Chapter 418
Ju Ling also turned over to face Qiao Jue, and asked puzzledly, "What can I give you?"

Qiao Jue told Ju Ling one by one very seriously.

She can give him a small home, a warm little home that belongs to the two of them.

She could give him a big family, a big family with loving parents and a fierce but protective sister.

She can give him a sense of stability and care, so that he will not always feel that he is alone.

There are many, many more, and it may feel like a lie to say it, but Qiao Jue really feels like this.

"Then if you don't get a marriage certificate, can't I give you these?" Ju Ling asked with a smile.

She was purely looking for faults, she just wanted to tease Qiao Jue.

Qiao Jue also smiled and replied: "If I don't get married, I won't be able to call you parents like you, and your eldest and second sisters won't let me call them sisters. Every time I go home, people in the village will only say that Xiao Qiao is here." I won't say that the third uncle of the Ju family is here, you should understand the difference."

"Even if we are married, the eldest sister and the second sister will not let you call them elder sister. You are the oldest, and you will call them old." Ju Ling stretched out her hand and gently stroked Qiao Jue's arm, and said softly: " Go to bed early, tomorrow Thursday, I will tell my family about the situation, if the family has no objections, go to get the certificate on Friday, and we can think about how to arrange it in two days on the weekend."

"Are you sure? Don't you feel rushed? There must be a wedding, right?" Qiao Jue felt sorry for Ju Ling for receiving the certificate so suddenly.

Ju Ling didn't think too much about it, she just said: "I'm still studying, and your father just passed away. At this time, it's better for us to keep a low profile. Just get a certificate and ask your friends to have a meal. Everything else is fine." unimportant."

She didn't think the wedding was important, but the Ju family didn't think so.

Ju Ling called home and said that she was going to get a marriage certificate with Qiao Jue. Not only did Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei not object, they also happily said that it would be good to get married early, and asked her to show Ju Min and Ju Jing that they would be envious You can also get married early.

Zhang Yongmei asked about the wedding. Ju Ling said that they did not plan to hold a wedding. Even though Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei objected, they also said that Qiao Jue could not hold a wedding in the capital, but Ju Ling had to hold a wedding at home.

"What does our family do? We run a restaurant! How many wedding banquets are held in a year? Why don't we hold one in our restaurant when we finally have a happy event? Don't worry too much about holding banquets, and they won't let you You won’t be asked to clean up the table when cooking, so you just have to wait to count the money,” Zhang Yongmei said excitedly.

Ju Ling couldn't convince her parents, so she could only agree to the matter first.

When I contacted Ju Min and Ju Jing to talk about this matter later, her two older sisters were not focused on the wedding banquet, but on the matter of marriage itself.

Ju Jing's reaction was particularly strong, and she asked Ju Ling directly and excitedly if she was pregnant!

Ju Ling: .
The emotional eldest sister and the second sister suspect that she is going to marry her son.

Ju Ling quickly explained and told them what she thought, hoping they would support her.

Of course the eldest sister and second sister supported her, even if she was married with a son, the eldest sister and second sister would not do anything to her.

Ju Min also told Ju Ling very solemnly: "Marriage is not the same as dating. You can do whatever you want with your dating partner. After you get married, your relationship will be closer. You should contact his relatives and friends. Your relatives and friends He also wants to get in touch, just interpersonal relationships can bore people to death, you have to be mentally prepared."

In this regard, Ju Min was worried in vain, because Qiao Jue's family didn't have any relatives, so she was very worry-free.

After vaccinating the little girl, Ju Min said that getting the certificate is a big deal, and you can't just get it casually, and you must find the auspicious day of the zodiac.

Ju Jing also added a little more.Since the family wanted a wedding banquet, she and Ju Min, as older sisters, must also express their gratitude and invite some friends over to make the wedding banquet lively.

Ju Ling really knows her second sister very well, and she knows that she has other plans after hearing this.

Sure enough, under Ju Ling's questioning, Ju Jing could only tell the truth.

She, didn't she organize an event online to sign up for the summer vacation to build a greenhouse for her? Later, she can use her little sister's wedding as a gimmick, which will definitely attract more people.

"Second sister, you are too thief, you can even think about making money when I get married!" Ju Ling pretended to be angry.

Ju Jing's mouth is so powerful, can she make her little sister fool her?

She just said one word, leaving Ju Ling speechless.

"I'm not doing this for myself. I just want to attract more people to make your wedding banquet lively, so that our dad will feel honored and he will be happy!"

Come on, this rhetoric is impeccable.

Ju Ling told her family about getting the certificate, so Qiao Jue naturally had to talk about it with Fang Qingmei.

Fang Qingmei asked Qiao Jue if she needed to come back, Qiao Jue said frankly no, he and Ju Ling were distracted to entertain her when she came back, everyone was in trouble.

Fang Qingmei didn't insist either.The son doesn't need to come back to get the certificate, but there must be a wedding gift. She quietly inquired about Ju Ling's preferences, and wanted to prepare a big gift for her daughter-in-law.

Both families agreed, and Qiao Jue and Ju Ling began to prepare the things needed to register their marriage.

On the day they went to collect the certificate, the two got up early in the morning and cleaned up neatly. Before going out, they checked all kinds of certificates again and again, and they set off after making sure everything was safe.

They didn't count it as an auspicious day. They didn't expect that a day chosen randomly would be a good day. There were quite a few people who came to register, and they had to wait in line for a long time.

The whole registration process went smoothly, and the two finally received their marriage certificate near noon.

Both Ju Ling and Qiao Jue felt unreal when they came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Brother Xiaojue, I'm a married woman now!" Ju Ling looked at the marriage certificate and said incredulously.

Qiao Jue received her marriage certificate in his hands, put her arms around her shoulders, and said with a smile: "Yes, we are both married. From now on, I can call you daughter-in-law, and you can also call me husband." .”

Ju Ling tried it in a low voice, and found that the word "husband" was really awkward, and it would be better to call him Brother Xiaojue.

Left and right are just a name, and it doesn't matter what they are called.

The two of them were not entangled in this matter. After returning home, they began to discuss how to arrange the two days of the weekend.

Qiao Jue can ask for marriage leave, but it's useless for him to have leave, Ju Ling has to go to class and can't accompany Qiao Jue every day, so there is no need to ask for this leave.

Only two days on the weekend, Qiao Jue wanted to take Ju Ling out for fun. Honeymoon trips should not go too far, and you can still take a walk around the capital.

After thinking about it, Ju Ling decided not to go to the surrounding areas of the capital, and use these two days to invite friends, classmates and Qiao Jue's colleagues to dinner.

Of course you can’t invite them all together, it’s quite awkward to gather people you don’t know together, so you can only invite one by one, and the first one to invite is Ju Ling’s roommate.

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(End of this chapter)

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