it, but not killing someone is another way of saying it.

There is no dispute that this is a criminal case. Ju Jing will not take advantage of them and let them go to jail. She also wants the suspect to compensate Dachun.

There is still a lot of grinding in this matter, and it is not possible to have results in three or two days. She has plenty of time around her, so let's grind it slowly.

The second sister of the Ju family has plenty of time, but the younger sister of the Ju family doesn't have much time.

The school is about to start, and she is going back to Kyoto.

Qiao Jue had already left, so Ju Ling could only go back by car.Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were worried about taking such a long train ride.

"You haven't been on the train alone for such a long time. What if you lose your luggage or something? How about letting your second sister take you there?" Zhang Yongmei suggested.

Ju Ling said with a smile while packing her things: "No need, I bought a ticket for the lower berth, and I can put my luggage under the bed, so I can't lose it. Don't worry, Mom, it's not the first time I've traveled far, and I will definitely nothing."

How could the parents not be worried, even if Ju Ling has taken thousands of long-distance trains, they are still worried.

It is said that you get dumplings in the car and get noodles in the car. Zhang Yongmei got up at four o'clock in the morning to make dumplings on the day of Ju Ling's departure. She was satisfied only after watching Ju Ling eat a large plate.

Ju Wenqi was on crutches and insisted on carrying luggage for Ju Ling, and sent her to the village to see her get in the car. He didn't go home with his hands behind his back and crutches until the car drove out and he was out of sight.

Ju Ling is most afraid of such a scene. She wants to cry every time she leaves home by car.

Until the train stopped at the Kyoto Railway Station, Ju Lingtong called her family four times, fearing that her parents would not hear her news and would not be able to eat or sleep well.

Arriving in the capital will be all right, Qiao Jue will come to pick her up, someone will take care of her parents at home and finally she can rest assured.

Tomorrow is the day to go back to school, Qiao Jue took her to his home first.

Upstairs to the door, Qiao Jue suddenly said that he had left something in the car, and asked Ju Ling to open the door first and go downstairs to get the things.

Ju Ling didn't doubt that he was there, opened the door and was about to pull the luggage in, when his eyes seemed to catch something, he turned his head to look, and froze in place for a while.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you Dan Peier for your monthly pass, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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