Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 414 twists and turns

Chapter 414 twists and turns
Fortunately, Ju Min is not a person who is stubborn and unable to accept new things. After reading the introduction, she typed in the group: "It's good if it's not sick, it's good if it's not sick. I haven't encountered such a thing before. In the future What should I do when I see Xiaojing? Is there any taboo?"

When you don't know, treat Jing Chengxi as an ordinary young man, but if you know, is it appropriate to continue to be an ordinary young man?

Ju Min was quite worried, she regarded Jing Chengxi as her younger brother, and she definitely didn't want her unintentional actions or words to hurt him.

Ju Jing didn't have so many worries, so she said to the elder sister: "Don't be too cautious, just do what you did before, and you can do whatever you want in the future. Xiao Jing is still the same Xiao Jing as before, and hasn't changed."

Ju Min felt that the two younger sisters were more experienced than she in these matters, and she would never be wrong to listen to them, so naturally she would not raise any objections.

After talking about Jing Chengxi, Ju Ling asked about Yin Kaixuan's new car.

The car had already been picked up, and it was placed in the large courtyard of the hotel. Both Ju Ling and Ju Min wanted to know how their old father would react.

Speaking of this, Ju Jing lay down on the kang and couldn't get up happily.

"Our parents are very interesting. They said that it is not good to put the car outside in the wind and sun. We all said that there is no separate garage for parking. It is fine to leave it like this. They are still worried, and they really set up a car in the yard. It’s not too much trouble to build a shed. And my dad, as long as no one comes to buy things, he will squat next to the car to look at the car, as if he can see the flowers. They can also clean the car twice a day diligently , I feel tired just looking at it!"

Both Ju Min and Ju Ling could imagine that scene and couldn't help laughing.

In their eyes, it is a very expensive car parked outside, but in the eyes of Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, that is to put more than 30 yuan in the yard. It is estimated that if there is a strong wind, they would like to go out to block the car. .

While treating the car as a treasure, it didn't prevent Ju Wenqi from flirting with the people in the same village at all.

When the car drove into the village, many people came to watch the excitement. Ju Wenqi grinned, showing his teeth, as if he bought the car himself. He was not happy to be touched by others, for fear that the paint would be rubbed off. up.
Yin Kaixuan is especially good at coaxing Ju Wenqi to be happy. He asked Ju Wenqi to get in the car and took him around several villages. When he saw acquaintances, he stopped and let Ju Wenqi greet them and show off.

Of course, the purpose of buying a car is not to show off, but to use it seriously.

The big house that Ju Jing built on the underground side of the hillside has basically been completed, and the rest is to decorate and purchase furniture, home appliances and other things. Many things have to be bought in the town or Yunhe, and it is convenient to go anywhere with a car.

What dissatisfied Yin Kaixuan the most was that his car couldn't drive to the field. Every time he came back from shopping, he could only unload the things at home, and then use a farm vehicle to pull them there.

Ju Jing also felt that this restricted her development on the hillside, but there was really no other way.From the village to the hillside, you have to climb a big slope. The slope is not only steep but also has special potholes. Before there was no big car, walking tractors would not dare to walk this road in rainy days. If you have a big car, you will be caught even worse. , The weather is good and the road is very dry, and walking tractors dare not walk.

The saying "Build roads first if you want to get rich" is really very reasonable. If the road problem is not solved, it will still have a very big impact on Ju Jing's long-term plan.

But those are all problems to be faced in the future. For now, these problems are not considered problems.

First, Ju Jing built a big house, then Yin Kaixuan bought that expensive car, and now Ju Jing went out to buy things again and again, many people in the village were jealous, but it was only a few days In other words, Ju Jing didn't care about her talking and tossing around.

This is not the only thing Ju Jing has to worry about, she also plans to build several greenhouses.

While this matter was still being planned, the previously shot video was finally released to meet the public.

Ju Jing had watched the final version of the film before it was released, and it was really well shot, portraying her as an aspiring young man with ideas and drive.The video does not focus on the chicken coop in the orchard, but on Ju Jing, highlighting her personal charm.

This is the decision made by Ju Jing after discussing with the filming crew. In fact, her orchard chicken coop doesn’t have much to see. If it is filmed, there will be nothing to shoot in 5 minutes. Ju Jing is more attractive. Point, there are many places where you can make a fuss.

Zhan Yi told Ju Jing from the very beginning that it is not a bad thing to stand up and promote Ju Jing, and to use her personality charm to attract more people to cooperate or come here to play, and then to do a good job in her own business. It is not false external publicity, but to test and open up the market from a new perspective.

In the past, Ju Jing posted her blog to promote her chicken coop in the orchard, and they all introduced her rural life. She only published her photos when she published a book. This release of the video is her first public appearance through video.

Without makeup or dressing up, she just showed her most simple and authentic side. This is how Ju Jing has amazed many people.

Ju's three girls are all beautiful, and Ju Jing is the prettiest.This beauty is worthy in the village, and it is also worthy in other places.

The response to the video was not bad, and Ju Jing's personal account gained another wave of fans, and when she posted a blog post, there were obviously many more comments than before.

Ju Jing strikes while the iron is hot, and sincerely invites friends who are interested in building greenhouses to come and build greenhouses with them on the Internet.
Before she sent the message, both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei said she was crazy, who is stupid? She spends a lot of money to come here to work, and there is nothing she can do with this money.

However, what happened next was completely beyond their expectations.

Within a day, more than a dozen people sent private messages to Ju Jing saying they wanted to sign up.

Because many of the applicants want to bring their children to experience life, Ju Jing set the time to build the greenhouse during the summer vacation. The free time in the middle can be used to screen the applicants and choose sincere and trustworthy ones. people come over.

Ju Jing's career is moving forward step by step. I dare not say that everything is going smoothly, at least there are no major twists and turns. Her eldest sister is not as lucky as her.

The first batch of goods came out of the factory, and the quantity was not large. She took the samples and began to sell them everywhere, hoping to cooperate with local supermarket chains and even large supermarkets outside the province.

It's a pity that everyone has fixed cooperative manufacturers, and it is not easy for Ju Min to get a share of the pie.

Ju Min didn't want to be dumped, so she could only run from place to place, seeing each other from boss to boss, and had to drink once every time she met a group of people.She hadn't suffered any disadvantages, and she had practiced her drinking capacity in the process of drinking with others. She dared not say that she would not get drunk after a thousand drinks, and it was enough to deal with these people in the drinking game.

As a result, it was frustrated again and again.When eating and drinking, he said very well, but he turned his head and rejected Ju Min.

Entrepreneurship is really too difficult. After being rejected for the first time, Ju Min had the idea of ​​giving up.

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(End of this chapter)

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