Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 431 The old man

Chapter 431 The old man
A word to wake everyone up.

That's right, they already have sons-in-law at home, so what kind of son do they have?

Ju Wenlin frowned, and said to his two sons: "Is there no other way if you don't hold the baby? No one's house is built of steel plates, so how can they stay together?"

Li Qiuju glanced at her father-in-law and mother-in-law again, and asked in a low voice, "Why do we have to break up the family? If we want to overwhelm them, why don't we just be better than them?"

This is what normal people think.

If you want to overwhelm others, the most direct, effective and confident way is to make yourself stronger, instead of thinking about what you have and what you don't have to harm others.

It's a pity that people with crooked minds can't listen to these normal remarks at all.

"What do you know?" Cai Meiyu glared at the second daughter-in-law unwillingly, and said, "His family is not doing well, how can our family be doing well?"

Li Qiuju felt that her mother-in-law's theory was not quite right, and was about to say more, when she suddenly received Li Changlong's eyes, she shut her mouth in a hurry.

All right, whatever they say, they just listen.

Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong were the only ones who sincerely advised Ju Wenlin and his wife.

But no amount of sincerity can't stand the lack of brains. I held a meeting for more than an hour and didn't discuss anything.

Ju Wenlin waved his hands impatiently to let his sons and daughters-in-law leave, then closed the door, smoked a cigarette and sighed, "Look, our two sons are always suppressed by the third family because they are too honest. Those three girls may not be able to come up with more flamboyant ideas."

Stupidity equals sincerity, probably there are no bad children in the eyes of parents in the world, and the bad ones are all other people's children.

Ju Laosan's family didn't know that someone was so troublesome for them. Everyone was working hard and busy.

Ju Ling sent away Tengrong and the others, Jing Chengxi sent away the film crew, and only Ma Yuran and Ma Yuqiu left behind in the Ma family. Netizens from the mouth are mixed together.

The greenhouse is not so easy to build. Ju Jing has already bought all the materials needed, and it takes several days to build it.

Ju Jing doesn't have too many requirements for netizens, as long as they don't help, the main thing is that they have a sense of participation and meet their psychological expectations, so that they can pay more attention to Ju Jing's career, which is very beneficial to promote the development of Ju Jing's career.

In the gap between building the greenhouse, Ju Jing also set up a small rabbit house in the chicken coop, and tried to raise a few rabbits first, and if they were raised well, she would try to expand the breeding range.

Ma Yuqiu came to wander around the hillside when he was bored, and laughed when he saw the free-range chickens wandering leisurely in the orchard looking for something to eat. He said that Ju Jing was quite talented in raising chickens, and the chickens were really good. Yes, the orchard is also very good.

What is talent or not is just a struggle and learning from scratch. Ju Jing has always had a very clear understanding of herself.

Ju Jing is busy here, but Ju Min's side is not easy.

After returning home and staying for a few days, there was a backlog of things in the factory, and I had to go on a business trip before the things in the factory were finished, and I was so busy that I couldn't even guarantee a meal time.

Peng Yan felt sorry for her, fearing that she would be exhausted, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to accompany her on a business trip. Even if he couldn't help, he could still take care of her accommodation.

Talking about this matter in the group of the three young men of the Ju family, Yin Kaixuan joked that the three young men of the Ju family were the masters behind the three girls of the Ju family. All very successful.

They feel that there is nothing wrong with this.Women's independence and self-improvement are a kind of charm. They are attracted by this charm, and they are willing to stand beside their own women to guard this charm. What's wrong?

Not everyone thinks like them, however.

Peng Yan is clearly capable, but he has no intention of developing his own career. He spends too much time and energy on his girlfriend. His friends and relatives don't understand.

This relative is of course Peng's mother.

Fortunately, Peng's mother had seen how powerful Ju Min was, so she only dared to think about it and dared not say anything.

Peng Yan's friends have advised him more than once to take care of his career. A woman who is too strong is not a good thing for a man. Whoever marries a daughter-in-law does not want to marry a gentle and family-friendly one, but marry a career-minded one who runs around all day long. How can life be good.

Probably many men have this kind of thinking, and occasionally one who doesn't care about these seems particularly out of place.

Regardless of what other people think or say, anyway, the three sons-in-law of the Ju family enjoy it, and they like to hang around their girlfriends, and they don't bother others.

Peng Yan and Ju Min went to a second-tier city in another province to discuss cooperation with a local supermarket chain in that city.

We had a good conversation on the phone, but we ran into a lot of trouble when we talked in person.

Any troubles would appear less troublesome on the wine table, so Ju Min invited the people she was in contact with to eat and drink, and Peng Yan stayed by her side as a secretary.

They drank a lot of wine, and things went very smoothly. When the wine ended, the two parties verbally reached a consensus, and the contract would be signed later.

After sending people away, Ju Min and Peng Yan returned to the private room.

Patronizing others to eat and drink this night, the two of them didn't eat much and were still hungry.

Ju Min ordered a few dishes and also ordered a special soup. The two of them finished eating steadily after eleven o'clock in the evening, and the restaurant was about to close.

They ate a lot, and the two of them wanted to digest their food and planned to walk back to the hotel.

In a strange city and a strange street, there are strangers walking by, so you don't have to worry about stopping to chat with acquaintances, as the two of you feel more at ease.

It's just that this leisurely life didn't last long. Someone called Ju Min's name hesitantly. Ju Min looked around and saw Lin Dezhi in a second-tier northern city!

In such a big country, it is really not easy to meet people you know when you are unprepared.

Ju Min couldn't believe her eyes. It wasn't until Lin Dezhi walked up to her with his bicycle and called her name again that she believed that she had really met an old man.

"Why are you here?" Ju Min said with a smile, "I didn't expect to see you here, are you okay?"

She acted too calmly and calmly, as if she ran into a former friend on the street, not at all like meeting her ex-husband.

Those who let go are at ease, but those who don't let go are very nervous.

Lin Dezhi couldn't help clenching the handlebars of the bicycle, squeezed out a stiff smile, and said back and forth: "A fellow villager introduced me to work here. It's the big restaurant over there, where I cook soup. What about you? Why are you here? These few days Have you had a good year?"

The big restaurant that Lin Dezhi mentioned was the restaurant where Ju Min and the others ate just now.In other words, the hot drink that Ju Min and the others drank just now may have been cooked by Lin Dezhi. This world is really wonderful.

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(End of this chapter)

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