Chapter 432
"I'm fine now, and I'm here on a business trip. It's getting late, so let's go back first, let's talk next time we meet," Ju Min said in a somewhat distant and polite manner.

She didn't even leave a contact information, she didn't want to contact him at all, it was just some polite words.

Lin Dezhi obviously had something to say, but before he could speak, Peng Yan took Ju Min's hand and turned to leave.

A tall and handsome man, a beautiful and sexy woman, a great couple.Lin Dezhi looked down at his current self, flinching and embarrassed, unable to compare himself with others.

Back at the hotel, Peng Yan chatted with Ju Min about Lin Dezhi.

Ju Min smiled and asked him, "Are you jealous?"

Peng Yan shook his head and replied: "Why am I jealous? He is not as good as me at all. From your point of view, you will definitely not look at him again."

The use of the word "Zai" is very subtle.

Ju Min lay on the bed and looked sideways at Peng Yan, who was arranging things, and asked with a sigh, "Do you care about my past?"

Peng Yan looked at her sideways, and instead of answering her, he asked, "Do you mind if I don't have a complete family?"

These are obviously two completely incompatible questions.

But if you think about it carefully, what they want to ask is actually one thing.

Ju Min's past was a married life with another person, but for Peng Yan, what he can't let go of is the betrayal and ruthlessness of his family members. They are all using their own standards to measure other people's ideas. In fact, it is unnecessary. Because what they are looking at is completely different.

Ju Min smiled brilliantly, and suddenly hooked his fingers towards Peng Yan, calling softly and gently, "Come here."

Peng Yan came over obediently and hugged her, kissed the corner of her lips: "Are you tired, I'll take you to take a bath."

The guest room they booked had a big bathtub, and the two of them tossed in it until midnight.

No one took Lin Dezhi seriously, thinking that they would never see each other again in the future.To their surprise, they met again the next day.

After signing the contract, the partner will be the host and invite Ju Min to dinner, and the place to eat is still that restaurant.

That restaurant is relatively famous in the city, and it's really not that anyone who wants to treat guests here can get a seat. Of course, it's hard to refuse Ju Min's warm hospitality.

Tonight, the partner brought someone who can drink, and both Ju Min and Peng Yan were overwhelmed.It's really unreasonable not to drink at this time, so I can only bite the bullet and hold on.

Ju Min and Peng Yan were already a little confused when the banquet was over, especially Ju Min, who was shaking while walking.

The two of them came out of the restaurant and sat in front of the ice drink stand on the side of the road for a while to hangover, and they walked towards the hotel together when they felt less uncomfortable.

Probably at the place where she met Lin Dezhi yesterday, she was stopped by Lin Dezhi again.

But it was different from last night, last night was a chance encounter, tonight, it was obvious that Lin Dezhi was waiting for her here on purpose.

Lin Dezhi probably didn't know if he could wait for Ju Min, but he just wanted to try his luck.

Ju Min was still a little dizzy, and just wanted to go back to the hotel to rest early, and asked Lin Dezhi without any jabbering: "What do you want from me? Just tell me if you have anything to do, I want to go back to sleep early."

"I just want to ask you how you are doing," Lin Dezhi said sullenly.

He asked this question yesterday, and Ju Min already answered it.

Why did you come here to ask again today?What answer does he want to hear?
Ju Min sneered, squinted at Lin Dezhi, and said lightly, "Would you be very happy if I said that I didn't live well after the divorce?"

Before Lin Dezhi could speak, Ju Min continued: "But I'm going to disappoint you, I'm doing very well! I opened a factory, my own factory, and now I'm the boss. I'm still in love."

She took Peng Yan's arm, and introduced with a smile: "He is young, handsome, and has a good figure. Not only does he have no bad habits, but his own shop is very good at making money. He respects my wishes and will not force me to have children. He must have boys. , our whole family likes him very much.”

After introducing Peng Yan, Ju Min looked at Lin Dezhi with a smile again, and asked in a cold voice: "Knowing that I live so well, do you feel particularly uncomfortable? It's not my fault that I didn't succeed when I was with you, it's You're dragging me down. Don't doubt it, you've always been the worthless person. Now that I'm the boss, I can still drink your soup when I eat and drink in restaurants, are you angry?"

It was fun and tiring.After finishing speaking, Ju Min leaned against Peng Yan's body as if she was exhausted. Peng Yan supported her waist with one hand and grabbed her arm with the other, helping her to leave.

Ju Min didn't look at Lin Dezhi again, but Lin Dezhi kept watching them leave.

People had disappeared into the vast night, but Lin Dezhi still didn't look back.He felt very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, probably like what Ju Min said, if she said that she had a bad life, he would feel better, but if she had a good life, he would feel bad.

When he regained his senses, Lin Dezhi was astonished to find that tears were streaming down his face.Do you regret it?Of course he will regret it, and only after comparison can he know what he missed.But more is still not reconciled, how can Ju Min live well without him, she should be worse than him, only he can give Ju Min stability and happiness, Ju Min should be very miserable if he leaves him
After returning to the hotel to wash and lie down on the bed, Ju Min couldn't help laughing when thinking of what happened just now.

"What are you laughing at?" Peng Yan who was packing his luggage looked up at her and asked in confusion.

Ju Min stared at the light on the ceiling, and said with a smile: "It's cool, I guess he won't feel better for a long time, and he may use alcohol to relieve his worries, and believe more and more that he is a failure and worthless man."

Peng Yan shook his head helplessly: "He asked for it. If he has a bad life, he hopes that everyone will have a bad life, so as to prove that it is not his fault. Such a man will never succeed in his life."

It's not too early to draw this conclusion, and some people can see the end at a glance.

Lin Dezhi, who will never succeed in his life, has more perseverance than Ju Min and Peng Yan thought, and he didn't fully believe Ju Min's words. When he went back to work, he asked the waiter about Ju Min. After asking half of the people in the restaurant, he finally got some information.

He knew that Ju Min had dinner with the person in charge of the most famous local supermarket chain, and he ate for two days in a row, discussing business matters.

Just these things hit Lin Dezhi hard.He finally believed that what Ju Min said was true, she was really doing well, and she was already able to negotiate business with people.As for him, he was still making soup for people in the kitchen, and he couldn't even afford to rent a better house, and he rode a bicycle that he bought for dozens of dollars to and from get off work.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had failed. In the next period of time, just as Ju Min thought, Lin Dezhi began to give up on himself, began to drink heavily and did not go to work, and began to do various jobs, and the days went by.

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(End of this chapter)

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