Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 411 Invitation

Chapter 411 Invitation

More than half of March passed, Ju Jing became more and more busy, while Yin Kaixuan became more and more silent.

Ju Jing is not a lump of wood, it is impossible not to notice his strangeness, so she took the opportunity to ask him what's wrong and if he has something on his mind.

Yin Kaixuan refused to speak at first, but he finally spoke out after repeated questioning by Ju Jing.

In a few days it will be Ching Ming Festival, and he wants to go home to worship his parents.

Going home to pay homage to his parents will not be a concern, the main reason is that Yin Kaixuan wants to take Ju Jing back to worship with him, but Ju Jing is too busy here, and he doesn't want to delay Ju Jing's affairs, so he has been alone Tangled.

Ju Jing also regarded this matter as a major event and thought about it seriously for two days, and decided to go with Yin Kaixuan.

In fact, it is not necessary for her to be here at home, as long as she arranges everything properly, and gives Jing Chengxi a list of the things she has to do these days after she leaves, Xiao Jing will naturally take care of them for her.

Since we have to go this trip, it is natural to do everything that should be done.

The thing Yin Kaixuan wants to do the most is of course to obtain a marriage certificate with Ju Jing, but unfortunately Ju Jing disagrees, so this matter can only be postponed for a while.

In addition to this matter, Yin Kaixuan also has to look at the house, and if it is suitable, he will invest in buying some real estate.

"We talked about this in private. According to the current situation, housing prices will basically only rise and not fall in the past ten years, so it is not too late to invest in real estate. I will buy a few more while I am richer." Yin Kaixuan Explain to Ju Jing.

Ju Jing was very disdainful, she rolled her eyes and said: "The housing price is driven up by people like you. With the money to buy a house, can't you start a business?"

She also casually complained that the money belonged to Yin Kaixuan, and he could spend it however he wanted.

Yin Kaixuan wants to buy a house, and Ju Jing wants to stop by to see Ju Ling.

She also gave Yin Kaixuan a death order: "Don't tell Qiao Jue secretly that we are going there. I will make a surprise inspection to see if my little one is doing well there."

Tomb-sweeping Day was Saturday, and they arrived in T City on Thursday. Ju Jing first accompanied Yin Kaixuan to look at the house.

After watching it for two days, his legs were running thin. Yin Kaixuan didn't pick a set. Either he disliked the location of the house or the size of the house. The one he bought was careful, as if he wanted to buy it for himself.

On the day of Qingming, there was still a slight drizzle, and the two of them walked a long way to the cemetery to pay respects to Yin's parents and Yin's mother under umbrellas.

After the tobacco, wine, fruit, cakes, and flowers were arranged one by one, Yin Kaixuan took out a handwritten letter from his pocket, took a lighter and burned it to his parents without reading it.

"Mom and Dad, everything I want to say is in the letter, you can read it for yourself." Yin Kaixuan knelt in front of the grave and said in a deep voice.

He knelt down, and it was not easy for Ju Jing to stand, so she knelt down silently.

Yin Kaixuan introduced Ju Jing to his parents, and Ju Jing also said a few polite words, and the grave suddenly fell into silence.

They stayed in the cemetery for over an hour.

Coming out of the cemetery, Yin Kaixuan sighed and said, "I can really understand you three sisters now, especially you and the little one. Your parents are still alive, and no matter how big your heart is, you must stay by your parents' side. When they are still there, they don't feel What, they left, feeling that they have no sense of belonging anywhere, no matter where they are, they are drifting."

Ju Jing didn't understand this feeling, and never wanted to.

That afternoon, the two went to Kyoto by car, and went straight to Qiao Jue's house without notifying Qiao Jue and Ju Ling.

Hearing the knock on the door and opening the door, Qiao Jue was surprised to see two people standing outside the door.

"Why didn't you notify me in advance when you came here? I'll pick you up by car." Qiao Jue helped them bring their luggage in, and hurriedly found slippers for them.

Yin Kaixuan didn't treat himself as an outsider, and ordered Qiao Jue to bring him something to eat as soon as he spread out on the sofa. He was almost starving to death.

As for Ju Jing, she looked around and nodded with satisfaction: "Your decoration here is not bad, the little one must like it very much."

As soon as the words fell, Ju Ling's voice came from the bathroom: "Yes, Second Sister, I like it very much. Wait for me for a while, and I will go out right away."

After Ju Ling came out, she was very pleasantly surprised and pulled Ju Jing to ask questions, and then showed her around the bedroom and study.Ju Jing looked at the completely changed house compared to her last visit, and said with a smile: "Not bad, at least it proves that Qiao Jue cares about you."

Ju Ling was silly and happy, and pressed her second sister in front of the computer: "My internet speed is very fast here, second sister, do you want to play games?"

Ju Jing hasn't surfed the Internet for the past few days, let alone, her hands are really itchy.

Immediately log in to QQ and open various social networking pages, and when you check private messages, you will see an invitation.

It is a subsidiary of the publishing house that published her books earlier. It mainly deals in the field of new media, and it does a very good job in network promotion.

The company wanted to shoot a series of promotional videos, inviting not many well-known but definitely not ordinary people, and posting them on their social network accounts after filming, in order to attract fans and increase their own popularity.

In the private message, they made it very clear that they would pay labor fees for making videos, and the most important thing was to help Ju Jing promote her orchard and chicken coop.

Ju Jing is quite interested in this, and it happens that the company is in Kyoto, so she can stop by to have a look.

Get in touch with the other party first, and then decide that you can visit their company tomorrow.

A subsidiary company of a large publishing house should not be underestimated, but when they searched for the address given by others, they were surprised to find that the curtain of this subsidiary company was not as big as the breakfast shop on the commercial street.

It's small and broken, and you can scan the whole company at a glance after entering.

There are only a dozen leaders and small employees, and the people who received them probably felt shabby, and explained: "We have a total of three film crews, and two of them have set off to film in other places. Now the company only has one film crew, so look at it. There are relatively few talents, but in fact our company has quite a lot of people.”

"Then how many people are there in your film crew?" Ju Ling asked curiously.

The man smiled awkwardly, and replied in a low voice, "Only three people."

Okay, with the dozen or so people in the room plus the six people who went out, the company only has more than 20 people, and it's not that strong.

What Ju Ling and the others saw was that the company was broken and had few people, but what Ju Jing observed was different.

She found that the company is full of young people, 80.00% are young people in their early twenties, and the rest are a little older, and they will definitely not be over 30 years old.

Ju Jing asked the receptionist why the people here are so young, and the receptionist said proudly: "Young people are energetic, dare to try new things, and have relatively low material requirements, so at the beginning of the establishment of the subsidiary, a group of Young people with passion and ambition should use our innovation and vitality to make the subsidiary bigger and better."

Ju Ling asked another question, "Then how long has your subsidiary been established?"

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(End of this chapter)

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