Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 422 protect the short

Chapter 422 protect the short
Ju Min felt uncomfortable when he was so tidy.

"From now on, my mother will be your mother, and she will treat you well," she said.

Peng Yan didn't want Ju Min to feel uncomfortable with him, so he purposely joked, "We're not married yet, so it's unfair for me to be named like that. Why don't you make it right for me, Sister Min."

Ju Min snorted softly: "It's a beautiful thought. You can do your own work first, don't worry here in the town, I'll take care of things."

In fact, there is nothing wrong here in the town. Mother Peng was frightened and had no time to hide from Ju Min, so she will definitely not come here again in the future.As long as she settles down a bit, Ju Min doesn't have to worry about these messy things.

When the three sisters were chatting, Ju Min told the two younger sisters about Peng's mother. Ju Jing bluntly said that Peng Yan should not care about Peng's mother in the first place.

The words are not very pleasant, but it is such a fact.

Between reason and kiss, of course Ju Jing has to stand on the side of kiss.What happened to Peng's mother and Peng Yan had nothing to do with her, but her elder sister was involved, and she just wanted her elder sister to be good regardless of the reason.

Ju Ling also agreed with Ju Jing, and told Ju Min not to be soft-hearted in the future. Some people will never be satisfied. If you give her a steamed bun, she will want buns, and if you give her a stone, she will still want diamonds.

Now Mother Peng's youngest son is still in school, and will have to go to university to continue his studies. After graduation, he will face finding a job and getting married.It's fine if he is a little more up-to-date, but if he doesn't, Mother Peng will definitely help him plan.

Although they are both sons, Peng Yan has been separated from her for many years without much affection, but she doted on the younger son and grew up. For her younger son, who knows how she will cheat the older son.

"Sister, don't think that these things are all gone. If you really see the shadows one day and think of a solution, it will be too late. Now you should pay more attention. The most important thing is to live your own life well. Other people's affairs are yours Don't worry about it. Don't care about who says you are selfish or something, you can stand up and talk without back pain, so leave them alone," Ju Jing told her very worriedly.

Of course Ju Min also knows this, people are kind and sometimes they have to be more serious when they are bullied.

After talking about his own affairs, Ju Min became concerned about Ju Jing again.

Ju Jing has been very busy during this period. The house built on the hillside has been renovated, and a room has been specially prepared for Dachun and Zhao Laohan. The small house they used to live in has been changed into a toilet, and they are divided into men and women by a wall. Toilets on both sides.

The fruit trees in the orchard need to be fertilized and sprayed, and their branches need to be pruned.

The number of chickens has also doubled compared to before, and they have all been ordered in advance, so there is no problem of slow sales at all.

In addition to managing the chicken coop in the orchard, Ju Jing also takes Wang Yalei around every day.She has contracted so much land, she can't leave it there next year, she has to plant it all.What to plant and how to plant is a big problem. As a professional, Wang Yalei can give her some valuable advice.

To tell you the truth, Wang Yalei never dreamed that Ju Jing would have such courage to acquire so much land, and it would take ten years to return one package.

He admired Ju Jing very much, and promised Ju Jing that he would help her manage the planting well, and he didn't dare to say how much money she would make, at least not to lose money.

Running outside all day long, although wearing sunscreen and wearing a hat, Ju Jing was still tanned.

It just so happened that a girl who went out to work in the countryside came back to see her sick mother these days. She was very fashionable and her skin was white and tender, which was particularly obvious in contrast with Ju Jingzhan.

In the village, people always make fun of Ju Jing about this matter, saying that she can't think about it, it would be nice to stay in the city to work a long time ago, and she has to go home to farm, and she is disheveled all day long. I have to run away with someone.

Whenever someone said that, Ju Jing called Yin Kaixuan to her, pointed at Yin Kaixuan's face and asked them who they were!

Of course it is Yin Kaixuan Hei.

He spends more time outside than Ju Jing every day, and he doesn't wear a hat or sunscreen, and he can't find it on the ground if it is so dark.

Anyway, everyone is black, so don't dislike anyone.

They don't care about black or white, but Jing Chengxi quite cares.

He puts on sunscreen more frequently than Ju Jing, not only on his face, but on almost all exposed skin, no matter how hot it is, he will always wear a hat when going out, and he will never wear short-sleeved shorts when he goes out for a long time.

Ever since the three sisters knew his little secret, he gradually wanted to let go of himself, and he would not hide himself like before.Looking at the delicate boy Jing Chengxi, Ju Jing sighed with emotion, she couldn't compare, she lived a rougher life as a woman than a man, how could she reason.

Jing Chengxi is exquisite, but he is really not a mother at all, and three or four old men can't take advantage of a fight.

Jing Chengxi is also a reasonable person, and he will definitely not fight with others for no reason.

Then why fight?

Because someone had a bad mouth and said bad things about the three sisters of the Ju family behind their backs, they rushed over to fight with them in a moment of anger.

He beat the other three or four gentlemen by himself, but none of them got well, and all of them were injured.

Jing Chengxi also suffered a little skin trauma, the corners of his mouth were torn and his eyes were blue, but luckily he didn't hurt his muscles or bones.

Afterwards, Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan asked him what those people said that made him so angry and fight with them, Jing Chengxi was so strict that he refused to say a word.

With him like this, Ju Jing can probably guess what people are talking about.

Sons are preferred to girls for many years, family planning dare not have more children, some people secretly look for places to see men and women when they are pregnant, and find a way to get rid of a daughter.The one who gave birth to a son was very happy. When the son grew up, he found that there were many more boys than girls in the village. With such a small number of girls, some of them went out to work to find a partner, and the boys at home couldn't find a partner even more.

In this way, every village has a few bachelors who can't find a partner and can't marry a wife.

Naturally, there are also Xiaofuqiangtun. The oldest bachelor is in his 40s and approaching 30, there are also those in their 25s, and there are two more than [-] and less than [-].

Usually when these bachelors chat with the men in the village, the men in the village like to make some nasty jokes about them, and they always bring innocent women with them.

How old is Zhao Fen, when he was living alone in the village before remarriage, many people joked with bachelors and asked them to climb Zhao Fen's window at night, Zhao Fen would definitely not kick them out.

Someone must have made a bachelor joke about the three sisters and let Jing Chengxi hear it, so Jing Chengxi would fight.Jing Chengxi refused to say it because those words were so unbearable that he couldn't say them at all.

Some people think that they are humorous, but in fact they are low su, low liu, and they deserve to be beaten.

"In the future, if you encounter this kind of thing again, don't do anything, just tell me," Ju Jing said to Jing Chengxi: "You will easily get dirty when you fight with them, no matter whether you win or lose, I can do it less. .”

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(End of this chapter)

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