Chapter 425
Jing Chengxi said that he has no long-distance relationship, he has no relationship at all, and Zhan Yi and Zhan Yi are just ordinary friends.

All right, he said it's normal, as long as he's happy.

It was a pleasure to cooperate with Zhan Yi and the others last time, and the film they made had a very good response on the Internet, which gave their company a good start in opening up the new media market.

Ju Jing got in touch with Zhan Yi again to explain the situation. Zhan Yi mainly does planning work, and he doesn't care if he can cooperate again. Ju Jing can only wait for the news first.

Before Ju Jing could hear the news, Ju Ling had already waited for the final exam.

After finishing the first subject, she took the second subject two days later. Ju Ling thought it was troublesome to run back and forth, so she didn't go home, and went straight back to the dormitory.

Teng Rong and the others were all there, and the four discussed going to eat hot pot together.

When Ju Ling invited them to her wedding when her face was either sweaty or greasy, two of the three choked on their heads, covered their mouths and coughed desperately.

"You're going to die!" Teng Rong, who was coughing up tears, yanked Ju Ling's arm, rolled his eyes and said, "You can't pick a good time to say it, but you said it when I was eating a belly, you did it on purpose. "

Ju Ling said that she was wronged. She just said it because she was afraid that she would forget it for a while. Who would have thought that this sentence would be so powerful.

The topic went off track, but Dong Ruyu pulled it back abruptly.

She said in a difficult way: "It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that you know what's going on here, so."

He said it implicitly, but Ju Ling understood.

Dong Ruyu's family conditions are not good. Going to the wedding during the summer vacation not only costs commuting fares but also delays time, which greatly shortens her summer working time, which has a great impact on her.

Because she understands, Ju Ling can understand Dong Ruyu very well. Even if Dang expresses that it doesn't matter, even if they don't attend the wedding, they will be good friends and roommates in the future, and it will not affect their relationship.

Teng Rong was the first to declare that she was going, she said that anyway, there is nothing to do during the summer vacation, and her mother despises her at home, so she might as well go out and have fun.

Yang Liu was very hesitant, and didn't make a decision after finishing the hot pot, so Ju Ling asked her to think slowly and not to rush.

Before taking the last subject, Teng Rong chatted with Ju Ling alone.

Teng Rong told her that Yang Liu was also going to attend the wedding, so that only Dong Ruyu could not go in the dormitory.

Dong Ruyu is the boss of the dormitory, and usually takes good care of the people in the dormitory. Not only are they regretful that she can't go, Dong Ruyu must feel even more regretful.

"I mean, can we have a good discussion, come up with a solution to the problem, and try not to leave any regrets," Teng Rong said to Ju Ling.

Ju Ling thought about it for a while, and suggested: "How about this, I will cover your round-trip air tickets and travel expenses, and you are only responsible for going to play. The wedding plus two days before and after will delay your time for a week at most. The work of worship should not be particularly affected."

"You can take care of them, I don't need it," Teng Rong said with a smile: "Your idea is very good, Ruyu will be very happy."

There is no reason why only one person is not included if two people are covered, and Tengrong's travel expenses must be paid by Ju Ling.

Ju Ling didn't think carefully about this matter from the beginning. She should have thought of this when eating hot pot, and said that the travel expenses would be covered, so that the roommates would not be troubled these days.

After finishing the last subject, Ju Ling gathered her roommates together to talk about it. Dong Ruyu was quite embarrassed and felt that Ju Ling was wasting money.

Ju Ling told them that money is not important to her, it is more important for her roommates to come to her wedding and create their common memories.

After knowing this, Qiao Jue said bluntly: "You actually said that money is not important, liar."

When there is no comparison, money is of course important, but if there is comparison, love is definitely more important than money, Ju Ling can understand clearly.

So far, the wedding invitations seem to be from Ju Ling's side, while Qiao Jue has no relatives, friends or colleagues. Afraid of his embarrassment, Ju Ling asked him if there was anyone he wanted to invite.

Qiao Jue had thought about this before, and took out his social circle for a long time, and found that there was really no one to invite.

Fang Qingmei will definitely not come back.Qiao Jue also has an uncle. When the old man Qiao was in trouble decades ago, the uncle drew a clear line with the old man. Since then, he has never been in contact with him. Naturally, there is no need to contact him when he is married.

"Your relatives and friends are my relatives and friends, they are all the same," Qiao Jue said to Ju Ling.

He said it's the same, anyway, there is still a little time before the wedding in August, so you can think about it slowly.

After all the school affairs were dealt with, the two of Ju Ling returned home by car the next day.

This time I went home with a lot of things in big bags and small bags, all of which were prepared by Qiao Jue in advance, and Ju Ling didn't even know what they were.

In fact, it doesn't really matter what it is, the main thing is that Ju Wenqi will feel that he has face and will be happy if he brings a lot of things.

Just like the last time I went home, as soon as the bus drove into the village, I saw Ju Wenqi standing on the side of the road waiting for them.

After getting out of the car, Qiao Jue called Ju Wenqi "Dad" directly, which made both Ju Wenqi and Ju Ling dumbfounded.

Qiao Jue yelled very naturally and smoothly, as if he had been yelling like this all the time.

He himself was fine, so Ju Wenqi felt embarrassed.

Seeing Zhang Yongmei, Qiao Jue also called "Mom" directly, and Zhang Yongmei's eyes were sore that she shed tears, which surprised Qiao Jue.

Zhang Yongmei took Qiao Jue's hand, and said lovingly: "My good boy, we will be a family from now on, just tell Mom what you want to eat, and Mom will make it for you."

The words were not very touching, and Qiao Jue also cried after turning his back.

He didn't let Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi see it, only Ju Ling saw it.

When there were only the two of them in the room, Ju Ling asked him what was wrong, and Qiao Jue, who had already calmed down, sighed and said, "I always thought I didn't care about these things, but my mother said that we are a family, what do I want to eat?" I feel very warm when I make them all for me, and I haven’t felt such care from my mother for a long, long time.”

When he said this, Ju Ling also felt uncomfortable.On the surface, Qiao Jue seems indifferent and alienated towards his relatives at home, but in fact it's not that he doesn't care about such feelings, but that he has received too little, too little, and has stopped looking forward to it.

A little later, Ju Jing, Yin Kaixuan, Jing Chengxi and the others came back from the hillside.Ju Ling was surprised to see the second sister: "Second sister, why are you so black?"

Ju Jing didn't show mercy when she picked up her little sister, she rolled her eyes and snorted softly and said, "I'm willing to blackmail you. Look at you, you're fat. Didn't you mean to lose weight? Where did all the weight go?"

Ju Ling: .
There is a weighing scale at home, and Ju Ling went up to measure it, and it was more than 110 and almost 120 catties, which is really a lot fatter.

After seeing the little girl's weight, Ju Jing had something to say.

She stared at Qiao Jue and asked, "Did you do it on purpose? Raise my little sister to be fat and lazy, so you don't have to worry about her thinking you'll always abandon you."

Qiao Jue: .
"It's your younger sister who hates you, not your brother-in-law, can you not sit still!" Qiao Jue felt quite wronged.

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(End of this chapter)

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