Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 412 Misunderstanding

Chapter 412 Misunderstanding
The receptionist smiled embarrassedly, and replied truthfully: "It was established in February this year."

It's been two months since its establishment.

That's really young enough.

In fact, it doesn't matter how long it is established, as long as things can be done well.

Ju Jing had an in-depth conversation with the people here, and felt that these young people really had great ideas and could consider cooperation.

The word "consider" is very subtle.

When you are not sincere, these two words mean rejection, and when you are sincere, these two words mean negotiating conditions.

Ju Jing doesn't care about labor costs. Her request is that the completed film must be shown to her before it is released. If there is something she thinks is inappropriate, it should be revised according to her opinion.

There is basically one problem with creative people - they don't like others to point fingers at them.Ju Ling writes novels like this, Ju Jing writes blog posts like this, and others shoot and make videos like this.

The two sides talked for a long time, and at noon, the company managed to let the four of them have a boxed lunch, and finally negotiated the terms and conditions of the cooperation in the afternoon.

The contract is signed, and the next step is video shooting.The filming team will go to Xiaofuqiangtun for seven to ten days of filming. The specific filming plan will be formulated according to Ju Jing's situation. From this point, it can be seen that they are not perfunctory at all.

He was serious about his work, so Ju Jing said proudly: "Don't say seven to ten days, even ten days and a half months or even longer is fine, as long as the film can be shot well. Your food and accommodation in the past I will cover all the expenses, and I will definitely not let you suffer in your sister Jing's territory."

The company sent a third film crew to go back with Ju Jing and the others. This film crew was also three people, three young guys.

One of the three guys is quite special, he is fair-looking and very delicate, his frame is small and thin, and his height of more than 1.7 meters does not show his size at all. In addition, he has shoulder-length hair. Like a girl.

The guy's name is Zhan Yi, and despite his garish hair, he's actually quite introverted. He's the least talkative among the three, but Ju Jing loves to talk to him the most.

Zhan Yi speaks very softly, which makes people feel very comfortable. Although he doesn't like to talk, he answers every question, giving people a very sincere feeling, so Ju Jing always asks him if he has any doubts about the filming.

On the train home, five young people played cards, chatted and ate roast chicken, and they were already familiar with each other before they arrived at the station.

Ju Jing also learned the most special thing about Zhan Yi from their conversation.

He is different from ordinary men, he does not like women but likes men.

A man who is not man enough like him will be called Erweizi in Xiaofuqiangtun.Don't say that you like men, even if you like women just a little bit motherly, people will make irresponsible remarks.

Ju Jing has been immersed in the Internet for many years, and she has never been in contact with any kind of people, so she was not too surprised, and just got along with Zhan Yi as when she first met.

However, when she was about to get off the car, she still kindly reminded Zhan Yi: "People in the village are conservative in their thinking, and they can't accept many things. If you let them know about your affairs, don't take what they say to your heart .”

Zhan Yi nodded with a smile and replied: "I know, my colleagues are also sensible, and they won't talk nonsense outside."

It was more than four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in the village. Everyone was tired and hungry, so they didn't visit right away, but went to the restaurant for a rest and dinner arranged by Ju Jing.

Brother Long took out the table for honored guests and worked hard for more than an hour before the meal was ready.The food was on the table, and everyone was just getting ready to eat with their chopsticks. Jing Chengxi, who had been busy working instead of Ju Jing these days, came back with a farm vehicle.

The agricultural vehicle made a lot of noise, everyone looked out the window unconsciously, and at a glance, they could see the tough and handsome Jing Chengxi jumping off the agricultural vehicle in a chic way, and then put down the baffle of the vehicle body to put down the six dogs, followed by A victorious general-like thief walked into the restaurant with vigor.

One person and six dogs pushed open the door of the restaurant and saw that everyone at the table was looking at him. He was not embarrassed. He smiled and said to Ju Jing first: "Sister Jing, guess what I have done today?"

Don't be in a hurry to talk about it no matter what things are done, Ju Jing introduced Jing Chengxi to the three visitors, all young people, and they got to know each other after a few words.

Jing Chengxi went to wash his hands, and came back to eat with them.After dinner, I took the guests to the yard to sing. When I was tired and hungry, I would order small barbecue beer. After playing and playing, I didn't rest until midnight.

Ju Jing arranged for the guests to sleep in the hotel, and asked Jing Chengxi to accompany them so that they could take care of them at any time.

They ran around the countryside carrying the machines all day long, and the people in the village were surprised to see them, so they asked Ju Wenqi what these people were doing.

Ju Jing told Ju Wenqi, but he didn't remember it. When others asked him, he was embarrassed to say that he didn't know, so he told them that he was filming a TV series.

It happened that last year he told others that the things written by his little girl were going to be filmed in a TV series. The combination of the two sides, many people consciously and intelligently came to the conclusion that Ju Ling’s TV series was indeed filmed. Her second sister and her family members are all actors. You can see the Ju family on TV.

The rumor was so wicked and ridiculous that Ju Jing didn't know what to say after hearing about it.

There are also people with good deeds watching the excitement behind the camera crew. When they see someone turning on the machine, they immediately try to get closer, thinking that they can find themselves on TV when the TV series is broadcast.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and Tangyou Ju's marriage diverted the attention of these people.

The Song family was so rich that they accompanied Song Qing with a large thresher and five cows.These are the big things you can see, and the gold and silver jewelry and money that you can't see.

There was an earlier incident with Ju’s cousin, Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju couldn’t open their mouths to ask for their daughter-in-law’s dowry, but they were not too jealous. After all, even if they took it, they wanted to keep it for their son, but they were more worried and afraid. Such a rich daughter-in-law is difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to live well with her son.

No matter how worried they were, they still had to make arrangements for Tangyou Ju's wedding.

After discussing with Zhang Yongmei all night, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei decided to send a representative to express their opinions. The matter of face must be done, and no one else can handle it.

The passenger car picked people up to sit in other villages, and Ju Wenqi took the third car to the restaurant with money in his pocket.

The order of the cars is also mentioned, the first one is for relatives, the second one is for good neighbors and friends, and the third one is for ordinary fellow villagers.

Ju Wenqi was also at a disadvantage. He took the third car to get the gift of the first car. If he didn’t smoke or drink, he thought about eating more food. When he didn’t think about it, he was taken away in a plastic bag as soon as the food was on the table. , he didn't eat anything.

This Ju Changlong is also very conscientious in handling affairs. He just picks up and does not send them off, and drags everyone to the restaurant. After the banquet, everyone wants to go back to the village and finds that there is no car.

Others can walk back on two legs, but Ju Wenqi can't, his legs can't stand it.He had no choice but to go to the small store to borrow someone's phone to contact his second girl and ask Ju Jing to find a way to pick him up.

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(End of this chapter)

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