Chapter 410
Ju Min was puzzled and asked why Ju Jing didn't borrow from Yin Kaixuan.

Not to mention hundreds of thousands, Yin Kaixuan could take out millions or even more, but Ju Jing never seemed to say that he wanted to borrow money from him.

In fact, Ju Jing doesn't have so many awkward thoughts now, and she doesn't borrow money from Yin Kaixuan just because she hasn't reached the point where she has to borrow from him.If the money is really not enough in the later stage, and the elder sister and younger sister can't support it, then she will definitely borrow it from Yin Kaixuan.

"Miss, I don't care, I borrow money in an orderly way. If you can get a loan, you will borrow it first. If you can't, then you will borrow it first. You didn't ask Yin Kaixuan again," Ju Jing answered truthfully.

I rely on myself for the loan, I rely on my family members to borrow money from older sisters and younger sisters, and my boyfriend is the last one. He was calm and rational from the beginning to the end.

"10 yuan is more than enough to build a house, second sister, do you want to do something else?" Ju Ling silently calculated an account in her heart, and found something wrong.

Ju Jing boasted that her younger sister is smart, she really wants to build more than a house.

She also wants to land, from the hillside to the large piece of land by the river!

That large piece of land is getting farther and farther away from the village. Ju Min and Ju Jing don't understand why she doesn't cover the land from the hillside all the way to the edge of the village. Isn't it more convenient for farming and management to be closer to the village.

In fact, if the conditions allow and the money is sufficient, she really wants to contract all the land from the village to the river.But the current situation is very unrealistic. First, she doesn’t have that much money. Second, even if she has a wallet, she can’t manage it. Third, the people in the village are hard to deal with. After coming down, there must be a lot of messy things.

It is also because of this third consideration that Ju Jing never planned to occupy the land of the village from the beginning.

The land from the hillside to the big river belongs to the village where the township government is located.One characteristic of this village is that there are many ethnic minorities.

Over the past few years, the enthusiasm for going abroad to work has been increasing year by year. There is no language barrier for these ethnic minorities going abroad. If one of the large families goes abroad, they can find a way to get the whole family there.People are gone, what about the land?Of course it is contracted out.

Ju Jing seized this feature and talked to those people about the land entitlement.She didn't lease land at a high price, and only took the advantage of a long and stable lease period to successfully take down all this land.

She wants to keep it for ten years!
When she mentioned the number of years, both Ju Min and Ju Ling thought she was crazy.

"It's really not a matter of 10 yuan to cover such a large piece of land for ten years. Second sister, you are a bit big this time. Our parents know that we can't sleep because we don't have to worry about it," Ju Ling worried. .

Ju Jing is quite relaxed, mainly because everything is under her control, she is more confident.

"I started a little late this year. Although I have signed the contract, it will be implemented next year, and the money will be paid next year. I still have a year to slow down. I will build the house first this year and raise more chickens. Take care of the fruit trees, try to publish another book, and I will try to earn back the land lease money, if I can’t earn it, there’s nothing I can do, so I can only borrow it from Yin Kaixuan.”

She didn't mention Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei's reaction, but it was exactly as Ju Ling guessed, the couple knew that the second girl had spent so much money to return a bag, and they almost fainted ten years later.

For such a big matter, she only quietly discussed it with Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi, without telling her parents!
This is not what made Ju Wenqi the most angry. What made him the most angry was that he actually found out about it from an outsider.When people talked about it in front of him, he didn't know anything, and they said "you don't know what your girl is doing outside", which made him very embarrassing.

In addition to the face problem, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are still afraid that the girl will lose money.

After so many years, the family's situation has finally improved. If the land is not done well and I have to owe a debt, why bother? Wouldn't it be nice to take care of the orchard and raise chickens in peace?

Ju Jing didn't discuss with them at the beginning because she knew they would not agree, and would definitely keep nagging in her ears all day long.Then let them know when everything is done, at most they will be angry for two days and worry for two days, and after a long time, they will forget about other things.

Ju Jing really has a way of dealing with the couple.

Less than ten days after the incident, Ju Wenqi and his wife began to gossip about other things, and they hardly talked about the land lease in front of her.

What they gossip about is Tangyou Ju's marriage.

When Tangyou Ju marries Song Qing, both the man and the woman have to deal with it.

Song Qing held one in the village, and the next day Tangyou Ju went to pick up the relatives, and then there was another one at Ju's house.

For this matter, Ju Changlong and his wife discussed with Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu, and finally decided not to do it at Ju's restaurant.

The wedding day and the hotel have been decided, and both families are getting ready.

No one expected that there would be twists and turns in the ironclad matter.

Ju Changlong and his wife paid for the restaurant reservation at the Ju family’s side. They meant that they would give the rest to their son after receiving the gift money. If the gift money was not enough for the banquet, they would not ask their son for it. money.

Tangyou Ju disagreed.

The reason he gave was that his parents asked him to give them all the money Song Qing brought from her natal family earlier, so the money for the wine should be paid by the parents, and all the gift money should belong to him.

Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju reasoned with Ju Tangyou, saying that the dowry brought by Song Qing was kept for the young couple, and that Song Qing would definitely give it to them after she gave birth to a child and settled down.

After all, they were still planning for their son, fearing that Song Qing and Li Fengjiao would have a bad life and run away regardless of money, so they wanted to observe for a while before talking.

However, Tangyou Ju didn't understand them at all, and went to Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu to cry and make troubles. He not only wanted the gift money for the banquet, but also wanted to keep the dowry that Song Qing brought over in his own hands.

Cai Meiyu felt sorry for her grandson, scolded Ju Changlong and his wife indiscriminately, and told them to be less demons.

Everyone in the village knew about this incident, and many people said behind their backs that Ju Changlong and his wife had done too much, not to mention gift money, and it was outrageous for them to want the dowry brought by their daughter-in-law.

The words outside became more and more outrageous, making Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju angry enough but there was nothing they could do, after all, they couldn't go out and gag everyone.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei listened to several versions of what happened. Ju Jing listened to their chat and learned something about it. Combined with her understanding of these people, she probably already guessed what was going on.

Tangyou Ju didn't have the heart to draw all the money into his hands step by step, there must be someone behind his back to give him advice.It's easy to guess who this person is, but it must be Song Qing.

The show will be sung before the marriage is over, and it will definitely be more lively in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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