Chapter 423
Before Ju Jing had the opportunity to act, someone in the village scratched these stinking old men who thought they were humorous but actually lied low.

It was Tangyou Ju's daughter-in-law, Song Qing, who bothered him.

Ju Tangyou is fat, very fat, and the fat is thrown out when he walks, and he can't do farm work, so he can only drive a farm car.

In the past, Tangyou Ju was a coward. He might be tired of playing with his parents at home, but when he came out, he would be timid when he saw outsiders.

This problem hasn't changed after getting married, it's just that when they are in the nest, they are divided. He dares to mess with his parents but not his wife.

Some old men in the village would not avoid Tangyou Ju even if they joked inappropriately, knowing that it was fine for him to talk about anything outside.He was married, so the joke was naturally made on his wife Song Qing, saying that he was too fat to do such a thing, and asked him to vacate the kang at night and let the bachelors in the village live there, so that Song Qing would be pregnant with the two in three years .

Tangyou Ju was naturally not happy to hear what others said, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he just went home angrily.

After Song Qing heard about this, she rushed directly to the group of old men and scratched several of them.

Although she is not tall, she is chubby, but she is dexterous in her movements. She jumps high and scratches people, and she scratches accurately, and she is scratched by several old men into a big face.

It's quite strange to say that there are a few men who beat their wives at home, but they never fight with women outside, even if they are scratched, they don't fight back. Female fight".

The mouth is scratched, the matter is almost here, right?

No, it's not over yet.

The scratched gentlemen didn't say a word, their daughters-in-law were not happy, and came to Song Qing to settle accounts by swearing, and they wanted to tear Song Qing's mouth out together.

Li Qiuju and Ju Changlong were not at home, and Tangyou Ju hid in the house in fright and did not dare to come out. Song Qing was the only one facing these people.

Fortunately, after talking for a long time, someone finally came to help.

The first person who rushed over was definitely beyond everyone's expectations, it was Huang Zhaodi!

Huang Zhaodi is Song Qing's sister-in-law, and she should be very close in terms of relatives, but in fact they rarely have contact with each other.It's not that anyone doesn't let them get in touch, it's that both of them have something to say, and when they are together, they will even exchange words, so they themselves avoid it.

Less contact means less contact, but when it is critical, I can really stand up and help.

Huang Zhaodi's mouth is so strong that it's not difficult for one person to scold several people.

Immediately afterwards, Cai Meiyu wandered over wearing big sunglasses. She was old and in poor health. These old women in the village really didn't dare to do anything to her, they were afraid of getting caught.

The three of them worked together to scold everyone away.

After closing the door, Cai Meiyu didn't take a good look at Sun's daughter-in-law, she left behind a lot of harsh words.

Huang Zhaodi was leaving too, but Song Qing left her behind, and the two chatted in the same room for a long time.

When Ju Jing heard about this incident, it was already over there. Hearing Zhang Yongmei's vivid narration, Ju Jing didn't find it funny, but rather sad.

They are all women, they are in a bad situation, and they don’t want to change the status quo and improve their status, that’s all. When they see other women having a hard time, they jump up and clap their hands and even step on them. I really don’t know what to say That's good.

Why don't these people think about it, even if they don't have daughters, wouldn't their sons have daughters, wouldn't their families have girls? They are really willing to have girls for many generations. They are also like cows and horses at home, and there is less than one of them, okay!
But in the final analysis, this incident is the fault of those mean-spirited men, and they are the ones who should be taught a lesson.

If she didn't offend the three girls of Ju's family, Ju Jing would definitely not stand out, and she didn't want to watch this excitement. She didn't know if there were people talking about Song Qing in the village later.

But a few days later, she heard about another incident related to Song Qingju's cousin and his wife.

Song Qing forced Tangyou Ju to lose weight.

Tangyou Ju is too fat, not only can't do any work, but also affects his health. His parents don't care about him, but Song Qing can't. She doesn't want to be a widow at a young age.

Tangyou Ju eats a lot, so Song Qing asked him to eat less, only one bowl of rice for each meal, and drink cold water when he was hungry.In addition to eating less, he was also asked to exercise more, not to watch TV or play games, and not to lie down on the kang to sleep until night!

Within two days, Tangyou Ju couldn't take it anymore, and the thief went to his mother to complain, and Li Qiuju said Song Qing.

Song Qing and Huang Zhaodi used the same tactic. When the mother-in-law took care of her, she would take care of her husband and her mother-in-law's son, and see who felt sorry for her in the end.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete with each other and the daughter-in-law wins, so Tangyou Ju can only be at the mercy of Song Qing.

When Ju's family chatted about this matter over dinner, Zhang Yongmei said, "My cousin's wife really wants to live a good life, otherwise I can't control my cousin like this. If Changlong and his wife understand what's going on, they shouldn't care about it." Kids, let them figure it out on their own."

Li Qiuju had the heart to watch her fat son starve?Of course, I couldn't bear it, and often took advantage of Song Qing's absence to secretly stuff food for Tangyou Ju, and always stuffed it with sweet and oily food. After a period of time, he weighed it, and Tangyou Ju not only didn't lose weight, but also gained a few catties.

This made Song Qing very angry.

Without evidence, she couldn't do anything to her mother-in-law, so she settled accounts with Tangyou Ju, closed the door and pinched Tangyou Ju's thighs, and Tangyou Ju couldn't walk smoothly for a week after pinching him.

Having learned a lesson from the pain, Tangyou Ju is also a little more honest. Although he still asks Li Qiuju for food occasionally, at least he will not only pick up fattening food like before.

When Ju Ling called home to tell her family when she would return home from vacation, Tangyou Ju had already lost a lot of weight, and Ju Jing wanted to express her sincere emotion.

"He has a large base, and the reduction will be particularly effective. If you change to someone who is not so fat, you may not lose so much." When talking about losing weight, Ju Ling sighed: "Second sister, I seem to have gained weight too! Last summer's clothes this year The clothes are too small, it seems that I have to lose weight when I go home."

A little bit fat?

Ju Jing immediately asked her vigilantly: "Aren't you pregnant? I heard that some people get fat when they are pregnant."

"How is it possible!" Ju Ling immediately denied, "Neither of us planned to have a baby yet, how could it be possible to be pregnant, it's just pure fat. Second sister, you don't know, Brother Xiaojue always cooks delicious food for me, Braised pork in brown sauce, pot-packed pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, Coca-Cola chicken wings... all kinds of meat, you must eat fat!"

She was quite helpless when she showed her affection on others' faces, so Ju Jing rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to hold a wedding for you and Qiao Jue when I come back from the summer vacation. You still have to be thinner, or if you don't look good in your clothes, our father should dislike you and be ashamed," Ju Jing said half seriously and half jokingly.

It is true that the clothes don’t look good in the front, but it is fake that the fear of Ju Wenqi’s embarrassment in the back is false.

Ju Wenqi's old girl, not to mention a little fatter, even a ball, in the eyes of Ju Wenqi and his wife, she is also the best girl, and she is proud of anyone who mentions it.

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(End of this chapter)

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