Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 428 Preparation

Chapter 428 Preparation
Ju Wenqi made it very clear that Yin Kaixuan was only helping, and had no intention of doing this seriously at all, and would not compete with Zhu Yubin for business.

This kind of help is more terrifying than being a serious veterinarian. If he really charges money, there will not be so many people looking for him in the village.

Ju Ying didn't listen to Ju Wenqi, so she pulled her neck and yelled, telling Ju Wenqi to take care of Yin Kaixuan. After that, don't worry about anyone in the village who asks him for help, and let him not get involved in seeing a doctor for the animals in the future.

The request was really rude, and Ju Wenqi was even annoyed.

Ju Wenqi, who was so angry, was even more clumsy, and Ju Ying kept suppressing the quarreling, not to mention being aggrieved.

Thanks to Zhang Yongmei and Long Ge who arrived in time, three against one, Ju Ying was scolded away.

Ju Ying is quite ridiculous, she is always a son in her heart, she only takes advantage of girls, when she needs money, she can think of not needing money and just ignore it, she never cares whether Zhu Yuping is doing well or not outside.

However, in the village, there are quite a few ridiculous parents like her.

In the evening, the family got together for dinner, and Ju Wenqi talked about it. The original intention was to make Yin Kaixuan more vigilant, and avoid Ju Ying if she could, so that she would not go crazy and have trouble with Yin Kaixuan.

Yin Kaixuan smiled and didn't care at all, but Ju Jing next to him had something to say.

She asked Ju Wenqi: "Dad, if you have a son, do you have to let the three of us make money for your son like my aunt?"

Ju Wenqi:
The question was so tricky that he couldn't answer it.

Ju Jing didn't really want to know the answer, she just wanted to tease her own father.The father and daughter are often like this, Zhang Yongmei is used to it, and doesn't care about them at all.

Ju Ying didn't let it go because she didn't make a fuss, and came to Ju's house early the next morning to block Yin Kaixuan, and wanted to make it clear to Yin Kaixuan face to face.

Yin Kaixuan smiled at Ju Ying, he should be polite, and he should not be polite.

Ju Ying asked Yin Kaixuan not to see a doctor for the livestock in the village, but to let him take care of Ju Jing's chicken coop. Yin Kaixuan calmly replied: "Why can't I see a doctor for the livestock in the village? Your request is very unreasonable. "

Ju Ying is used to messing around with others, and she also wants to use this trick with Yin Kaixuan, but it's a pity that Yin Kaixuan doesn't like her at all.

"I call you a aunt to give my partner face. In fact, you know what kind of relationship between our two families. I am not short of money. If you come here again to make trouble, I will do my free business all over the world." Go, let your son have no work at all, you don't want to do this, do you?" Yin Kaixuan threatened with a smile.

Ju Ying was so angry, but she really had nothing to do with Yin Kaixuan.

If you can't be hard, then you can be soft, Ju Ying began to cry in front of Yin Kaixuan again, saying how difficult it was for her son and how difficult her life was, and begging Yin Kaixuan to give their mother and son a way out.

Yin Kaixuan:
Obviously Zhu Yubin has dug his own grave, so how can he let him give him a way out now?If you don't look for reasons and ways to make up for your mistakes, but always blame others, this mother and son really have nothing to say.

"Your son has been a veterinarian for so long, and he knows how important feed is to livestock. Under such circumstances, he still dares to sell problematic feed. I don't know whether he has a problem with his brain or a problem with his character. Don't you It's useless to cry with me here, if I get bored, just let me know, no matter which villager wants me to see a doctor for the livestock, I won't charge any money!" Yin Kaixuan said impatiently.

To be rich is to be self-willed. It doesn't cost money to see a doctor, buy medicine and stuff for other people's livestock, so it's just a joke, anyway, he can afford it.

But Zhu Yubin can't afford it.

Ju Ying also knew this and didn't dare to say anything.

For some reason, this incident spread in the village, and the farmers headed by Niu Er came to Yin Kaixuan one after another, comforting him on the one hand, and expressing their gratitude on the other hand.

Niu Er's gratitude was more real, and he wanted to sell Yin Kaixuan a cow at a low price.

After discussing with Ju Jing, Yin Kaixuan decided to buy the cow, not because he wanted the cow to work, but to kill it for meat.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue’s wedding banquet should not be full of pork, fish, chicken, etc., but the cost of beef will indeed increase, but everyone is happy, right?

Zhan Yi's team filmed the whole process of buying and killing cattle. Many people in the village just thought they were filming TV dramas again, vying for performance.

That is to say, starting from the slaughter of the cow, the wedding of Ju Ling and Qiao Jue entered the final stage of preparation, and almost everyone in the Ju family except Ju Ling was busy with this matter.

When you get married, you must decorate your home and restaurants. You need to buy red wedding characters, garland flowers, balloons, etc.; flower
Just to buy these, Ju Jing and Ju Min made four trips to Yunhe.They also thought that Yunhe's things were not good enough, so they made a special trip to Binjiang City, wandered around for a long time from the floor of a shopping mall that sold wedding products, and bought many things that they hadn't thought of before.

Ju Ling looked at the piles of things in her house and persuaded her two older sisters several times not to buy them. They don't need to do this when they get married, and they only use a lot of things once when they get married. Isn't this a waste?

However, for Ju Min and Ju Jing, as long as it is used for the wedding, it is not a waste to buy it back.They bought four small ornaments for the bride and groom to kiss each other, and put two in the house and two in the restaurant. It looked so festive.

Yin Kaixuan and Qiao Jue bought a lot of small lanterns in the town, and put them on everywhere outside the restaurant, and they all turned on at night, flickering and flickering, which is very beautiful.

Ju Wenqi started carving a tea tray with dragon and phoenix auspiciously long ago. The patterns are really cumbersome and the work has not been completed yet. He is working overtime these days.

Zhang Yongmei kept talking about him, and asked him to play less for a while, and hurt his eyes.

Every time she said this, Ju Wenqi said: "You still talk about me, so don't be fooled at night."

Zhang Yongmei wanted to make two quilts for Ju Ling and Qiao Jue. The cotton was newly bought, and the quilt covers were smashed by herself with a sewing machine. It's pretty good.

Peng Yan also rushed back from Yunhe, and together with Jing Chengxi helped Brother Long prepare vegetables and meat for the wedding, he was busy every day.

The Ma family was the first group of people from other places to attend the wedding, and there were six old, middle-aged and young people from three generations, and it was already very face-saving.

The second group came from Teng Rong and the others. Everyone had prepared gifts for Ju Ling, but they refused to show them to her mysteriously, insisting on waiting until the wedding day to bring them out.

The third group was relatively lonely, with only one person——Yin Wanrou.Of course, this kind of excitement is indispensable to her, and she refuses to take a break when she gets home, so Ju Jing takes her to the hillside.

Immediately afterwards came the people who had made an appointment with Ju Jing on the Internet to build a greenhouse. They had families, adults and children, and they had heard that they would attend Ju Jing's younger sister's wedding, but they did not come here empty-handed.

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(End of this chapter)

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