Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 413 Secret

Chapter 413 Secret
When she received the call, Ju Jing was busy on the hillside and couldn't leave at all, so she could only ask Jing Chengxi to walk.

Jing Chengxi struggled to pick up people in a farm vehicle, and Yin Kaixuan whispered, "It's inconvenient not to have a car".

Being rich is self-willed, so Yin Kaixuan went to Binjiang City to buy a car the next day.

There are still many procedures to go before buying a car. Yin Kaixuan has tried his best to find a way, but he still has to wait a week before picking up the car.

Ju Jing didn't know why he went to Binjiang, and asked him why he went after he came back.

At that time, Yin Kaixuan was squatting in front of the stove with a bowl to suck up the big porridge, and replied very casually: "I bought a car and I will pick it up in a week. From now on, I will drive a farm vehicle when I go to the field, and usually go to other places. It’s convenient to drive this car.”

Ju Jing: .
Not only did Ju Jing have nothing to say, even the three members of the filming team didn't know what to say after hearing what he said.

Ordinary people buy a car by looking at the model, looking at the configuration, comparing the price and choosing the brand. It takes ten days, half a month, or even a month or two to decide. People are really incomparable.

What is incomparable is not only the speed of buying a car, but also the price.

The car Yin Kaixuan picked costs more than 30 yuan, which is not considered a high-end car, but it is indeed too expensive to drive in the countryside.

Ju Wenqi was very happy when he heard that Yin Kaixuan had bought a car. The car was parked in his own yard, and anyone who saw it would not take a second look. Of course he followed suit.

Later, when I heard the price of the car, Ju Wenqi was dumbfounded.

"Why is it so expensive? Xiao Peng's car is not so expensive!" Ju Wenqi felt that they were fooling him.

Peng Yan's car was a depreciated car bought from a friend, and it was only tens of thousands of yuan less. Of course, it can't compare with Yin Kaixuan's car.

Seeing Ju Wenqi's startled look, Ju Jing thought it was very funny, so she joked, "Dad, do you know why Kaixuan bought such an expensive car?"

Without waiting for Ju Wenqi to answer, Ju Jing said to herself: "Because you are saving face! Kaixuan bought such an expensive car because he wanted you to have face when bragging with the people in the village. Buy a cheap one and wait for others in the village for a few years. I also bought a house, it’s so shameless for you that it’s new and our house is old, you might as well just buy an expensive one, enough for you to brag about for ten or eight years, what a bargain.”

When Ju Jing said this, several members of the filming crew were there, and everyone was amused and laughed. Ju Wenqi, who was still a little angry, couldn't get angry. He stared at his second girl and scolded, "You have a bad mouth." .

Facts have proved that Ju Jing is not only good at her mouth.

The shooting is done while shooting, and Ju Jing can always participate in it.She was very thoughtful and gave a lot of advice and inspiration to the filming crew.

Zhan Yi is mainly responsible for the creative planning of this filming group and the subsequent network promotion. He has said more than once that if Ju Jing is not at home to plant trees and raise chickens, she will definitely have a bright future if she goes out to find a planning job.

Every time Jing Chengxi hears others praise him for his sister Jing, he is more proud than himself, and he must follow the praise for a long time before he succeeds.

After going back and forth, Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi became more and more familiar with each other because of their praise of Ju Jing. When they were not on shooting assignments, they often went out to play together.

Jing Chengxi also rode a dilapidated Daerba and took Zhan Yi to the Daji. People from the big cities wanted nothing, but the two of them still bought a lot of things after walking around the Daji, and brought them home to Zhang Yongmei. He rolled his eyes and said they were prodigals.

Isn’t it a prodigal? Everything on the fair is negotiable. You can buy it for 20 yuan, and you can buy it for ten yuan. These two silly boys are really struggling to bargain. less money.

In the eyes of these two young people, it doesn't matter how much money is spent, as long as they are happy.

Obviously, the two of them are very happy together.

Ju Jing has been observing these two people carefully, always feeling that something is wrong.

The shooting is over, and the preliminary editing has been completed. After returning to Kyoto, some fine post-production optimization will be done, and it is estimated that it will be published on the Internet in the near future.

After finishing the work, the three members of the filming team will naturally return to Kyoto.

The night before leaving, Ju Jing specifically asked Brother Long to cook a table of delicious dishes for them.

Of course, good food should be paired with good wine. Everyone is relaxed without work, so I drink a little too much wine.

At eight o'clock in the evening, two of the three guests had already drunk and lay down, and only Zhan Yi was still awake, but he was staggering when he walked.

Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan cleaned up the mess, let Jing Chengxi take care of the guests and went home.

The three of them were sent away the next day. All three of them were not in good spirits. They all looked listless and tired after dragging their luggage. It seemed that they were quite energetic after drinking last night.

Seeing them leaving in the car, Ju Jing turned around to go back, and found that Jing Chengxi was still staring at the direction of the car leaving, with an intriguing expression.

Ju Jing first sent Yin Kaixuan home to load the farm tools into the car, and accompanied Jing Chengxi to walk home slowly.

"Xiao Jing, Zhan Yi, him, you and him." What Ju Jing said could not be more subtle, but those who understand will naturally understand.

Jing Chengxi is someone who understands.

He nodded sullenly, and said softly: "In the past, you and the little boy asked me if there was something on my mind that I didn't tell you. That's it. I realized that I was different from most boys when I was 16, but I've never told anyone, if I hadn't met you, the eldest sister and the little one, I might never have said these things in my life."

Why not?Because he knows how much pressure he has to bear to speak out, how intolerant this society is to such people, and he knows that he may lose a lot of things.

Ju Jing giggled when she heard what was in his heart, and stretched out her hand to twitch his arm: "Don't put a high hat on the three of us, obviously it was Zhan Yi who gave you the courage to tell me the truth, it wasn't us Thanks to the three of you. No matter how you two are, it is a good thing that you are willing to open your heart. We don’t care what others say or think of us, as long as we live happily.”

Jing Chengxi smiled a little embarrassedly: "I really admire Zhan Yi, he dared to live according to his own wishes, even if he was kicked out of the house by his parents, he didn't compromise, and he laughed it off when he was scolded by others, I can't do it .”

Doing whatever you want is everyone's wish, but most people can't do it because there are too many things to worry about.

Later, when the three sisters chatted, Ju Jing told the elder sister about Jing Chengxi, Ju Min was so surprised that she sent a series of exclamation points.

In comparison, Ju Ling was much calmer.

"Did you guess it a long time ago?" Ju Jing asked her.

"Of course I didn't guess it. I just think that many things that I didn't understand before are all reasonable at once, which is very good," Ju Ling replied.

"I don't think it's good." Ju Min's speech raised the hearts of both Ju Jing and Ju Ling: "Is he sick like this? It's not normal for men to like men. Why don't we find someone outside?" The doctor will show him?"

Ju Jing didn't explain much, she just searched the Internet about this type of person and copied it and posted it in the group for Ju Min to read for herself.

It's no wonder that Ju Min has such a reaction. She doesn't have as much contact with the Internet as Ju Jing and Ju Ling, and her thinking is more traditional. It's normal that she can't accept it for a while.

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(End of this chapter)

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