Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 416 Family

Chapter 416 Family
Ju Ling received a call from Zhou Yan, saying that she was going to invite her and Qiao Jue to dinner with her girlfriend.

Ju Ling was stunned at the time, because Zhou Yan's announcement of the good news was so sudden that there was no warning before.

Before going to dinner, Ju Ling asked Qiao Jue if he knew about Zhou Yan's girlfriend, Qiao Jue shrugged and replied truthfully: "Of course I don't know, I never met him in school. The school is so big, our activities The regions do not overlap, so it is very difficult to meet each other.”

Qiao Jue couldn't provide gossip, so Ju Ling became even more curious about Zhou Yan's girlfriend.

Seeing Zhou Yan and his girlfriend in the private room of the hotel, Ju Ling only had one feeling—these two are really a good match.

Zhou Yan's girlfriend is also surnamed Zhou, named Zhou Xiao, a sophomore majoring in energy and power engineering, who was admitted from a small town in the southwest.

Zhou Xiao has a thin and small body, with a natural smiling face that is very pleasing, and his voice is sweet and pleasant.

Qiao Jue didn't know Zhou Xiao, but Zhou Xiao had heard of Qiao Jue's name long ago.

"Mr. Qiao, you don't know it yourself. You are a celebrity in our school. I remember hearing an old professor mention you when I first entered the school, saying that you have a high IQ. You have finished your Ph. You have done a lot in your own field, but as a result, you are not motivated at all, and you spend three days fishing for two days and posting on the Internet for two days. You forcefully turn yourself into an ordinary person. Let us never learn from you, no matter what field you are talented in Cherish them all."

Okay, it's still a negative teaching material.

Qiao Jue smiled and shook his head, not knowing what to say.

The professor is right. If he has been doing scientific research in a down-to-earth manner, he will definitely produce research results by now.It's a pity that he ran out when he had nothing to do, missed a good research project, and he still hasn't got any good results so far.

There are quite a lot of topics for the four of them to talk about, and the atmosphere has always been very good.

Zhou Yan is also very considerate and meticulous to his girlfriend: he will pay attention to the drinks in her cup at any time, and will refill her immediately when he runs out; he will wipe off the oil stains dripping on the table to prevent Zhou Xiao's clothes from being stained; Which dishes Zhou Xiao likes to eat, order another one when the dishes run out.
This is probably the most simple appearance of love. You don't need to say anything, and you don't need to deliberately express it, just blend into the bits and pieces of life.

In the second half of the meal, the topic shifted from school to family, and Zhou Xiao started talking about his family.

Zhou Xiao is the third child in the family, with an older brother, an older sister, and a younger brother.Because of poor family conditions, the elder brother and elder sister came down to earn money for Zhou Xiao and younger brother to study before they finished high school.

Zhou Xiao and his younger brother took the college entrance examination in the same year. One passed the entrance examination in Kyoto and the other passed the entrance examination in Haishi.

She plans to find a good job in Kyoto after graduation. It is unrealistic to take over her parents, siblings, and live, but she can rely on her own efforts to make her relatives live better.

Ju Ling is a person who attaches great importance to family and affection. She also felt a lot of emotion when she heard Zhou Xiao talk about these things, and she also told Zhou Xiao some things about the Ju family.

When the two of them talked about their family, Zhou Yan and Qiao Jue just laughed there, unable to answer anything.

After eating and parting, Ju Ling and Qiao Jue walked to the parking place.

"Brother Jue, do you miss your mother?" Ju Ling asked tentatively.

Qiao Jue chuckled: "To be honest, I don't want to. We are all used to living our own lives, making phone calls at fixed times, and talking about specific topics on the phone. No one wants to change the current situation."

Ju Ling didn't think that Qiao Jue and his family were so bad. Everyone has their own preferred way of getting along. There is no need to think that other people's families are not happy just because their family is like this.

The reason why she asked Qiao Jue this question was because Zhou Yan and Zhou Xiao had already planned to go back to their hometown to meet their parents during the meal, and Ju Ling wondered if she should also find a chance to meet Qiao Jue's family.

It's a pity, she turned a corner when she spoke, Qiao Jue didn't think about that at all.

If you don't think about it, don't think about it, anyway, I will see you sooner or later, don't worry.

What Ju Ling didn't expect was that this "sooner or later" could be so early!
Another Friday, Ju Ling was going to Qiao Jue's place after class.

If Qiao Jue had time, he would drive to pick her up, if not, she would go there by herself.Qiao Jue is quite busy today, she went there by herself.

When I arrived at the door of the house, I found a person standing at the door, a man who looked about 50 years old, and his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Qiao Jue.

Ju Ling probably guessed who this person was, but she didn't take the initiative to say hello, she just silently signaled the man not to block the door, she wanted to open it and go in.

When Ju Ling entered the room and was about to close the door, the man finally opened his mouth and said, "Little girl, is this family still named Qiao?"

"Yes," Ju Ling replied truthfully.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Then, is Qiao Jue at home?"

Ju Ling shook his head and replied, "No, he's in the lab and won't be back until later."

The man gave a soft "hmm" and didn't ask who Ju Ling was or why he came here.

After closing the door, Ju Ling immediately sent a message to Qiao Jue, telling Qiao Jue that his father, Qiao Linfeng, was here.

Ever since Qiao Linfeng divorced Fang Qingmei, Qiao Jue had almost lost contact with Qiao Linfeng, and Ju Ling hadn't heard much about Qiao Linfeng.There must be something wrong with this person who suddenly found him, and he had to tell Qiao Jue to prepare him mentally.

However, some things are difficult to accept no matter how much mental preparation is done.

Qiao Linfeng came to Qiao Jue to tell his son that he was going to die.

It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are good, but in fact it is divided into people, at least not reflected in Qiao Linfeng's case.

He came to Qiao Jue to tell him about his health, saying that he had spent all his savings for medical treatment, and hoped that his son could help him.

To put it bluntly, they are here to ask for money.

At that time, Qiao Jue gave Qiao Linfeng all the less than 1000 yuan in his possession, and said to Qiao Linfeng, "I know you definitely want more than that. Don't worry, I'll give it to you later."

Qiao Jue didn't live his life carefully, and he couldn't make a lot of money from his salary alone. Besides, he bought a car not long ago, and he really didn't have much money on hand.

Even so, he still scraped together 10 yuan and gave it to Qiao Linfeng.

It was just that when he gave the money, he made it very clear that it was enough, don't ask him for money, and he didn't want to attend his funeral, so there was no need to inform him of the news of his death.

The words were harsh, but afterwards Qiao Jue shut himself in the study for a long, long time and did not come out.

Back then, Qiao Linfeng cheated in marriage, and the divorce was very dishonorable, which directly caused Fang Qingmei to go abroad.At that time, Mr. Qiao had just passed away, and a good family was torn apart because of an irresponsible man. How could Qiao Jue not hate, how could he not complain.

After many years, even though Qiao Linfeng died of a serious illness soon, he still couldn't let go of it.

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(End of this chapter)

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