Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 415 2 Blossoms

Chapter 415 Two Flowers

I just had a meal with someone, and I didn't talk about anything, and I didn't drink less wine, and the wine I drank was quite expensive, and Ju Min's heart was bleeding when I paid the bill.

The more he thought about it, the more wronged and uncomfortable he felt, so Ju Min went to a small supermarket to buy two small bottles of white wine, and drank it carelessly sitting on the curb in a strange city.

For things like alcohol, if you drink too much, your emotions will continue to magnify, and those who feel wronged will feel even more wronged, and Ju Min cried aggrieved.

Crying while drinking, anyway, there was no one on the road at night, even if there were people, it was fine, since she didn't know each other anyway, she had nothing to worry about.

After drinking a bottle, she was no longer her, and she didn't even know what she was doing.

She took out her mobile phone to choose from the address book for a long time, and finally dialed without looking at the name.

Coincidentally, she called her dear second sister.

It was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Ju Jing had already fallen asleep. She was quite impatient to be woken up by the phone, but when she saw that it was the elder sister calling, she immediately got serious.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ju Jing's heart rose to her throat when she heard Ju Min's vague voice coming from there.

"Sister, where are you? How much did you drink? Is there anyone else around?" Ju Jing asked in a hurry.

Ju Min didn't answer, just talking to himself in a nonsensical manner.

She feels that she is very useless, she is the eldest in the family but needs the help of her two younger sisters in everything, she always said that she should take good care of her two younger sisters and take care of her parents, but in the end, her parents have always been Ju Jing taking care of her and no one else take care of.
Not only useless in the family, but also incompetent in career.

In a small-scale factory, she has been tossing for so long and hasn't come up with anything. She invested so much money and didn't make any splashes. She is really a waste.

Ju Jing was not in a hurry to persuade Ju Min. After the elder sister finished venting, she said: "Elder sister, don't think so. Without your protection, I don't know how much trouble I and I will suffer. It doesn't matter if the factory doesn't go well. , let's take it slowly, it will get better."

Ju Min didn't speak, only the sound of heavy breathing came through the phone.

Ju Jing is now stuffed under the quilt, afraid to speak loudly, for fear of quarreling with her parents and making them worry.

While soothing the elder sister in a low voice, she got up in the dark, dressed casually and went to the restaurant to find Yin Kaixuan and Jing Chengxi.

They didn't know where Ju Min was now, so they had to contact Peng Yan. Peng Yan only knew which city Ju Min was in now, but he didn't know where he was.

Everyone was very anxious, but in the middle of the night, there was really nothing to do, even if they called the police, it was impossible to search for people all over the city.

Just when everyone was in a hurry, Ju Min met a kind person.

A girl with a large dog was afraid that walking her dog during the day would scare people, so she chose to walk her dog at night when there were no people on the street. She happened to meet Ju Min who was drunk, and asked about Ju Min's situation.

When Ju Jing heard a stranger's voice coming from the phone, she immediately raised her voice, hoping that the person could hear and pick up the phone.

The girl didn't hear it, but she called the police, and the police came to answer Ju Jing's call about a few minutes later.

At this time, Ju Min was already drunk to death, and the police couldn't criticize Ju Min, so they criticized Ju Jing on the phone, saying that she didn't even look down on her own family, what would happen if she asked a girl out to drink and have an accident at night.

As long as the police found someone, they found her ID card, found out which hotel she stayed in, and sent her back safely.

After venting, Ju Min fell asleep, but the people in the group who were tossing about couldn't fall asleep.

Peng Yan decided to go to find Ju Min at dawn, and he must appease Ju Min's emotions and help her tide over the difficulties.

Of course, Ju Jing couldn't just sit by and watch. She thought about it all night, and she also thought of a good way to help the elder sister tide over the difficulties.

She wants to write a blog post about visiting the eldest sister's factory, so as to advertise to her eldest sister!
She was not happy when someone gave her money to advertise before, but now she has to rush to advertise for her elder sister. This is the difference between outsiders and her own family.

After Ju Min woke up, she was very embarrassed and very regretful. Thanks to Peng Yan who appeared in time to comfort her, she regained her strength and did not choose to give up.

Ju Ling didn't know anything about these things about the eldest sister, but Ju Jing and Ju Min chose not to tell their younger sister about these things in a very tacit understanding.

Ju Ling has been quite busy recently.

The results of the new book were much better than she expected, and of course, they were more controversial than the previous ones.

Almost every time she updates a chapter, she quarrels in the comment area. Everyone has their own ideas, and it’s okay to argue with different opinions, so Ju Ling will not care about such comments.

However, if someone speaks bad words or attacks others personally, Ju Ling will definitely delete comments and ban all words.

In addition, Ju Ling will not hesitate to delete those who directly say the rubbish written by Ju Ling.

Qiao Jue watched her delete the comment, and laughed at her for being weak and unable to accept criticism.Ju Ling countered with one sentence: "The stupid research you do is a waste of time, you might as well be a teacher in peace and quiet, and don't deal with those useless things."

Just because of Ju Ling's words, Qiao Jue sat beside her and frowned and talked about how great his experiment was for 10 minutes, telling Ju Ling not to say that his research was a waste of time in the future.

After he finished speaking, Ju Ling tilted his head and smiled: "Now this research project is your painstaking effort, and you don't allow others to talk about it. Similarly, every book is also my hard work. I don't feel good about it if someone says it. Boy. And I'm not deleting serious comments, but comments that are open to spraying."

Well, it can't be said, but Qiao Jue obediently shut up and doesn't express any opinions.

Controversy itself is a kind of enthusiasm. Because of this, Ju Ling's novels have been recommended by almost all the websites, large and small, and the subscriptions in the background have been increasing. Before it is finished, it has become the most subscribed among all her works.

This was quite beyond Ju Ling's expectations. When the book was opened, she was ready to go to publication with good grades.

Now it seems that this book can bloom in two ways!

Ju Ling's book subscription and publishing are blooming twice, and Ju Ling's good friend Zhou Yan is also blooming in both career and love.

Zhou Yan gave up his high-paying job to become the cleaner of several teaching buildings in Qiao Jue's university. The salary is not high, but it provides food and lodging. He still has more time to attend lectures and study. He is very satisfied.

He always goes to the School of Mechanical Engineering to take courses in vehicle engineering.The vast majority of students studying this major are boys, and there are not many girls in the classroom.Under such circumstances, Zhou Yan even got a girlfriend!

The girl was not a student of the Department of Vehicle Engineering, but was accompanying a good friend to class. By chance, she met Zhou Yan and was attracted by his persistent and simple character, so they got together naturally.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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