Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 421 Acting

Chapter 421 Acting
Every time Peng Yan came over, Peng's mother's condition improved slightly, and she refused to take her to the hospital, and even found various reasons to keep Peng Yan, so that he would have more time and opportunities to get along with the neighbor girls.

Peng Yan is not a fool, and he has noticed that this kind of thing happens too much.

Now he is just tricking him to come and get along with other girls, who knows what he will do in the future, so the matter must be resolved before the big mistake is made, so that his mother will die.

After Peng's mother used this trick to trick him again, he changed his previous caring and gentleness, and directly let the neighbor girl go first, and talk to his mother alone.

Peng's mother was very guilty, and she didn't dare to look at Peng Yan while lying on the bed. Her slightly lowered eyes were like a barrier, separating her from her son's mother-child relationship.

"I guess what you mean." Peng Yan said straight to the point: "Do you not like my partner and want me to find a partner who will be obedient to you to marry, and then you can sit back and relax and enjoy your old age?"

Peng's mother refused to admit that she did all this for herself, she said that she did it all for Peng Yan's good. It will be a joke for others in the future.

The more Peng's mother spoke, the more confident she became. She felt that what she said was the truth, and she didn't realize that she directly hit Peng Yan's bottom line.

Peng Yan's bottom line is Ju Min.

It’s okay to slander or even abuse him, but you can’t say that Ju Min is bad, no one can!

With a sullen face, Peng Yan stood up directly from the chair and looked down at his mother.

"The money I will give you will be halved in the future. You can figure out whether it is enough or not. If you are sick, go to the hospital yourself. You should know where the town hospital is. Don't contact me if there is no serious illness." Peng Yan said coldly: "This time That's the end of the matter. If there is a next time, don't even think about getting a penny from me, and don't expect me to help you if you have something to do in the future. I don't care about reputation or face, and you don't have to take ours. When it comes to relationships, I only care about one person, and you should be able to guess who that person is, so stay away from her in the future!"

After saying this, Peng Yan left without looking back.

Peng's mother didn't even bother to put on her shoes, so she chased her out and stopped Peng Yan at the door.

"Yanyan, mother is wrong, mother is wrong, can you not be angry with mother?" Mother Peng begged bitterly.

Can't be softhearted.

If such a thing is forgiven once, there will definitely be a second and third time in the future, and those who do wrong must be punished.

Peng Yan threw her away without even looking at her, and slammed the door to leave.

Mother Peng sat down on the ground slumped, covering her face and crying.

She regretted it, really regretted it.

But what's the use of regretting, it was she who pushed her son a step further, she asked for it herself.

What problem can crying solve?
Nothing could be solved, so Peng's mother soon cheered up and tried to remedy it.

The first breakthrough she found was Uncle Peng.

Uncle Peng's ears are too soft, and Peng's mother is crying and wants to kneel down to him, so he can't bear it anymore and agrees to say something nice for Peng's mother.

Just looking for Uncle Peng is not enough, Mother Peng took her youngest son to look for Ju Min, thinking that it is not too late to start a good relationship with Ju Min from now on.The people his son cares about look at her so pitifully, so they don't ask to be nice to her, as long as they don't force Peng Yan to ignore their mother and son.

Mother Peng took her son directly to Ju Min's factory, and heard that Ju Min was busy and didn't bother her, so she found a corner and waited aggrieved.

People in the factory asked who she was, and she said that she was the mother of Ju Min's girlfriend.

The boss's partner's mother, isn't that the boss's future mother-in-law, who dares to neglect?

Immediately please enter the lounge and serve tea and water, and bring fruit to the children.

Ju Min didn't rush over when he heard the news, but called Peng Yan first and asked him if he knew about it.

Peng Yan was very angry, so he told Ju Min what Peng's mother had done before, and said that he would come back from Yunhe immediately to deal with it, so that Ju Min would not be bothered.

Ju Min hurriedly said: "Don't tell me, you are busy with your work, you don't need you for such a small matter, I will make it clear to her."

Ju Min played well, pretended not to know anything, and looked very surprised when she saw Peng's mother.

"So you are Peng Yan's mother. Last time you came to look for a job, I was the one who interviewed you. Really, I wanted to keep you working, but you never came again." Ju Min said the nice words smoothly .

Peng's mother smiled awkwardly, of course it can't be said that she didn't come because she heard that it was troublesome to apply for a health certificate.

She introduced her youngest son to Ju Min and asked the child to be called Mrs. Ju Min.

Ju Min hurriedly stopped her, and said tactfully, "It's too early to call me. Peng Yan and I are not married yet, so just call me sister."

There were a lot of things going on in the factory, and Ju Min didn't go out of her way to ask Peng's mother what she was doing here.

Mother Peng didn't want to speak directly, so she asked Ju Min: "Did Yanyan tell you nothing?"

"What are you talking about? We're both very busy, and I haven't seen him for two or three days," Ju Min said with a smile.

"Oh", Peng's mother hesitated for a moment, and then tried to pick up the words that were beneficial to her and said: "I was not feeling well in the first two days, and the little girl from the neighbor's house often came to take care of me. I thought I was trying to match them up. Do you think I am that kind of person? Knowing that he has a partner, how can he do such a thing, and he won’t listen to anything I tell him. I really don’t know what to do."

"It's normal for you to introduce good girls to him. I'm older than him and my personality is not so good. Maybe I will beat him every now and then after I get married. You are doing it for his own good." Ju Min smiled But it also gives people a gloomy feeling.

Both Mother Peng and her youngest son were frightened.

"Well, that can't be done. You can see that you have a good temper. How can you hit someone?" Peng's mother stammered.

Ju Min immediately denied: "I have a bad temper. Last time he couldn't tell where the money was spent, I beat him up."

Mother Peng: .
She wasn't sure if Ju Min knew about the money Peng Yan gave her, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear that she wouldn't get a dime if she said something wrong.

At this moment, she can use fear to describe her mood at the moment, and she feels that she shouldn't come.You still have a good relationship with your son, what are you doing, don't get angry and beat her up again.

The son's object is so powerful, is she really going to beat her up, does the son dare to speak up?Of course I didn't dare, wouldn't the beating be in vain?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt, and Peng's mother didn't dare to stay any longer, taking her youngest son away on the pretext that she didn't want to affect Ju Min's work.

After they left, Ju Min called Peng Yan again to talk about it. Peng Yan laughed at first, saying that Ju Min did a good job, and then sighed after laughing.

"I thought I treated her pretty well, but I didn't expect her to be satisfied. Why can't my mother treat the child better like your mother?" Peng Yan said very disappointed.

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(End of this chapter)

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