Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 433 Lively

Chapter 433 Lively
What happened to Lin Dezhi had nothing to do with Ju Min, and Ju Min was not so bored to ask about Lin Dezhi's situation.

After returning to the factory from a business trip, there are still a lot of things waiting for Ju Min to deal with.

No matter how capable she is, she can't tell the difference, and she found that some more professional things have nothing to do with whether she can do it, she just can't do it.

After thinking about it seriously, she decided to conduct a second round of recruitment for the factory. This round mainly recruited technical and managerial employees to share some of the pressure for her.

If her factory was located in a city or a place with a slightly more developed economy, it would be quite easy to recruit such employees, but in this town, it is really difficult to attract people from outside the town to apply for the job.

It is always said that lack is better than excess, but according to the current situation, it is not known how long it will be lacking.

Ju Min was a little worried, so Ju Jing and Ju Ling helped her find a way.

Ju Jing feels that there are many ways to attract talents, one is career prospects, and the other is money.

For high-paying recruitment, there will always be capable people who are willing to apply for the money.

Ju Min settled the score and sighed worriedly.

Ju Ling knows the current situation of the eldest sister's factory. Although it is not losing money, it has not made much money. It may not be possible to invest too much in recruitment.

After thinking about it, she came up with an idea: "Sister, why don't you recruit interns, that is, the juniors or seniors of the corresponding majors in the university need to go out for internships, and you provide them with internship positions. They may not have much work experience, but the theory You are knowledgeable and motivated, and you don’t need to pay too much salary, which can relieve your current pressure to some extent.”

Ju Min thinks this idea is really good, you can try it, if it doesn't work, think of another way.

It is now August, and school is about to start. It is the time when a group of college students are looking for internship units, and Ju Min can take this opportunity to start.

It is best to cooperate with the school to recruit interns. It took a lot of effort for Ju Min to get in touch with several universities in the province. In the end, only one university in Binjiang City agreed to cooperate with Ju Min to provide students with alternative internships. Fill in the name of the factory on the unit. As for whether there will be students selected, it can only depend on God's will.

While Ju Min was working on his own factory, Ju Jing's greenhouse was finally built.

Netizens with families left a few days ago, but Ju Jing took photos of the subsequent construction process and uploaded them online, which did not make these netizens feel regretful.

How to use the greenhouse is also a problem. Ju Jing held another poll on the Internet, asking netizens to choose what they want to grow in the greenhouse.It can be vegetables, fruits, or flowers. As long as the votes are high and the greenhouse can be built, Ju Jing will definitely do it.

Ju Ling really admired her second sister for this, and felt that she didn't have to think about anything by herself, and just left everything to the netizens, so that she could still make money, so she couldn't go to reason.

Before the online voting was over, Zhan Yi sent the edited film to Ju Jing, and if there was something unsatisfactory, he could re-cut it.

As I said before, there are two films, one is the wedding of Ju Ling and Qiao Jue, and the other is a promotional film centered on the three sisters of the Ju family.

The cuts are very good, simple and not rustic, and the characters of the three sisters are well expressed, and there is absolutely no deliberate cutting of some specious and controversial plots in order to highlight the conflicts in personality.

When Ju Jing is satisfied, Zhan Yi will send the video of the three sisters, and Ju Jing can post the video of Ju Ling's marriage.

"Don't just post it on the Internet, you can burn a copy and put it in the restaurant, so that everyone in the village can read it," Ju Ling said to Ju Jing.

Ju Jing looked at her incredulously: "Don't you always like to be low-key, why are you willing to release the video for others to watch?"

"You think I want them to see me getting married? I want them to see what a better wedding looks like. What kind of food, drink, wine and smoke are there, how well-behaved the people are at the table, and the host What gift will you give!" Ju Ling said slyly.

That last point is the point.

I still want to promote Ju Min's products.

Regardless of whether it works or not, let's do it first. Anyway, it doesn't hurt the Ju family.

The response of the two films on the Internet is very good, especially the one about the three sisters.

It would be great for a family to produce such a powerful girl, and Ju Laosan's family has three, of course the popularity will be high.

Ju Ling's finished book has received a wave of enthusiasm, and the book that is being serialized has been discussed by many people. A film that is only broadcast on the Internet for about 10 minutes has a very, very big impact on Ju Ling.

Under Ju Jing's reminder, Ju Ling got in touch with the editor of the website, and won a wave of website recommendations for herself. The serialized and completed books ushered in a new wave of exposure on the website.

Exposure represents traffic, traffic represents subscriptions, and subscriptions are money. Ju Ling couldn't say how happy she was seeing the rising subscription numbers in the background.

In fact, as an online writer, website subscriptions are not the main source of money. If you want to make money, you still have to sell copyrights through publishing.

In the past few years, more and more novels have been turned into film and television works, and there has been a trend of becoming more and more popular, and Ju Ling's mind is becoming more and more active.

She talked about this when she was chatting with Qiao Jue when she was bored. She hoped that each of her future works would have the opportunity to be filmed, and she also wanted to participate in the filming process.

This so-called participation is participation in screenwriting.Then the adaptation of Lao Chang’s novels into film and television works must have trade-offs, and some original plots will be added to make the film and television works more dramatic and attractive.

Qiao Jue immediately suggested: "Then next semester, you can go to the Academy of Art to study drama, film, television and literature, and do whatever you want, and be more professional."

Not only do what you want to do, but also do it well. This is not Qiao Jue's request to her, but her expectation.

Ju Ling started to study this matter, and Qiao Jue was not idle.

He had a great time at his wife's house this summer vacation, but the laboratory still has a lot of experimental content backlogged.Not only that, but the school will arrange five classes a week for him in the next semester, five major classes.Teaching and scientific research should be held with both hands, and both hands should not be soft. He is busy.

Although it is still on vacation, Qiao Jue has to prepare for the busy life after school starts.Read the materials, write the lesson plans, and prepare for the lesson
It is said that the mother-in-law looks more and more pleasing to her son-in-law, and Zhang Yongmei probably has the same situation with Qiao Jue.

Seeing that her third uncle was either reading or writing every day, she was afraid that he would delay work, so she took advantage of the time when the family had dinner together and said to Qiao Jue, "Xiao Jue, are you busy with work? How about you first?" Go back, you can rest a little while reading books by yourself at home."

Qiao Jue: .
The mother-in-law really liked her son-in-law, but it was her daughter who hurt her more.Afraid of delaying my uncle's work, I let my uncle go back to stay alone. The girl must stay at her home until the last day of the holiday.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you Yu for your monthly pass, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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