Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 427 Rabbit

Chapter 427 Rabbit
"Second sister, don't take it to heart, we were just joking, in fact, you are the prettiest of the three of us no matter black or white." Ju Lingbei said carefully and sincerely.

When she came home and saw Ju Jing, she called her stupid, and she wanted to go back in time and swallow all those words in her stomach.

Ju Min also told Ju Jing not to care, and said that people who only care about appearance are superficial, and the inside is more important.

Seeing that her elder sister and younger sister were anxious, Ju Jing giggled, and Ju Min and Ju Ling realized that they were being played by Ju Jing.

Ju Min scratched Ju Jing's itchy flesh, and Ju Ling helped hold Ju Jing from the side, and the three sisters made a fuss.

Outside the sliding door were Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei, who were so annoyed by the three sisters that they couldn't sleep but they couldn't bear to talk about it.The three girls are all old, and the youngest girl in the family is married, and the family will spend less and less time together in the future, so let them make trouble if they can.

Fortunately, the three of them didn't quarrel for a long time. Ju Jing raised her hands in surrender and apologized to the elder sister and younger sister.

"By the way, I want to tell you one more thing." Ju Jing suddenly became serious and said, "I want to raise rabbits!"

"Really?" Ju Ling almost sat up in surprise, and asked incredulously, "Don't you hate rabbits the most? Why do you suddenly want to raise rabbits?"

"I don't like rabbits, but rabbits are really cute, and there are so many people who like them." Ju Jing sighed and said, "Actually, I also want to open it. I have been shocked when I see rabbits for so many years, and I still haven't let go of my childhood. Son, why is this so bad. The bad thing is that people are not rabbits, and I should also think that people who bully us should think about rabbits, rabbits are so innocent."

Ju Min patted Ju Jing's arm and said with a smile, "We grew up quietly."

Rabbit raising was actually proposed by Yin Kaixuan.

He saw that many netizens on the Internet said that rabbits are cute, and hoped that Ju Jing would build another rabbit house next to the chicken coop to raise rabbits. Yin Kaixuan felt that this idea was really good.

He knew the knot in Ju Jing's heart, and he even picked a special time to help her open her heart and untie her knot. He said that if you don't face some things and keep them in your heart, you will always be hurt. come better.

Ju Jing is someone who can listen to what other people say. After thinking about it seriously for a long time, she also feels that she has been trapped in it for too long, and she should find a way to get out.

The three sisters talked very happily, and they all had a feeling of enlightenment, but Ju Wenqi and his wife, who were separated by the door, felt very uncomfortable.

Time flies so fast, Ju Min and Ju Jing were whipped by Ju Changfu 20 years ago. 20 years, how many 20 years are there in life, and their girls have lived in the shadow of that incident for these precious 20 years, how can they not feel guilty or sad as parents.

The next day, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei talked about it again when they were resting at the restaurant.

Ju Wenqi put down the carving knife and sighed: "At that time, it was all my fault for my incompetence. I let our girl be bullied and you suffered so much."

"Don't say that, we are not lazy than others, and it is not our fault that others bully us all the time." Zhang Yongmei sighed: "In the end, we are all poor. We have no money. You don't have a son, so you can be easily bullied."

After comforting Ju Wenqi, Zhang Yongmei said again: "It's finally getting better, let's not say anything to the girls, just don't cause trouble for them. This time you just accept it when you get married this time, don't be so embarrassing and let people It’s not good to talk behind your back.”

Ju Wenqi was still not convinced, he snorted and said, "Why am I so embarrassing? I'm too busy all day long so I don't have time to be so embarrassing."

Is he still less arrogant?Zhang Yongmei told him one by one.

Don't say anything else, just talk about Ju Ling's marriage to Ju Wenqi.

After the day for the wedding was decided, he would tell everyone he wanted to make the wedding bigger than anyone else!If you talk about your own family, you can talk about your own family. Why do you have to drag other people's family, so that other people will be happy to hear it?Isn't this scolding yourself?

Also, when Zhang Luo held the banquet at the beginning, Ju Wenqi didn't plan to accept gift money, so he asked relatives and friends from the village to drink the wedding banquet for free.As soon as he said this, Ju Jing was almost dug to death.

Their Ju family's money was not blown by strong winds, it was hard-earned money earned by their skills, and no one like him threw money out.

Back then, I didn’t accept gifts for grandma’s funeral because the family members were very uncomfortable, and no one wanted to collect money. I thought about gathering people who cared about the old lady for a meal. It doesn’t matter. Most people will not come to others for a white banquet just for a meal.

Ju Ling's wedding is different. It's a wedding banquet. If you don't accept the gift, everyone will come to eat and enjoy the joy.You usually scold you behind your back, but you still control him to eat a big meal, control tobacco and alcohol, and others won’t boast if you do well, and you have to be talked about behind your back for years, and you can’t get any benefits for yourself. Go do it, isn't it a bitch!
Ju Wenqi was scolded to be honest about some things that don't mention gift money, but his habit of showing off to others has not changed at all. He will brag for a long time when he catches anyone, but he likes to hear others praise him and his girl.

I don't know if the compliment is sincere or hypocritical, he is just making fun of himself.

When Zhang Yongmei talked about the seventh article, Ju Wenqi couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted: "Okay, okay, what you said is right, I didn't say a word before our little one got married, I pretended to be dumb, so Let's do it!"

No wonder he can pretend!
The person who said he was going to be dumb got into an argument that afternoon.

Ju Wenqi has a stupid mouth, and has never won a quarrel with others.

The object of the quarrel this time was his own sister, Ju Ying, whose mouth was sharper than a knife. If Ju Wenqi could win the quarrel, he would be a ghost!
Why did Ju Ying come to quarrel with Ju Wenqi?
It has nothing to do with Ju Ling's wedding, it's about Yin Kaixuan.

Yin Kaixuan University majored in veterinary medicine, a five-year undergraduate course, and did not lack of internships during the university. After joining Ju Jing, he had more opportunities to get started. It can be said that the theoretical foundation is very strong, and the practical ability is not bad.

Yin Kaixuan is a person who can talk about things coming, and has a good relationship with the people in the village.Everyone knows that he is also a veterinarian. If there is something wrong with the livestock, they will call him before calling other veterinarians. As long as he has time, he will definitely go to help take a look.

There are medicines to treat common diseases of animals at home. Some minor diseases and common diseases are really troublesome for Yin Kaixuan. His medical skills are affirmed by the villagers.Another point is that he doesn't need money for medical treatment or medicine, so people in the village love him more and more.

Earlier Zhu Yubin got into trouble with the boss because of a problem with the sale of feed, and his reputation was almost ruined. It took so long to get better. Ju Ying also planned to let the people in the village see that everyone knew the truth. How much support and support for his son, so that her son can make a comeback.

But now, Yin Kaixuan has become a stumbling block on her son's comeback, of course she is not happy, so she came here to quarrel with Ju Wenqi.

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(End of this chapter)

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