Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 424 Advertising

Chapter 424 Advertising
Ju Ling will be back from vacation in half a month, and Qiao Jue has told her unit in advance that she can go home with her, and stay in the village for the whole summer vacation.

The wedding is scheduled for the beginning of August, and Ju Ling and Qiao Jue can still make preparations after returning home.

In fact, they don't need to prepare anything, almost all the family members who should prepare will help them prepare.

Ju Wenqi heard that her daughter was coming back soon, so Zhang Luo called her relatives and friends to inform her daughter's marriage.

The relatives to be notified are actually the Ma family in the provincial capital, and the other relatives either knew about it a long time ago or have a bad relationship and do not need to be notified at all.

Ever since Ma Yuqiu broke up with Ju Wenqi because of disagreements over his sister's burial, he has indeed had much less contact with the Ju family than before. However, when his sister's granddaughter gets married, he will definitely come to drink the wedding wine, and he will also come to sacrifice by the way. Say hello to my sister.

Ma Yuqiu will definitely not come by himself, how many people the Ma family will come has to be discussed, but it will be very good for the Ju family.

The next day, Ju Jing called Ju Ling to talk about the wedding, but Ju Ling still felt that one was older than the other.

She felt tired when she thought that she and Qiao Jue would wear two red envelopes, smile at everyone, and exchange greetings with familiar and unfamiliar people.

Ju Jing, however, felt that she didn't know how to be blessed while she was in the midst of blessings, so she settled the bill for her: "You silly boy, what do you think you are doing? You are making money, do you know that! People come to the table to give gifts Ah, when you smile at people, you think of fifty, fifty, one hundred, one hundred. You think of people as money, so you must smile more happily!"

Ju Ling felt that what her second sister said was very reasonable.

She did the math, and she could earn thousands of yuan by taking extra lessons during the summer vacation. She could earn several times the amount of extra lessons by holding a wedding, saving time and effort. Where can I find such a good thing!
Thinking about it, I was a little happy and looking forward to it. I went to Qiao Jue's final review and told her little brother about it. Qiao Jue laughed at her as a money fan, saying that she didn't lack the money at all, and there was no need to wrong herself to do things she didn't like. .

"Make money, I like it very much!" Ju Ling lay on the bed and said with a smile: "You may not understand that you have never been poor since you were a child. My eldest sister and my second sister are actually quite insecure when it comes to money. Making money This thing will never be satisfied, the more you earn, the better, and you can be happy without spending money.”

She said it very easily, and Qiao Jue, who knew how difficult it was for Ju Laosan's family in the past, was full of distress.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, and there is nothing wrong with being a fan of money.

Before, I discussed with my roommates to go out to play together, but in the end I didn’t make time to go out for a while. Ju Ling wondered if it would be possible for her three roommates to go to the wedding when she went home to get married, and also play there by the way a play.

She told Qiao Jue about this idea, Qiao Jue expressed his support, and said: "It just so happens that your second sister wants to organize a reception tour. This summer, if you go to more people, you can also try her reception ability. It will serve multiple purposes."

Another thing Qiao Jue didn’t say is that friends like roommates who come from far away can give some gifts to the wedding, small objects carved by Ju Wenqi and products from Ju Min’s factory can be given away.Small objects are the most sincere gifts, special products are also good, and the most important thing is that they can also advertise to the eldest sister in disguise.

Don't look at it as a small gift from a small wedding, maybe there will be a big harvest.

In the past few years, life in the countryside has been getting better and better, and there are more and more comparisons among households.One family built walls and installed large iron gates. Within half a year, almost half of the village’s households had to build walls and install large iron gates; one family hung lanterns on the doorways, and within a few days, every house might have lanterns hanging on the doorsteps.

Ju Ling's wedding took the lead in giving gifts to guests who came from afar, and those who hold weddings later may learn from it.Now in the entire Yunhe, Ju Min is the only factory that makes gift boxes for mountain products and special products. They are all purchased by fellow villagers, and there may be discounts. Of course, everyone chooses Ju Min's products.

This gift is sent everywhere, which is equivalent to Ju Min running an advertisement for free when he is still making money. The effect of this advertisement may not be as good as that of TV advertisements, but it must be effective.

Since the wedding can still be used to advertise, Ju Ling wants to make this advertisement more thorough.

She immediately contacted Ju Jing and asked Ju Jing to invite a professional photography team to record the whole process of the wedding, edit and post it on Ju Jing's blog, and promote Ju Min's factory can also promote Ju Jing's orchard and chicken coop, the effect is sure will be better.

"Are you sure?" Ju Jing said hesitantly: "The wedding is a big event for you, you have to be happy yourself, you don't have to do it for me and my eldest sister."

Ju Ling probably knew what her second sister was worried about, and said easily: "Second sister, you think too much. I didn't want to hold a wedding at all. Since I have to, why not maximize the benefits of this wedding? Hello I'm fine, everything is fine, this is really good!"

"Little boy, you shouldn't be writing novels, you should be in business, and you've already become a rich woman if you use your brains in business," Ju Jing praised.

Ju Ling was not false at all, and continued cheerfully: "That's right, your little sister is amazing. I'll give you a general direction, and you and your eldest sister will have to figure out what to do. Say yes. Let me do it." Wedding, in fact, I didn't do anything, thank you for your hard work."

This remark was very strange, and Ju Jing was very upset, and it would be better if Ju Ling said twenty nice words to her.

Nowadays, weddings and weddings are basically recorded by someone, but the level of the recording team is limited, the equipment is not good, and it is shaking and unclear. Ju Jing looks down on it.

If you want to do it, you can do it better, or you can't do it at all, that's what she thinks.

Worrying about where to find a better filming team, Jing Chengxi gave her an idea and said: "Sister Jing, why don't you contact Zhan Yi and the others for a try, and join forces with them for a promotion, maybe the effect will be better. .”

good idea!
Ju Jing clapped her hands with a smile, turned her head to face Jing Chengxi, put away her smile, and hummed lightly: "Little boy, to be honest, what's on your mind?"

Jing Chengxi immediately raised his hand and surrendered: "No, Sister Jing, I swear I didn't have any ideas, so I rushed here!"

Is it really?

Ju Jing didn't believe it.

During this time, Jing Chengxi and Zhan Yi have kept in touch.He thought that no one else knew what he was sneaking about, but in fact no one kept it a secret.

In order to be able to chat with Zhan Yi on QQ anytime, anywhere, he bought a good mobile phone and spent extra money on traffic.Yin Kaixuan also told Ju Jing that Jing Chengxi often stays up in the middle of the night holding his mobile phone, clacking and typing, and giggling at the screen. Who would believe him if he said that there is no trick?

Ju Jing didn't expose him, she just squinted at him and said, "Just know what you have in mind. I'm mainly afraid that you will get hurt. After all, long-distance relationships are not so easy to talk about."

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you book friend 2****67 for your monthly ticket, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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