Chapter 417
What Qiao Jue didn't expect was that he received the news of Qiao Linfeng's death within less than a month after seeing Qiao Linfeng!

Qiao Linfeng seemed to be deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, and he clearly said that Qiao Jue should not be notified even if he passed away, but Qiao Linfeng's wish before he died was to hope that Qiao Jue would take care of his funeral.

Qiao Jue was sad and angry, a young man in his 20s cried like a child when he called his mother.

Fang Qingmei waited for him to cry enough before persuading him: "Xiao Jue, think about the good in everything. Maybe he did this on purpose to make you angry and disgusted with him. In this way, in the years to come you will I won’t always think of him. It is said that the dead are the most important, but I think the living are more important, so you can do what you want, don’t force yourself.”

The mother's gentle reassurance made Qiao Jue calm down a little. He sat in the study room facing the dark window all night. The next morning, he packed himself up and changed into black clothes, black pants and black leather shoes, and started busy Zhang Luoqiao. Linfeng's funeral.

As long as Ju Ling is not in class, she will try her best to stay by Qiao Jue's side. Although she can't help much, her company can make Qiao Jue more relaxed.

Qiao Linfeng's funeral was very simple, and not many people saw him off for the last time. Qiao Jue was calm and calm throughout the funeral.

At the funeral, he didn't cry, he didn't shed a single tear, and he was able to stare at Qiao Linfeng's portrait without emotion for a long, long time.

However, after the funeral, Qiao Jue was like a pumped ball, completely sluggish.

He still wanted to lock himself in the study, but Ju Ling didn't give him a chance to be alone.

Ju Ling took out all the wine in the refrigerator, white beer, red and some messy wine piled up the table.

"Brother Xiaojue, let's have two glasses, which one do you want?" Ju Ling asked as he stuffed the cup into Qiao Jue's hand.

Qiao Jue put the cup on the coffee table again, opened two bottles of beer, and drank it with Ju Ling.

At the beginning, he only drank and didn't talk, but after getting a little drunk, Qiao Jue also opened up the chatterbox.

He told Ju Ling about the happy time when he lived with his parents and grandpa, and about his mental journey after his grandpa passed away and his parents divorced.

Probably the blow of his parents' divorce was so great that he still has a very complicated attitude towards the family.

He yearns for a family, a family that is harmonious and united like Ju Laosan's family, and a family that supports and trusts each other.He is also afraid of family, afraid that the warmth is only temporary, and afraid that the closest people will turn into man-eating beasts in a blink of an eye.

After a few bottles of white wine and a bottle of red wine, Qiao Jue has completely let himself go.

He fell on Ju Ling's lap, hugged Ju Ling's waist, buried his face in Ju Ling's lower abdomen, crying like a child.

When Ju Ling heard him calling "Dad" and "Grandpa" vaguely, her heart was sour, and she shed tears silently for a long time.

No matter how strong people are, they are vulnerable at times, and the fragile Qiao Jue let Ju Ling know that she can actually do a lot for his little brother Jue.

When Qiao Jue got up the next day, Ju Ling had already returned to school for class. There was light vegetarian porridge on the dining table, steamed buns were still hot in the pot, and with a little pickle, he could eat some even if he didn't have an appetite.

He asked for a leave of absence from the school, and it would be good to go to work next Monday.

He didn't want to do anything while staying at home, his head hurt and his eyes hurt, so he just lay on the bed covered by the quilt for a day.

When Ju Ling came over at night, the room was dark, and Qiao Jue didn't even turn on the light.

"I guess you didn't eat well." Ju Ling went into the bedroom and raised the bag in his hand: "The newly opened Northeast restaurant downstairs, I packed the potted meat and ground three delicacies, and got up to eat."

Qiao Jue had no appetite at all, but he didn't want to worry Ju Ling too much, so he got up listlessly.

It seems that Ju Ling has never seen such a sloppy Qiao Jue. He didn't wash his face or brush his teeth when he got up in the morning, and he lay on the bed all day with messy hair and beard.

"Brother Jue, go take a shower and tidy up, let's eat quickly," Ju Ling ordered.

Although he was very reluctant to move, Qiao Jue obediently took a bath and shaved.

People are not very energetic yet, but they don't look so decadent.

The pot-packed meat has softened after being stuffed in the takeaway box, and the taste is greatly reduced. The ground three fresh oil is too big and a little salty, and the taste is not good. Even the rice is a bit raw, and it is a bit gritty to eat.

Qiao Jue ate mechanically with his head depressed as if he hadn't figured out these problems.

Looking at Qiao Jue like this, Ju Ling didn't say anything to comfort her, but said softly, "Brother Xiao Jue, what procedures do you need to get a marriage certificate in the capital?"

Qiao Jue's mind was numb, and it took him a long time to react.

"What?" He looked up at Ju Ling in surprise, with two grains of rice hanging from the corner of his mouth, looking ridiculous.

Ju Ling pointed to the corner of her mouth, indicating that there were rice grains beside Qiao Jue's mouth.

Qiao Jue immediately wiped her mouth clean, and asked again: "You just asked me about the procedures for registering marriage?"

After getting an affirmative answer, Qiao Jue frowned and asked in bewilderment, "Why do you ask this? You, aren't you?"

"Yes", before Qiao Jue finished speaking, Ju Ling admitted generously: "It's just what you think, I want to leave my name on your household registration book."

Qiao Jue didn't speak, just lowered his head and continued to eat mechanically.

It wasn't until after dinner that Qiao Jue said, "Little boy, have you thought about it? Marriage is a big deal, and I don't like you marrying me for reasons that have nothing to do with marriage."

"I think clearly. Brother Xiaojue, every step I have taken since I was a child has been carefully considered, and this time is no exception. Don't you want to? You don't want to help me solve the household registration problem?" Ju Ling said with a smile.

Ju Ling is now a collective household registration in Kyoto, which is quite different from her permanent residence registration. If she graduates from university and does not stay in Beijing to work, or if her work unit does not help her find a way, her household registration will be moved back to her original place of origin.

Many people are very concerned about the household registration issue. Ju Ling simply used the household registration to talk about the matter, mainly to make the atmosphere easier.

"I'm happy to help, but such a big matter still needs to be discussed with the family. If there is no problem with your family, I can do it anytime!" Qiao Jue replied.

That night, neither of them could sleep in bed, Qiao Jue turned over and lay on his side, looking at Ju Ling quietly.

Although Ju Ling closed his eyes, he could still feel his fiery gaze.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Ju Ling couldn't hold back and asked.

Qiao Jue chuckled and said, "I'm thinking, after obtaining the marriage certificate, what else can I give you besides helping you get a permanent residence in the capital. It seems like there is nothing else, but you can give me a lot."

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(End of this chapter)

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