Chapter 408
The living room has been rearranged.

There are a few more shelves next to the TV cabinet and sofa, with green plants on them; the door between the living room and the balcony is replaced with a floor-to-ceiling sliding door, which makes the whole living room more open and bright; the floor tiles are replaced with a more textured floor, which is more suitable for wedding People like Ling don't like to wear slippers in the house but prefer to walk barefoot.
Generally speaking, the layout of the living room is more to her liking and more comfortable. From various small details, it can be seen that Qiao Jue really put his heart into it.

Has it been rearranged elsewhere?

Thinking in this way, Ju Ling looked from room to room.

The master bedroom, kitchen and bathroom have not changed much, only the guest bedroom has completely changed!
The guest bedroom was converted into a study room, with a large bookcase next to the wall, half of which was filled with books, and the other half was empty, presumably reserved for Ju Ling.

There are two desks and chairs, one is next to the bookcase and the other is under the window. Books, paper and pens are already placed on the desk under the window, and the vacant one should be for Ju Ling.

Ju Ling went over to sit for a while. The chair is very comfortable, and the height and the angle of the backrest can be adjusted. It will definitely not be tiring to sit here for a long time while studying or coding.

Looking silly at the bookcase, Qiao Jue appeared at the door, leaning against the door frame and asked her with a smile: "Do you like it? I want to give you a surprise. My colleague said that girls like flower jewelry. I think if I put a You have to scold me for the flowers in the house, so I cleaned up the house again."

"Sure enough, Brother Xiaojue understands me." Ju Ling said happily, "I will always bring a notebook with you when I come to you in the future. It will be very convenient to type."

"Your laptop is heavy, you don't need to take it with you, just put it in the dormitory. Later, I will buy two computers and put them in the study. You can see what is still missing, make a list, and I will prepare it," Qiao Jue smiled. said.

If you can't buy one, you need to buy two?Ju Ling felt that Qiao Jue was a bit of a prodigal.

Expressing his thoughts, Qiao Jue laughed for a long time, and then explained: "I have seen your class schedule for this semester, and there are not many classes. There are no classes on Friday afternoon and Monday morning, and you can come over on weekends. It’s more convenient to have your own desktop computer.”

Ju Ling was amazed that a teacher from another school had seen her schedule.

Thinking about it carefully, there is nothing surprising. Every industry has its own circle. Qiao Jue is in the circle of education and scientific research. Not to mention everyone knows each other. Most of the professors and researchers with some qualifications in these two schools are I know it.Don't forget, Grandpa Qiao's generation has been working in the university, and Qiao Jue's is already the third generation. It would be strange if he didn't know anyone.

Originally, Qiao Jue planned to let Ju Ling take a good rest today, and go back to school in good spirits tomorrow, so he can just take the time to buy whatever he needs.

But Ju Lingzheng was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply suggested that the two of them go shopping now and get everything they need.

The relationship is good. After school officially starts, both of them must be busy. Even if they can be together on weekends, they are probably busy with their own affairs in front of books or computers.

Ju Ling thought that buying a computer meant going to a place like Computer City to directly choose the screen and mainframe, but Qiao Jue took her to buy accessories, and he had to assemble the computer himself.

"It's more cost-effective to assemble it yourself. With the same money, you can assemble a computer with better configuration. Trust me, it will be fine," Qiao Jue explained.

Ju Ling didn't understand these things, so naturally she wouldn't question Qiao Jue, he could buy whatever he said, and she could just follow behind and carry things.

After buying the accessories, send the things back to the car, and the two of them found a place to have a meal and then went to the supermarket together.

Ju Ling found out that her Xiaojue brother is really a little expert in life, not only can assemble computers by himself, but also can buy vegetables.Ju Ling stared at the water tank in bewilderment, not knowing what to do with the fish, but Qiao Jue was able to tell the secrets in it one by one, and could choose the fish that was most suitable for her to eat according to Ju Ling's preference.

When he told Ju Ling how to cook each fish according to its characteristics, several aunts stood aside and listened. After he finished speaking, they all praised the young man for his ability, and also praised Ju Ling for being lucky to have such a capable husband.

Getting rid of those aunts, Ju Ling smiled and sighed.

Qiao Jue hurriedly asked her what was wrong.

Ju Ling asked him: "Tell me, if we had switched sides just now, and I told you these things, would those aunts be so boastful?"

Of course not.

Why not?

Because in the cognition of these aunts, it is normal for women to know how to cook. There are too few men who cook, and even fewer people who know how to cook. When you meet them, you will watch them like seeing rare animals in a zoo, and you will be sincere. A sincere compliment.

"We can't control this world, we just have to live our own lives," Qiao Jue said helplessly as he put his arm on her shoulder.

Ju Ling shook her head: "I think I can give it a try. Even if it can't change the whole world, it's good to change one person. I've been conceiving a novel this summer, which mainly tells the first half of a woman's difficult and independent life. Her story tells readers that a woman's world can be very broad, marriage and having children is just a choice in life, and women should not trap themselves in their shells."

No matter what she wants to do, Qiao Jue will definitely support her.

However, Qiao Jue also kindly reminded: "What you want to write is an online article, and an online article has its own audience. So you must think about whether your novel can attract readers, and if it doesn't You can't make any money."

Ju Ling rolled her big eyes with a smile: "Am I still short of this money? I can publish without a subscription, and this type of book is better published than a purely online book. You don't want to do it here. Understood, I won't discuss it with you."

Qiao Jue: .
Sure enough, it is like a mountain, no matter how knowledgeable he is, there will always be areas that he does not understand or is not familiar with.

After shopping and returning home, Ju Ling went to sleep in the bedroom, while Qiao Jue cooked in the kitchen by himself.After the meal, I asked Ju Ling to get up to eat, and after the meal, the two of them assembled the computer together.

This day was trivial and dull, but Ju Ling was very happy, very happy.

Her ideal life is probably like this, flat and smooth.

But not everyone's life is plain, just like her good roommate Teng Rong.

At the end of last semester, she was broken in love, it was painful, but in one winter vacation, she had completely come out of the shadow of broken love, and she had another object.

This time, this person is also a foreigner. At night, the four of them gathered in the dormitory to chat. Yang Liu asked Teng Rong why he always looks for foreign boyfriends. Netizens explained: "Because it's big!"

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(End of this chapter)

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