Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 426 Creativity

Chapter 426 Creativity
There was a lively chatter for a while, and everyone outside the house could hear it loudly, and after a while, smoke came out of their throats.

Yin Kaixuan Beier served them tea and water with discernment, and finally gritted his teeth and stared at Qiao Jue and said, "Have you not settled your identity yet? You will have to do this job from now on."

"I'll do it, I'll do it," Qiao Jue said immediately, "If you need me to do anything in the future, don't hesitate to say anything, I'll do it."

What he said may be purely in a rush, and he came here to be polite, but the Ju family has never liked to be polite to their own people, so Ju Jing immediately said: "It's just right, I still have a lot of work to do in the orchard, You can go to work with us starting tomorrow."

Ju Ling looked at Ju Jing anxiously, and wanted to ask the second sister if she wanted to go.

Ju Jing still loved her little sister, touched her head and said, "It's so tiring to come back by train, you should rest at home."

Qiao Jue: .
Riding in the car together, her little sister is the only one who feels tired, and her brother-in-law is hard-working.

Tired is tired, but Ju Ling is not resting, she is going to start classes to make up lessons for her children!

As soon as the news got out, before it was said that the supplementary lessons would cost less money, the phone number of Ju's family was about to explode!

What Ju Ling didn't expect was that there were children from other villages who wanted to ask her to make up lessons, and they still made up high school courses.

Ju Ling really wanted to make more money, but she thought about it carefully, and she couldn't spend all her time just to make money. She still had to allocate more time to her family when she got home.

So in the end, she only had four classes, Mathematics and Foreign Languages ​​in the first year of junior high school and Mathematics and Foreign Languages ​​in the second year of junior high school. Each subject was an hour, and a total of 30 days of make-up, each subject was 200 yuan!

The price she set was really cheap. It would cost one or two hundred yuan for one class a day outside. Her 200 classes were only 200 yuan, and one class was only more than six yuan.

She thinks it is cheap, but people with children think it is too expensive, mainly because Ju Ling used to make up lessons for children not so expensive.

If it's expensive, don't make up for it?Of course not!

It is more expensive to go to the town or Yunhe to make up lessons, and you have to spend extra money for food and lodging.It doesn’t work if you don’t make up for it anywhere. Children from other people’s families make up for it.

After signing up and collecting the money, when Ju Ling began to arrange the time for make-up classes, Ju Jing finally waited for news from Zhan Yi.

Zhan Yi's company agreed to cooperate with Ju Jing again, Zhan Yi is still the planner of this cooperation, and will set off with his team tomorrow, and will not go back until the wedding is over.

Before the person arrived, Zhan Yi already had a very good idea. He talked to Ju Jing a lot on the phone and asked her to think about it.

If it's just Ju Jing's problem, then what else is there to consider, as long as it is beneficial to the development of the chicken coop in the orchard, she will agree, but Zhan Yi also plans Ju Ling in it, so Ju Jing has more concerns.

Zhan Yi wanted to shoot films with two themes, one was the wedding, which was relatively simple, and the other was about the three sisters of the Ju family, so it was a promotional advertisement for each of them.

Needless to say, Ju Min, the point of publicity is the factory.Ju Jing returned to her hometown to start a business and engage in planting and breeding, and she has a lot to say about her sublimation.

What about Ju Ling?Students from prestigious universities, well-known Internet writers, published books, and works that are about to be filmed, these can all be used as publicity points.

The three sisters can make a fuss if they take out any one, but if the three of them are put together, the effect will definitely be even more explosive.

Zhan Yi knows these things too well, and analyzed the pros and cons for Ju Jing. Even if they are just friends if they don't cooperate, Zhan Yi also thinks that Ju Jing can give it a try, the absolute advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In the evening, Ju Jing told Ju Ling about this matter, and said solemnly: "Little boy, you just think about yourself, don't worry about me and eldest sister. We all want you to be happy and happy, and don't want you to do things you don't want .”

Without even thinking about it, Ju Ling smiled and said: "Who said I don't want to? Second sister, this is also good for me. It will increase my popularity, and my book will definitely be published better in the future. Can sell for more money."

"You really think so?" Ju Jing asked uncertainly.

Ju Ling nodded and said with a smile: "Can I lie to you? I really think so."

There is no problem with Ju Ling, and then she told Ju Min.As long as it is good for the factory, Ju Min will definitely not refuse.

Counting the time for Zhan Yi to come up soon, Ju Jing rolled her eyes as she watched Jing Chengxi's fidgeting.

They also said that they didn't have a date, look at this care, even if they didn't have a date, they were still interested in each other, probably the window paper was missing.

"Xiao Jing, let's tidy up when we get married, and you have to buy two new clothes. Why don't we go to Yunhe for a stroll tomorrow, buy clothes and so on, and pick up Zhan Yi and the others by the way? Like?" Ju Jing suggested.

Buying clothes is just an excuse. In fact, the clothes to be worn at the wedding have already been bought, and the main purpose is to meet Zhanyi.

Jing Chengxi knew what his sister Jing meant, so he smiled embarrassingly: "Sister Jing, there is quite a lot of work at home, why don't I go buy it myself, you are busy at home!"

Ju Jing: .
All right, forget about my sister before I find a partner, where can I go to reason.

After being busy for a while, Ju Min can rest for two days, and immediately go home to reunite with her family.

The one who has changed the most in the past few months should be the elder sister of the Ju family.

Ju Min has obviously changed a lot since the last time she got drunk in a foreign place.

She used to have long hair, and she looked mature and stable when she tied it behind her head. Now she has cut her hair to a length that can barely cover her ears. In addition to being mature and stable, she is a little more fierce, and she looks much more powerful than before.

This is only an external change, and the internal change is even more amazing.

Ju Min now speaks more methodically than before, and is more calm and optimistic when encountering problems. Generally speaking, he is more resistant to blows and more tenacious.

At night, the three sisters huddled together in the same bed, and Ju Ling asked her how she became like this.

After thinking about it, Ju Min chuckled and replied: "Probably the responsibility on my shoulders is heavier. In the past, no matter what I did, I was actually the only one on my shoulders. You took good care of your parents and didn't need me to do anything. Now It's different, so many people in the factory are counting on me to eat, if I can't do well, they will have a hard time, so I can only stand up, not soft."

No matter who it is for, such a change is good.

Ju Jing put aside and sighed.

"The elder sister is now more and more like a female boss. She looks handsome in a small suit and high heels. The little one is white, tender, youthful and energetic, and she is also happy to look at it. Just me, obviously a white swan, I don’t know how to make it into a white swan. Ugly duckling, oh, what can I do!"

Everyone said she was black, and Ju Jing, who didn't care about it before, started to care about it now.

In fact, Ju Jing is not particularly dark, but compared to before, she is not so white compared to her sisters.

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(End of this chapter)

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