Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 429 Grievance

Chapter 429 Grievance

The day before the wedding, the third uncle of the Peng family, Ruan Xiaofeng and his wife, grandparents, Zhang Liyang and his wife, Zhang Lichun, Zhang Yongli and their two children also came over one after another.

Thanks to the fact that the Ju family has a lot of places to live, the men of my relatives live in the big house at home, the women live in the hut, friends and relatives who are farther away live in the hotel separately, and the rest of the netizens live on the hillside. In the big house, close to nature and fresh air, everyone is very satisfied.

In the past few days, Peng Yan and Yin Kaixuan's car went out one after another, picking up so many people back, it was a rarity for the people in the village.

No one expected that the marriage of the third daughter of Ju Lao San's family would be so big and so many people from the city would come.

When the Ma family came, Ju Wenlin even ran over to pick them up to live in his own house, but Ma Yuqiu directly refused, which did not give Ju Wenlin any face.

Ju Wenlin was so angry that he went home and called all his sons, daughters, grandchildren, and grandchildren over for a family meeting, and ordered them not to drink wedding wine.Can't Ju Laosan be arrogant? Those he knows and don't know invite so many people from the city to support him, but he refuses to let him succeed.Even if his own relatives don't go, Ju Lao San will not earn face even if he invites a hundred people from the city.

However, what Ju Wenlin didn't expect was that the first person to stand up against him was his precious grandson.

Ju Tangcheng said that he lived so far from the hotel that he often had no contact with Ju Laosan's family. If his sister-in-law got married, he would not go to outsiders and would not talk about Ju Laosan's family. They would only say that he, Ju Tangcheng, could not do things. .

Tangyou Ju immediately agreed, saying that he also meant the same thing.Ju Ling was not only his sister-in-law but also his elementary school classmate. With these two layers of relationship, it would be unreasonable for him not to go.

After they made their statement, Ju Bo and her husband also expressed that the Ma family and Ju Lao San's family did not have any deep hatred, and that the Ma family would definitely go to Ju Lao San's such a big wedding.

Ju Wenlin sat on the edge of the kang and smoked, almost exploding his lungs.

It's all about everything, and you can't count on it at critical times.

His eldest son and second son were quite obedient, and comforted him by saying that he would definitely not go.But what's the use of it, if they don't go to their son, it's the same as they go to outsiders.

It's useless to be angry, the two grandsons are right now, and they don't listen to Ju Wenlin at all.

In fact, it's not Ju Tangyou and Ju Tangcheng who have the right idea, but their daughter-in-law.

Long before Ju Wenlin called them to a meeting, Huang Zhaodi and Song Qing met in private and discussed this matter.

Huang Zhaodi first stated that she would sell the fungus she cultivated to Ju Min. She also got a lot of help from Ju Laosan's family when she went to Xiaofuqiang. The husband and wife have to do all the things to save face.

With Huang Zhaodi as the base, Song Qing also decided to go to the wedding.

Song Qing also had another idea. She felt that grievances and grievances were all the affairs of the older generation, and they didn't have much grievances with Ju Laosan's family in this generation. One more relative is better than one more family of enemies.

The two of them thought very clearly that they could be the masters of the men in the family even when they went home. Isn't this the reason for today's situation.

Ordinarily, it is quite simple for a married woman to hold a banquet. There is no such process as receiving relatives, sending relatives, splashing water, bringing flowers and making trouble in the bridal chamber. Come.

This time the banquet was only for a short time, and it was placed in the yard if it could not be opened in the restaurant. After the people who came to the banquet were seated, they first served cigarettes, candy, melon seeds and peanuts, and then asked Ju Wenqi to come up and say a few words. Qiao Jue came up and said "" "Parents" received the red envelopes, and the new uncle of the Ju family would say a few more words, and it would only take about ten minutes for the excitement. Some touching shots, everyone's happy.

On the day of the wedding, Ju Ling was woken up at six o'clock in the morning. She had to wash, eat, change clothes and make up. The eldest sister and second sister arranged for her clearly.

The wedding took only half a day, and the attendees began at around nine o'clock in the morning, and the reception started at around eleven o'clock, and it was ready to be closed at around one o'clock in the afternoon.

In just such a short time, Ju Min and Ju Jing prepared three sets of clothes for Ju Ling, fearing that Qiao Jue's clothes would not look good enough to embarrass their little sister, they also prepared three sets of clothes for him by the way.

The three sets are very distinctive, both Chinese and Western styles. Ju Ling has already tried it, and it depends on the arrangement of the elder sister and the second sister when to wear which one.

It was almost nine o'clock after changing clothes and putting on makeup. They moved from home to the hotel room to rest.

To be precise, only Ju Ling and Qiao Jue have time to rest, and everyone else is very busy.

The back kitchen has to help with cooking, and the people in the front have to be received when they come. At this time, the people who work are all their own family members, and the guests are the ones who sit there happily eating melon seeds and drinking tea.

Afraid that the people who were waiting for the ceremony to start would be bored sitting there, TVs were turned on inside and outside the restaurant, and they could watch movies, listen to music, and even sing, and do whatever they wanted.

It was lively and lively outside, but Ju Ling and Qiao Jue were bored hiding in the room.

Afraid that the pleats on the clothes would not look good, the two of them could only sit on the chairs in a proper manner and could not lie down or lean on them.They didn't dare to drink too much water and eat melon seeds for fear of putting on fancy makeup, and there was no TV in the room, and there was nothing interesting about the mobile phone, so the two of them could only stare at each other.

"I just said that organizing a wedding is not only troublesome but also boring. I'm tired before it officially begins," Ju Ling said, yawning.

Qiao Jue smiled lightly, patted the back of her hand and said, "If you think about the gift money you received and the value our wedding will create for the future, will you feel better?"

Indeed better.

Ju Ling couldn't help giggling.

The guests are almost here, and the wedding banquet officially begins.

The host of the wedding banquet this time is Jing Chengxi. Although this kid is usually silent, he is actually very decent. He studied tourism in a vocational high school, and he has a tour guide certificate, so he is very good at talking about scenes.

After a prologue, Jing Chengxi invited Ju Wenqi to the stage and asked him to speak a few words.

Ju Wenqi prepared these two sentences for several days, but when he saw the old people inside and outside the house looking at him, he was nervous and excited, and forgot all of them, and just let everyone eat and drink well.

Even so, everyone still applauded enthusiastically, and finally did not embarrass Ju Wenqi too much.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue performed very well and got the red envelopes smoothly. Qiao Jue's touching words made many people cry.

Ju Ling didn't cry. She didn't cry much when she couldn't eat, drink, or was bullied. Now that everything is better, there's no reason to cry. She just wants to laugh, and she grinned happily with her teeth showing.

The banquet was officially opened, and the food was served. Ju Ling and Qiao Jue immediately went back to the room and changed into their second clothes.

Today's banquet is a little different from the banquets held by the hotel before. In the past, few people would eat the food and then put it in plastic bags. Today, few people would pick it up, because there are cameras, they all thought I was filming a TV series, and I was afraid that I would see the ugly appearance of myself grabbing food on TV in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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