Chapter 430
During the toast, Ju Ling was quite surprised. Everyone was eating and drinking in peace. The atmosphere was very good, and there was no arguing and arguing at one table for grabbing food.You must know that the last time everyone sat down in such an honest manner probably dates back to Ju Ling's childhood.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue toasted, Jing Chengxi was holding the wine bottle, and Ju Jing was escorting beside him, but whenever they met someone who wanted to spoil the bride and groom, Jing Chengxi and Ju Jing would find ways to make jokes, and it would definitely not be Ju Ling who drank too much in the end and Qiao Jue.

There are too many tables and too many people to respect, even if you only have one sip at a time, it is not a lot, I am afraid that Ju Ling and Qiao Jue will not be able to hold on.

Ju Min thought of a good way to pour out the wine and pour water into it.When the respect reached the third table, Ju Min secretly exchanged the "wine" for Jing Chengxi to ensure that he would not get drunk.

Ju Wenqi was the happiest person to host this wedding, and some people wanted to drink with him.Ju Wenqi Bei'er wanted to drink, but he was in poor health and could only watch and worry.On the contrary, Zhang Yongmei let go of it today, and drank a lot with others. After drinking, the conversation was much denser than usual, and she chatted happily with people in the village who didn't have much contact with each other.

After toasting, Ju Ling and Qiao Jue went to change into their third clothes, and sent the drinkers away at the entrance of the hotel.

The previous plan was to give the special products of Ju Min’s factory to relatives and friends who came from afar. It was counted as a small publicity. Afterwards, Ju Min and Ju Jing discussed again and decided to send everyone who came to drink a small gift. They came from afar Friends still give special products.

The small gifts are all products thrown out of other factories. They are not worth much, but they are not broken and can be used. It is not impossible to give them away.

Sure enough, when everyone was ready to go home after the banquet, they could pick up a small gift to take away at the entrance of the restaurant, and everyone was very happy.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, most of the people left, leaving only friends and relatives from outside.Ju Jing, Ju Min and Jing Chengxi took them to rest, while Ju Wenqi and his wife had to clean up the mess.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue changed into the clothes they usually wear at home and came to help. After Ju Jing and the others finished their work, they also came to clean up. The restaurant was not restored to its original state until after five o'clock in the evening.

Ju Wenqi didn't rest, and went to the graves of old man Ju and crazy grandma with wine, candy, fruit, paper money and a set of firecrackers.

Ju Wenqi didn't come back until after seven o'clock in the evening. He was in good spirits, but his eyes were a little red. He wanted to cry in front of his parents' graves.

The hotel is still lively at night.

The small lanterns were all lit up, and Ju Jing also lit a bonfire in the yard. Netizens, Ju Ling’s roommates, the photography team from Kyoto, Yin Wanrou, Ma Yuran and other young people gathered around the bonfire, singing, dancing, chatting and talking about the earth, hungry When you’re done, you can go to the side to have a barbecue. If you’re thirsty, you can drink beer as you please. You can be as comfortable as you want.

At night they went back to sleep separately, the three sisters were still huddled together in the same quilt, and it was not too hot in summer to whisper under the big quilt.

"It's a pity that our grandpa and grandma didn't come. If they see how lively our family's happy event is, they won't be so mad," Ju Jing said cheerfully.

Ju Min patted her on the arm twice, and said softly: "We live our lives for ourselves, don't worry about them."

"You don't understand, what's my psychology? It's just that I feel very happy when I see them unhappy. The better we live, the angrier they will be. Thinking about it, I feel happy," Ju Jing said with a smile.

After laughing, she sighed again: "I remember many things when I was a child very clearly. There is nothing good about their memory. I will never forget how they bullied people in my life. It's impossible to hate them. I, now, hope they can live a few more years, let them see with their own eyes that our family's life is getting better and better, and the three girls from Ju Laosan's family whom they despise the most are getting more and more promising , let them eat, sleep, or dream, and hate to grit their teeth."

Ju Ling continued: "It's fine if they know they're wrong, but after all these years they still feel that everything they do is right or wrong, it's our family's fault, and they're still talking about forgiveness, whatever makes them uncomfortable, that's right! "

Among the three sisters, Ju Min was the one who was bullied the most by Ju Wenlin's family, but now she is also the one with the most peaceful mind.

It's not that I can let go, but I feel that there is no need to waste time on others, and I am too busy with a lot of things.

But she won't stop what Ju Jing and Ju Ling want to say or do, as long as her little sister is happy.

Ju's family is doing well in all aspects now, and the girls of Ju's family are of course very happy.

The happier they are, the more unhappy Ju Wenqi and Cai Meiyu will be.

Compared with goods, people have to throw them away, and people have to die compared with others. Ju Wenlin and his wife always feel that they live a better and more blessed life than Ju Wenqi and his wife.They have three children, two sons and one daughter, and Ju Wenqi only has three daughters. With this alone, they can suppress Ju and his wife for the rest of their lives.

However, I don't know when the wind direction has changed.

Ju Wenqi and his wife, who don't even have a son who is old and don't know who to take care of them, have popularity and status in the village, and their momentum is obviously overwhelming.

How could Ju Wenlin and his wife, who had spent half their lives domineering in the village, be reconciled!It is estimated that on the day when they close their eyes, what they are thinking about is still overwhelming Ju Wenqi.

Ju Ling's wedding is definitely the best and biggest happy event that Xiaofuqiangtun has held in the past few years. People in the village have to talk a few words when they get together to chat. Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu have often heard people say that Ju Wenqi is blessed.

"Blessed ass!" Closing the door, Cai Meiyu said angrily: "I don't even have a son. No matter how much money I have, what can I do? In the end, it's not a cheap foreign surname!"

Her words reminded Ju Wenlin.

After finishing a cigarette, he pressed the end of the cigarette and said: "In the past few years, someone urged the third son to have a son and he refused to agree. Now you say that someone persuades him again, can he agree? At that time, his family didn't have much money. It's different now, can he really be happy that the money he earns is cheaper than others?"

"What do you mean? You want him to hold a son?" Cai Meiyu heard some tricks, but she didn't know how Ju Wenlin would operate.

Ju Wenlin rolled another cigarette, clamped it to his ear without smoking, and said in a rough voice, "What do you think is the reason why the third family can live like this? Because they work together as a family, unlike Each of our families has their own thoughts. As long as we let their family members be separated, the days will definitely get worse and worse."

It was not easy to let Ju's family talk about it. Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu couldn't think of a way, so they called the eldest son and second son and daughter-in-law over to discuss.

After hearing Ju Wenlin's thoughts, Li Qiuju immediately said: "Mom and Dad, what are you thinking? Don't you understand what's going on with my third uncle's house now? Quietly has taken root at home, and her partner followed. Is it a son-in-law? With a son-in-law, my third uncle still has no children, can't he wait for his grandson!"

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you Jinhua for the monthly pass I love to watch, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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