Chapter 419
When they said they would invite them to dinner, they didn't say the reason, and everyone went to the private room of the hotel together. Ju Ling and Qiao Jue toasted and announced that they were legal couples.

After recovering, the three of them excitedly raised their wine glasses to send their sincere blessings.

It is really comfortable to make friends with people who know how to respect others.

Several people in the dormitory have different personalities and hold different opinions on many things, but they all respect each other. Even if they argue sometimes, they can always find a harmonious balance afterwards.

It’s like her attitude towards marriage: Dong Ruyu thinks that students should focus on their studies, and it’s not appropriate to get married during college; Teng Rong is a non-marriage advocate, and thinks that love is far more enjoyable than marriage; Yang Liu, she thinks that marriage It is a big event, not only related to two people, but also the union of two families, so before marriage, the two families get in touch with each other more, and they can't get married without even seeing each other.

To sum up, the fact that Qiao Jue and Ju Ling got a marriage certificate perfectly collided with their attitudes towards marriage.However, they didn't look down on Qiaoju and Qiaoju because of this, and sincerely sent their blessings.

The so-called attitude, bottom line, and point of view are all used to demand yourself, and you can't restrain others. The reason is this. However, in real life, there are still many people who can't do it. They always use their own standards to demand others. Once they don't meet their own It's really annoying to accuse or even abuse others if you don't meet the standards.

The reason why Ju Ling likes to get along with three roommates with very different personalities is because they are very tolerant.

After sending their blessings, the three blamed Ju Ling again for not telling them earlier so that they could prepare a wedding gift for her.

Ju Ling said: "Gifts are not important, let's go out to play together when we have time, we haven't gone out to play together in a dormitory for so long."

"You have to have gifts, you have to have travel, don't try to fool it," Teng Rong said with a smile: "I will plan these things, and you are responsible for coordinating the time!"

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Qiao Jue found an opportunity to interject, "Can you take me with you when you go out to play?"

Dong Ruyu immediately refused: "Of course I can't take you, this is our girls' party, it's not appropriate for you to be a man."

That's right, even before discussing when and where to play, dig him out first, he is a pitiful bridegroom.

The second dinner party was Zhou Yan and Zhou Xiao. They were both happy and envious when they heard that Ju Ling and Qiao Jue said they would get married as soon as they got married.

What are you envious of?

Zhou Yan and Zhou Xiao wanted to settle down as quickly as they did, but the reality did not allow it.

The meal was quite relaxed and enjoyable, and Ju Ling was a little nervous before inviting the third guest.

The third group invited Qiao Jue's colleagues and friends, whom Ju Ling didn't even know. After introducing each other and saying hello, they didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, no matter what these researchers are talking about, they can bring the topic to their own research. Ju Ling can't understand it at all, so she doesn't need to take the initiative to participate in their topics.

Treating guests well to dinner, I was taken aback by Qiao Jue's colleagues and friends talking about the feeling of an academic exchange meeting. While discussing with them, Qiao Jue didn't forget to take care of Ju Ling and serve her food and drinks.

People who are serious about research are pretty cute. They are pure-minded and don’t make so many twists and turns. They didn’t have a drink together or say "Happy Newlyweds" from the beginning to the end. Everyone didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. This is not too much The enthusiastic and peaceful way of getting along with Ju Ling is also very comfortable.

Life after marriage has not changed much. Ju Ling still lives in the school dormitory most of the time. She only goes to Qiao Jue's place after class on Friday, and returns before class on Monday.

Qiao Jue's research has entered a relatively tense stage. If there are no results in this stage, he will not be able to apply for research funds, and the project may be cut.In order to keep this project, Qiao Jue leaves early and returns late every day, and has no time to pick up Ju Ling.

Ju Ling didn't care, but he felt that it was not a long-term solution for Ju Ling to come here all the time, so he urged Ju Ling to hurry up and get his driver's license.

Ju Ling, who is very smart and smart, is quick to do everything else, but it's over when he comes to Xueche.

There is no problem with theoretical knowledge at all, and you will pull your hips as soon as you get started.

In Ju Ling's own words, she became nervous as soon as she sat in the driver's seat, her palms were sweating, her body was trembling, her head was buzzing, and she really couldn't do anything.

She was in such a state that she couldn't drive at all. Qiao Jue suspected that she had a psychological problem, so she even introduced a psychiatrist for her to see.

In fact, many people are like this at the beginning, just work hard to overcome it. Ju Ling also wants to grit her teeth and overcome it, but her eldest sister, second sister and brother Jue have become stumbling blocks on her driving road.

They were really worried, so they simply advised her not to learn to drive, but to take a taxi when she went out, which was convenient and safe.

Ju Ling didn't insist too much, if she can't, she won't, but it's just a pity that she can't go home and be a driver for her elder sister and second sister.

How can her elder sister and second sister use her? When she was still reciting theoretical knowledge, Ju Jing had already got her driver's license, and Ju Min, who had received an order to ensure sales, had also passed subject three.

Ju Min's factory is now on the right track, all thanks to Ju Jing helping her advertise.

Ju Jing went to the factory for a visit, took a lot of photos, and went home for a few days before compiling a long blog post and posting it on the Internet. Many netizens commented and asked Ju Jing whether these finely packaged mountain products can be bought from the Internet. It's definitely worth it as a gift.

Ju Jing also discussed the issue of sales channels with Ju Min. Although Ju Jing relies heavily on the Internet, but this time she and Ju Min have surprisingly the same ideas. They both feel that it is not the time to engage in online sales of products!
The factory has just started, and it is more reliable to order offline in a steady manner. It is not too late to consider multiple sales channels after the brand has a certain reputation.

Ju Jing's blog post still attracted some big dealers who didn't engage in online retail, and they took the initiative to contact Ju Jing, and Ju Jing pushed Ju Min's contact information to them.

Now, the products packaged and produced in the factory are already sold in several chain supermarkets, and there are still several cooperation talks to be discussed. After the negotiations are completed, Ju Min will consider expanding production and steadily expand his business step by step.

Everyone was afraid of Ju Min's embarrassment, so she didn't mention anything about her getting drunk and losing her temper in other places. After the initial embarrassment, she calmed down, and sometimes joked and even brought out the blackmail.

The first time Ju Ling heard about this, she was quite confused, so she asked the eldest sister and the second sister why she didn't know at all, and Ju Jing told her that everyone had reached a tacit agreement and didn't tell her that she was too far away from home Tell her there's nothing she can do but worry.

Ju Ling was not convinced, who said she couldn't help!She can also use her own methods to help the eldest sister run the factory well, and help the second sister expand her network influence!

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(End of this chapter)

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